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Posts posted by QuiteIntelligent

  1. Good to see that he took legal action. It probably won't get him much but at least its another warning to everyone to stay away from these ripoff joints.

    As long as the police have the report, he can consult with a lawyer and have the bar owner taken to court. With a court case, if the police are involved in the scam it will come to light. All police are bent, but not all courts.

    • Like 1
  2. 'He suggested that Pheu Thai candidates unable to register should file complaints with police and present their applications and registration fees, so that election officials could process them'

    The EC has already stated that registrations can only happen in a designated venue sanctioned by the commission as detailed under the constitution. This is actually illegal and unconstitutional.

    You know, the same constitution that you hide behind in order to force an election that half the country don't want yet. Let's hope this get filed with the constitutional court and they are all banned.

    'People had a constitutional right to exercise their vote'

    Last time I looked, they were not exercising their right to vote, they were attempting to register as election candidates.

    Yet another in a long line of brain dead PTP politicians. Where do they get them from?

    • Like 1
  3. I hope, for Suthep's sake, that he suffers from Alzheimers later.

    Not being mean, being kind.

    Who wants to remember, in one's dotage, just what a knob you used to be?

    Same goes for the British born and Oxford educated Abhisit.

    What the hell would you know?

    You don't even understand the basic fundamentals of a democracy or any form of politics.

    Most childish poster I have met so far.

  4. From the OP headline:

    "People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban declared Saturday night that the entire capital Bangkok will be completely shut down..."


    It's been a slow train coming and I think Khun Suthep is choosing to ignore the fact that his "Democracy Party" cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif supporters may well end up being outnumbered at least two-to-one by the voters who (democratically) elected the current government (not forgetting that the world's media will also be upon Mr S's proposed Thai transition from democracy to autocracy).

    This isn't the 1930's. People can see and report and if Abhisit (despite his expensive education) remains stupid enough to think the rest of the world will tolerate the birth of yet another North Korea, he is sadly mistaken.

    About time Abhisit grew some and had Suthep handed over to the justice he so richly deserves.

    A padded cell awaits him, I imagine.

    The sooner Mr Suthep gets the ball rolling, the better.

    I do believe the outcome will not be to your liking.

    The world is not going to come marching in and attempt to meddle in Thailand's political affairs. These just your imaginary pleasures. They won't happen, and I guarantee Suthep will not spend a single day in prison or a mad house. He will likely go down in history as the man who saved democracy in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  5. Yes, everyone gets what they want, a functioning new streamlined democracy in the south, and a dysfunctional dictatorship in the north. They can even start off with 50% of the GDP.

    Then compare the two after 5 years.

    Give everyone 6 months to choose where they want to live north or south and then close the gates. I would be amazed if more than 5 million end up populating the north.

    HA HA! You mean "11 successful and 7 attempted coup since 1932"-Bangkok would be a "streamlined" democracy?! cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gifclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif More likely it would turn into a big turf war between various Bangkok elite fractions.

    Btw, a really "brilliant" idea this "wall"! cheesy.gif When there would be enough flooding, those pesky Northerners would gladly flood Bangkok at will!

    HA HA! You mean "11 successful and 7 attempted coup since 1932"-Bangkok would be a "streamlined" democracy?!

    It would be a lot more streamlined without the north south division, and no need for coups. The last coup being the fault of Thaksin and his northerners.

    Actually, a dam wall would be better, then they can keep their water as well.

  6. When the government does not listen, what can any one do. It is a desprate attempt, but these are desperate times. The government has not been forth coming with any information about the rice scheme. It is an option for them to provide it or not. Seems like that YS thinks that if the majority don't care about the abuse of power with the rice scheme, then it must not be important. Wrong....in a democracy everyones voice is as important as many. An election is a process which majority of the people believe that the elected offcial is best to lead and unite the country in the best interest of all its citizens. It does not mean that the leader will only care or put a major budget towards the majority. They must balance for the greater good of the nation. No one had any gripes or protest when she won. But the things that she has done with the Rice scheme, 1st car scheme, tablet for every child, illegal admendment to the constitution, passage of the amnesty bill...all of this happen under her leadership. She has not taken any accountability for anything. Always passing on the buck. Citizens have the rights to demand an answer. But no answer. Even the rice scheme, the first year they couldn't produce any information. For the benefit of the doubt, let's assume that it is complicated and take time to gather information. Doesn't that mean that it is being mismanaged. In that case, let temporarily stop the program. As everyone know, the farmer got angry. So they continue. Because it was ill concieved and would loose support of the North and reveal the truth that it was used to buy votes at the expense of the taxpayers. Yes I said it. Vote buying. Things like this that is causing Thailand to go in to financial dire. Project like this is one of the reforms that must happen. So parties can not promise impossible projects. All project must have fisical discipline. All the project is just spend and spend without any regard for balancing the budget. And then the 2 Trillon with as much transparency as the Rice Scheme that has passed. That was the last draw. The govt that can't even manage the rice scheme is quality to manage a 2Trillion budget. I think not. I can talk about the massive rice scheme corruption going. But that is not for this thread. Thai democracy is still evolving. This is part of it of its evolution. Remember, YS may have come by a legitmate way of the election through the democractic way. But her action is far from the democratic way, which makes her illegitament. One can not choose which gear of democracy to turn they all must turn in order for it to run.

