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Posts posted by climbertrev1

  1. It's called the rainy season coming... or 'monsoon' for the educated.

    Blow me.... I guess it took a 3 year degree at Chula to report this?

    Actually the Monsoon for the educated is a wind. The SW Monsoon at this time of the year is on its way, perhaps or perhaps not? In recent years the Monsoon hasn't arrived properly in Thailand until late summer. Most of the rain in rainy season over the last few years has come from a series of depressions moving westwards associated with tropical cyclones and storms that have devastated the Philippines in some cases.


  2. PTP will drag Thailand down and down to the very last breath of life

    I am being treated unfairly we hear her cry

    Yingluck could not care that she it treating the Thai people unfairly by splitting the nation in 2, people are suffering, some are dieing, and Thailand is suffering badly

    I get sick and tired of Thai fools who say that Suthep wants to run the country and be a dictator, when he is only a pawn in the cause of the people

    The real power is in the shadows, and Suthep is not the head of the Democrats , that position belongs to Abhisit

    "Suthep is not the head of the Democrats , that position belongs to Abhisit"

    I assume that you are referring to the same Democrat Abhisit who refused to fight an election based on the principle that he could not win a democratic mandate.

    If Yingluck is as bad as you think get your friends the Democrats to fight an election based on argument and rational thought and persuade the majority to vote for you. When you have won the election you then get to form government. Refusing to acknowledge that, is pushing Thailand towards they abyss of civil strife even civil war.

  3. So Suthep wants to be the puppet master of the PM/govt he chooses. Well, it's not much of a change from the current style of govt with Thaksin being Yinluck's/current govt puppet master.

    Then that just leaves the question of choosing the lesser of two evils (i.e., puppet masters) which may be impossible this time. Wait, maybe the Thai people should reject puppet masters? Naw, never happen.

    You have failed to mention the most significant difference between the current (Yingluck)government and one led by puppet master Suthep. Yingluck stood for election and won a landslide. In the recent elections which Suthep did his utmost to destroy the government again gained most of the popular vote.

    Suthep should be in jail now on trial for insurrection and or terrorism. His leadership which tried to stop individual Thai voters from casting their vote is criminal. Anyone supporting this criminal should be ashamed of themselves.

    • Like 1
  4. "There was an observation that this garbage [could have] come from the industrial sector," Wichian said.

    Jeez Wichian.... ya think?

    Dioxins aren't exactly household waste. They are by-products of various industrial processes.

    Dioxins will be produced whenever plastics are burnt at low temperatures. To prevent formation of dioxins plastics should be incinerated at a temperature above 1000 degrees C.

    This means any waste dump catching fire which is full of plastics is going to produce copious amounts of dioxins.

    Thailand needs a national strategy of waste management to prevent unregulated management of waste. Just using a hole in the ground to dump garbage is not a satisfactory method. Landfills should be sealed to prevent leachates contaminating ground water and surrounding land. The garbage should be covered to starve any potential fires of oxygen. Where garbage has to be open it must be carefully controlled to prevent the outbreak of any fires.

    Regulation to control the disposal of hazardous waste can only happen if non-hazardous waste disposal is controlled.

    I cycle past a big hole in the ground outside of Pattaya on a regular basis. For months there was not even a fence to prevent anyone and I mean anyone dumping waste. Builders waste, household waste and I dread to think what other kinds of waste. Anyone could have dumped hazardous waste in the hole. The hole was half full of water to begin with. Pollution and contamination of the ground water is absolutely guaranteed. The site is now being used in a more organised way to dispose of vast quantities of waste. How much is hazardous I cannot say. I wouldn't mind betting that no one knows how much hazardous waste has been dumped at the site. Thailand is going to suffer 1000,s of environmental catastrophes as a result of it's failure to control and regulate waste disposal. Of course the consequences may not become apparent for decades.

    Of course it isn't just land fill dumping that poses a threat. Illegal fly tipping at the side of the road, on waste ground, or farmland also poses a major threat. I have seen some very nasty stuff just tipped next to the road. It had all the characteristics of industrial waste complete with heavy metals which will contaminate ground water, fluvial water and lakes (including reservoirs).

  5. All these people protesting against a corrupt system are still paying cops bribes, buying fake goods, handing over tea money etc. Thais want whatever benefits them personally.

    You are right about this. Until people stop trying to take advantage of the system through bribery the problem will continue. This problem is not limited to Thailand though. Even the USA with a so called mature democracy is now totally corrupted by the power of the lobby. The rich and powerful will exert influence if the system allows it. Laws need to be framed and enforced to prevent this happening.

    I have met several Farangs in Thailand who like the fact that you can bribe your way out of problems like drunk driving etc. This is similar to why Thais don't make more of a stand against corruption. This is why wealthy Thais can continue to kill people with impunity.

    In Pattaya the corrupt practice, the authorities claim has been stamped out, happens on a daily basis. The famous Jet Ski scam. This still happens every afternoon with the full connivance, corruption and enrichment of the police. There is no real will to deal with these problems. Until there is the will it will continue.

  6. Why would anyone want those 4 for anything?

    For gross incompetence, corruption, mismanagement and theft amongst other charges.

    Allegedly by you. You think that justifies kidnapping? Have you lost your mind?

    Law breakers should be arrested. Suthep qualifies on many many counts. He is using the lives and safety of ordinary people to hide behind.

    i just pray that this whole situation can be resolved peacefully without any further bloodshed.

    Suthep threatening to kidnap members of the cabinet seems to be intent on preventing that from happening. He is clearly trying to provoke the government. His behaviour suggests that he wants bloodshed and soon.

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  7. It's all about him. Not sure how true this story is, but history will record two crucial moments in this protracted crisis where the path of peace was spurned for the path of 'stand and fight' because a phone call came in from Dubai. The blood is on his hands.

    Unless Thaksin or his sister come out and substantiate this story we have absolutely no legitimate evidence that there is any substance to the story. The Nation needs to explain how it came to have this information. Phone tapping, eves dropping or did Yingluck give the editor a call and spill the beans.

    You have explained why this story was concocted, to place responsibility on Yingluck and her brother.

    There is no substance to this story whatsoever. Whom ever conspired or allowed it to be published risks having blood on their hands until the end of time. These people should be ashamed of themselves.

  8. What authority does this man have from a legal standpoint on this situation?

    Could this article (if taken from statements directly from her and also possibly from the brawler himself) be an admission of associating with and acting on behalf for the benefit of a known fugitive?

    If Thai law does not cover this kind of activity then perhaps it is time Thai law was modernised into the digital era to reflect this type of crime. This goes not only for dialogue between PTP and Thaksin but all other fugitives of the Kingdom - he is not the first and will not be the last unless the law is changed.

    What man and what activity are you talking about? You appear to be saying that Thaksin should not be allowed to talk to his sister on the phone.

    As far as the article goes. How do we know that this particular conversation took place? Is someone listening in on their phone conversations? Or is it just a viscious rumour being circulated to undermine her position?

    By bringing Thaksin into the equation it gives Suthep more ammunition to throw at PTP.

    I am very suspicious of this type of reporting. Unless Yingluck of her brother admits that this conversation took place we have no legitimate proof that any of it is true.

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  9. It look like western people not got respect for anyone who dont like Thaksin - you Isan lady teach you very well!

    It is not about liking Thaksin or Yingluck or government it about a belief that democracy is the only reliable way forward. I really don't care who wins the elections. I just want to see a fair election and the majority party or parties forming the next government.

    Write and publish your manifesto and gather support by forming truly democratic parties. Democracy is about catering for the majority and still remains the best form of government. I want to see the rule of law applied fairly and equitably. I want to see Thailand rid itself of the scourge of corruption and look after all its people not just help make a wealthy elite even richer.

    Thaksin and his allies have won every election since 1992 for the simple reason that their polices resonate with the rural poor who make up the majority of Thai people.

    If these protesters want to gain a majority and win an election they need to come up with equivalent policies that give hope to the majority of Thai people. To do this they need to gain the trust of these same people. What is happening today in Bangkok is destroying any hope of building trust with these people. The protesters are trying to steal the election from the majority. The protesters in the main are being conned by an elite who just want to maintain their power and wealth. This elite sees democracy and any party with the support of the majority as a threat to their own well being and affluence.

    These protesters are being led into a state of Fascism and oppression of the majority. It has the potential to destroy the nation. Thailand is a modern entity it could end up being a temporary state on transition to a fragmentation.

    I wonder how the likes of Islamic extremists are viewing the current situation. Some of them must see this as a huge opportunity to gain freedom for their southern bretheren. A wounded broken Thailand is likely to find it very hard to defend itself if it does come under attack in this way. Thailand must remain united this will only persist if they pursue a democratic path.

  10. I think the medical community would be better served if they had stayed neutral. They just opened a can of worms for themselves.

    In other words you do not want to see any more opposition to Yingluck. Try to defend her for what ???

    Lets all stay neutral wouldn't it be lovely. and leave her to Not govern honestly.

    Using your logic the ConLibs should stand down in the UK, Obama should stand down in the US. Lots of people rightly or wrongly don't support their policies either.

    It can be argued that Thatcher was brought down by the opposition to Poll Tax but there is a very important difference. Thatcher was removed by her own cabinet and eventually the Conservatives lost the 1997 General election. The democratic process was allowed to take its course. You can argue that Thailand doesn't have true democracy the same could be said of democracies everywhere. They are all imperfect. It is up to us the people in our respective countries to make them better. We end up ultimately with the government the majority of us deserve.