    And can you name one western democracy that doesn't indulge in 'vote buying' by political parties, beggaring the public finances with promises of largesse? I can't. It's standard procedure in UK, and that's why borrowing is out of control there.

    If the Thai people don't like what Yingluk's government have done, then they can vote her out, same as they do everywhere else that runs with a parliamentary democracy. What Suthip is doing is born of petulance because he can't have it all his own way. Well tough shit. That's how democracy works. You want power, then go to the people with policies that will make them want to vote for you. That's how democracy is done. What Suthip is trying to achieve is mob rule and is totally illegitimate.

    Are you off your rocker?

    You say that the UK and the rest of the western democracies buy votes, and that is why there is massive borrowing there? That is the most bizarre political statement I have ever heard in my entire life.

    If any campaigning political party in the UK offered money for votes, they would be slammed up in prison for election tampering, and the party banned for life. When political parties campaign for an election, their campaign manifesto is scrutinized in depth and picked apart by the media, other parties and the well politically educated public and also top political analysts.

    Any lunatic populist policies will be exposed immediately and the party MPs responsible dragged onto national TV to be annihilated. Let alone have hundreds of media camped out on the doorstep of the party leader and his house.

    The UK are not as gullible to fall for stupid populist policies. They demand to know about policies like, health, education, defense etc. Stop trying to portray the UK and the oldest and probably the most stable democracy in the world as some sort of thing you can compare with the joke that is Thai democracy.

    I doubt you know the first thing about politics. You are a joke.

    • Like 2
  7. Splitting the nation up would be a loss of Face that you could see from across the galaxy. It will never happen.

    Also it is a bad idea, from a historical perspective. There is a lot of culture here that is uniquely Thai, certainly influenced by its neighbours, but it would be a terrible loss to the world to fragment it. Also the supernational offshore banking cartels / corporations who are running the world behind the scenes, their agenda is desovereignisation and fragmentation of nations into smaller easier-to-manage sub-states. Its a lot easier to deinsdustrialise and debt-slave a small broken-up sub-state, than it is to take on the might of a proud sovereign nation. Long live the Kingdom of Thailand.


    I think its a brilliant idea!!

    They can get Thaksin to look after them whilst Bangkok and the South prospers and enjoys itself free of the drain of it's resources in having to subsidise their lives.

    They could do whatever they want with their rice and Thailand can import Indian Basmati rice as it is far better than Thai 'over rated' jasmine rice. It is healthier for you too!!

    Yes, everyone gets what they want, a functioning new streamlined democracy in the south, and a dysfunctional dictatorship in the north. They can even start off with 50% of the GDP.

    Then compare the two after 5 years.

    Give everyone 6 months to choose where they want to live north or south and then close the gates. I would be amazed if more than 5 million end up populating the north.

  8. Splitting the nation up would be a loss of Face that you could see from across the galaxy. It will never happen.

    Also it is a bad idea, from a historical perspective. There is a lot of culture here that is uniquely Thai, certainly influenced by its neighbours, but it would be a terrible loss to the world to fragment it. Also the supernational offshore banking cartels / corporations who are running the world behind the scenes, their agenda is desovereignisation and fragmentation of nations into smaller easier-to-manage sub-states. Its a lot easier to deinsdustrialise and debt-slave a small broken-up sub-state, than it is to take on the might of a proud sovereign nation. Long live the Kingdom of Thailand.


    Isaan has its own separate culture, its own belief system, its own language almost and even its own music.

    Isaan is almost a culture away from the southern Thais.

  9. I hope they totally paralyze BKK, I hope they block all the airports too.

    Just let people leave, but not enter the country. Same with BKK.

    I also hope after all this crap is over with, they round up every shinawatra and all people connected to them and throw the lot in the dungeons, and let them rot there till Thaksin comes to take their place, something he would not do, he will let them rot there.

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  10. I am do not like Thaksin or the Pheu Thai and I also do not like Suthep or the Democrats......but enough is enough......Suthep claims that he is going to paralyse bangkok after the New Year is a wake up call for all Bangkokians to not allow terrorists or corrupted groups like the Pheu Thai, Democrats, Red Shirts,Yellow Shirts or PRDC gangsters to take Bangkok Hostage. THis all causing problems for Bangkokians, The Thai Economy etc. All Bangkokians should stand up and do wahtever they can to prevent anymore of this nonsense. Suthep is trying to make Bangkok another Southern State that is plagued with problems and constant violence. He can bloody damm hell take all his terrorist actions to Samui......I would like to see what his own fellow Southerners there will do to him if he dares disrupts the local economy there for too long.