    What is happening currently in Thailand, is effectively destroying what democracy they do have. As for this medical alliance it is the equivalent of the NHS workers refusing to cooperate with government policies. They then begin to actively work to oppose and remove the government. The difference is we have the rule of law operating in the UK. These medical practitioners would be subject to all kinds of disciplinary actions if they tried to do the same thing, quite rightly, in the UK. To give up neutrality in this way is totally destructive for them and for Thailand.

    It is the same with the Thai colonel who has said that the American lawyer who made a statement in support of Thaksin is not welcome in Thailand. What right has anyone in the Armed services to say who can and cannot come to Thailand?

    Anyone wanting to oppose Yingluk and her governments policies should do so by democratic means. If she is so bad and her policies so poor it should be easy to get rid of her at the ballot box.

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  11. The colonel said this lawyer will be considered an undesirable person for the country, he said.

    Since when is it the decision of an army to consider someone an undesirable person?

    Absolutely. The irony will be lost on the Army though. The Colonel's statement totally vindicates what Robert Amsterdam has published. It would be laughable if the situation in Thailand wasn't so critically serious.

    Fortunately I doubt all the Army senior officer will agree with the Colonel.

  12. Whoever said "Red Shirts are peaceful people" better get their heads out of their arse. Now I know some will say how do we know they were Red Shirts? Well, who else is there? Red Shirts fighting with protesters in Phathum Thani yesterday comes to mind.

    I personally I think all groups need to get off their "my way or the highway" attitude and start thinking about how they can solve the problem of the country as a whole. Wishful thinking....but it IS possible.

    Just remember Suthep and his Democrat(a truly Orwellian term in this instance) friends have not won an election since 1992.

    We don't know who did this. But can you really expect them all to just sit back and let Suthep have is fascist way and steal the elected government from them?

    If Suthep or anyone else doesn't like the current government policies then they should struggle to change those policies through democratic means. Thailand is only a fledgling democracy with weak democratic institutions. You can only build a strong democracy through working to build strong and effective democratic institutions.

    This planned demonstration of opposition power to undemocratically unseat the government is a disaster for Thailand's democracy. It could well end up in a blood bath of chaos. The ramifications of which could impact for decades.

    I just hope that this violence undermines the whole thing by scaring off supporters who haven't really yet thought through what they are risking by this mob behaviour.

  13. Re; all the historical crimes and dictators etc. and dragging them into stuff, I find it is better to focus on today and tomorrow than yesterday. I'm more interested in what these people today are proposing to do today, for the good of tomorrow, than to compare them with person XYZ in the past. Its just my own simplistic view really, but while it is good to learn about/from history, to keep dragging it along with you is actually counterproductive. Especially as all the historical events and persons existed in pre-digital age, it is like comparing the steam-age to the stone-age etc. I'm fairly sure there were some dictator-types in the caveman era too, but whats the point talking about them today except as history reading.

    Someone once said that 'those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it".

    Thailand is on the brink. The best outcome could actually be a military coup. Which is not something I thought I would ever write. It could prevent a lot of bloodshed. When and if the coup happens Suthep should be captured, remanded, charged with insurrection and brought to trial. The elections will have to be postponed. I can't see how a proper election can be held in three weeks time under the current circumstances.

    I would advise the military to announce that free and fair elections will be held in a couple of months.

    When the election is held it is vital that everyone voting honestly and fairly accepts the outcome. If they don't like future decisions then use democratic means to change them. Perhaps when people vote it could be made very clear that by voting they abide by the simple rule of accepting the majority outcome. This is the seed of democracy. Nurture this delicate plant and progress will be made. (It would be nice to see some of this nurturing going on in more mature democracies too but people are lazy and choose to let things slip).

    The worst outcome is if Suthep gets what he wants. The imposing of a committee selected by Suthep and his mates. This will just lead to civil war. The Northern provinces have had enough of being dominated by Grungtep and the South.

    Your comparison of steam age with the stone-age and the digital age throws up a major consideration. The technological factor. Stone axes vs automatic weapons and explosives. There were probably many dictator types in the caveman era. Lack of long distance communication, high powered weapons etc etc severely limited their power.

    It remains to be seen whether to see if social media plays a decisive part for good or evil in the coming events.

    It all depends on the military. Will the military support the elected government or not?

    The government has the legitimacy to use the military to keep order if necessary. I fully understand why they are reticent about doing that.

    The corruption,insidious and age old that is constantly gnawing away at the soul of Thailand does need to be scourged but not by overthrowing a government by undemocratic means led by a megalomaniac such as Suthep.

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  14. Monday will be a very sad day for the people of Thailand two factions at war against each other all down to one nutcase who thinks he can rule the world. Adolph Hitler thought the same and look what happened to him however millions of lives were lost trying to rid him. I for one hope the good people of Thailand will take heed from the king when he urges all Thais to live in peace with their neighbours and that Mondays demonstrations will be a total washout for everyone's sake. One death is one to many but sadly we all know that Monday could be a very very bad day for this beautiful country and it's people.

    I could not agree more. Your post should be recommended 1 million times and forwarded to Suthep.

    Best regards

    Like you hoping for the best and fearing the worst.

  15. Interesting that all the mass protests since 2006 have been caused by the Shin clan's actions.

    Except it isn't true. It was the Yellow Shirts that occupied Suvarnabhumi for weeks causing total chaos. Suthep's followers are making up very well for lost time currently.

    It is time his supporters thought about what they really want as an outcome from all this trouble and strife. Do they want an absolute monarchy with no or little true democracy? Do they want a Fascist Thailand run by Suthep (and his rich friends) and his chosen elite? Or do they want a truly modern state with functioning democratic institutions with freedom of speech and expression and very importantly a full and total respect of the law.

    I have spoken to many Thai people recently who support the protests. There main reason is that they don't trust the Shinawatras. When pressed most accept that Suthep is at least as bad.but argue that "at least we will have got rid of Thaksin.".

    Is this simply an expression of Thai culture with its emphasis for living in the here and now and letting the future take care of itself. If so then I feel that Thailand may not be fit for purpose for surviving in the modern world. I hope it is just born out of naivety and a lack of understanding of how democratic institutions develop and mature over time.

    Suthep is leading good hearted people to the brink of the Abyss.

    Incidentally his threat to seize Yingluck's property just pushes the chance of a compromise further away than ever. The government and its supporters must be now very fearful of what could happen if they were to accede to Suthep's demands.

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  16. I thought that there was already a warrant out for the arrest of Suthep. The question is why have the police not arrested him already? The guy is staging insurrection to over throw the legal and democratically elected government. Are the police afraid of him? Or are they on his side? Either way it is disgraceful that he is still allowed to conspire, act and threaten to end any semblance of democracy in Thailand.

  17. Thaksin is a Hitler. He hasn't killed millions yet because it is 2013 and a lot harder to kill millions (of course his buddy Hun Sen of the Khmer Rouge would disagree). He has shown a complete disregard for human life over and over again. Go back and look at what Thaksin created in the South, the drug killings and look at the sniper executions he ordered in the 2010 protests. he is a criminal on the run from the law running a puppet government... and apparently that is all fine with you enlightened farang because he got 48% of the vote and formed a government. Awesome! To answer your question: no the opposition is nowhere near as corrupt or amoral as old square face. The red shirts need to get rid of Squareface and all of his kin and maybe then the rest of the country can take them and their problems seriously.

    I am sympathetic to the poor farmers and inequality but as long as their leader is a psychopathic criminal there will be no real reforms or meaningful long lasting changes.

    You are merely continuing to spread misinformation about a politician you don't care for, for political reasons.

    Provide evidence that so called sniper executions were ordered in 2010 by Thaksin.

    Thailand is on the verge of catastrophe and people like you are helping to push it over the edge. This totally undemocratic protest is playing with fire and many innocent people risk getting hurt.

    The democratic reallity is that the government won an election by a landslide. The allegations of vote buying have been investigated thoroughly and found to be ineffective for the simple reason that you can take the money and vote for who you want.

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  18. Come on the Thai people don't care !

    Don't generalise. My Thai girlfriend is as appalled by litter and dumping of garbage at least as much as I am.

    Recently around Pattaya I have noticed signs going up in Thai telling people not to dump their trash here. The signs also point out that it is illegal to dump trash like this and is subject to fine.

    40 years ago dumping of trash or fly tipping, as we call it in the UK, was rife in the UK. It was enforcement of existing laws and introduction of stiffer penalties that reduced the occurrence. Of course to achieve anything you need the rule of law and the will to apply the law. Around Jomtien the dumping of building waste and other waste, some I suspect to be toxic is particularly bad.

    The lack of waste management in Thailand is particularly worrying when you consider the issue of toxic and hazardous waste. I know of several quarries that are in the process of being filled with waste of all descriptions. There are half hearted attempted such as inadequate fencing to prevent unauthorised dumping but fly tippers could be getting rid of anything they like in these tips. I know of several instances where village water supplies are being seriously polluted and health is endangered.

    The authorities don't even seem that concerned about the rubbish and trash on the beach in Pattaya. There are occasional clean ups but these are far too few to have any real impact. It would appear that the authorities are only really interesting when they can get some tea money out so something.

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