    Well it certainly does sound like you like Thaksin seeing as your rant never mentioned him, or that his government are actually the ones who are totally responsible for all of this. I think you are just anti-suthep to the point you have become insanely mad that you have posted this in a thread that is nothing to do with your rant.

    Try this thread.


    Or try to talk about the subject at hand.

    But my opinion is this.

    I hope they grind BKK to a halt, I also hope that they managed to occupy every government building and all the PTP and yingluck's homes and tear them apart and burn them to the ground. I also hope they block all the airports and refuse to move. I hope Suthep starts to a get a lot more aggressive. I really do.

    If the army won't come out, then you need to force them out, because this government are standing firm until then. The military will not support this government. They all need throwing into prison to do some serious time. I think they should put Yingluck in prison until Thaksin is ready to come home and take her place. This would be a great move, because he won't, he will let her rot, because he is Thaksin.

  11. Thaksin is getting restless.

    It's funny to see both sides go back and forth. What I like to watch for are the illusions. I see your post blames Thaksin, yet how do you know it's not the other side trying to get a sympathy vote and hurling them at their own people? Just a thought.

    I am so confused who is right and who is wrong.....but that's the illusion isn't it. In fact until I came here I never thought about governments creating illusion or side shows. Now, since I have been here in Thailand, I have really started paying attention to my own government and their charades and as we all know the USA a very good at. Most people don't know that the Pentagon is just a front for American intelligence, the real intelligence comes from Hollywood.cheesy.gifw00t.gifcheesy.gifblink.png

    It's funny to see both sides go back and forth. What I like to watch for are the illusions. I see your post blames Thaksin, yet how do you know it's not the other side trying to get a sympathy vote and hurling them at their own people? Just a thought.

    That my friend is classified as pure Guerrilla warfare, it's happened many times before in history. Take out your own and a few law enforcers and let the blame rest on the opposition. As I say Classic

    yet how do you know it's not the other side trying to get a sympathy vote and hurling them at their own people? Just a thought.

    Because that is a highly unlikely scenario that seems to be the only one acceptable to the red supporters on here.

    How much sympathy would they get and how helpful would it be? Don't you think it would be counter-productive and scare away many protesters? Do you really think that they are so stupid?

  12. The red Shinawatras are just itching for a fight.

    The same reds who havnt held a single protest in BKK for over a month to avoid conflict?

    There`s only one group itching for a fight and it`s obvious to all who it is. (the ones out rioting, murdering policemen and threatening to shut down the capital city.)

    On the plus side your last comment confirms beyond doubt you are simply a troll.

    Your reply here is clearly as stupid as they come.

    Please provide proof of your crazy allegations. Until we see proof, we will have to accept the most likely answer, and that is that the reds who are frightened to fight man to man because of being outnumbered, have obviously resorted to terrorist acts to frighten away protesters.

    That will not happen, because for every 10 they frighten off, 100 will join the fight.

  13. smile.png

    For the ordinary man and woman it seems election time means making yourself heard, that familiar sound of rock through glass pane window, and this is the only statement that anyone seems to have any confidence in at all.

    My gut feeling is the international community will say quietly "yep lets have an election please" unless the crisis reaches proportions that out do the efforts of 2010's carnage, which could then grant a firm reason for something entirely different.

    They could reform the system by attempting to install the belief that lay-people can have a say in the outcome of things and that speaking your mind no matter how outrageous and alienating your views are is a good thing for society.

    Like TV members do.

    There would be hundreds of deaths a day. There would be here if there wasn't 100% anonymity.

    My gut feeling is the international community will say quietly "yep lets have an election please" unless the crisis reaches proportions that out do the efforts of 2010's carnage, which could then grant a firm reason for something entirely different.

    It is heading the way of severely out-doing 2010. Next year could see this bring the deaths of 100s where Thaksin will reserve a wry smile for each death.

  14. Sexual preference is not something that should be politicized. You either are or you aren't and it should carry no weight with governments whatsoever.

    This I can't agree on. It MUST be politicized because in Thailand and almost all countries in the world sexual minority people do not enjoy equal civil rights. Getting those rights doesn't happen by magic, dude. They must be PUSHED for. Still this concept of a totally separate political PARTY seems strange to me. I think they should think about this idea a bit more before proceeding. I reckon there are better ways.

    No. It should be kept out of politics and the agenda pushed as a 'public group' not a political one. Politics should be reserved for the governance of the country, not a minority.

    The world is already laughing at Thai politics, this does not help.

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