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  1. That's more bullets than the whole Thai military
  2. I agree. I don't mean they are all like that, some are very helpful, others, not so much.
  3. Some IOs are just a...hole, period.
  4. Must be nice to have money to waste or is it pure laziness?
  5. You are right, he got no money to go home and as you say, he has money to spend it on hookers, beer, ect. No sympathy from me.
  6. As far as I am concerned, this is the best way to transfer money. Good rates and never a problem.
  7. Western Union are crooks and expensive, I stay as far away as I can from them. I have used Wise and XE lately. Excellent.
  8. We are arguing for the same thing. I know how it works, I don't need a mile long explanation, I have been to Thailand 25 times, with 4 different types of Visas, so I got a pretty good idea.
  9. That is what I got from the EXPERT Ubonjoe "That is the amount of time the visa is valid to use for entry. Most I have seen states 3 months not 90 days."
  10. Thank you very much for the info, I was not aware of it.
  11. I used the wrong terms, I realize that it doesn't say 90 days but 3 months, that is the amount of time you can spend in the country with that type of Visa. Right now, I have a METV, they stamped me 60 days, but I can do 6 months with that type of Visa, I know that I have to get out of the country and back in. When I was in Pattaya, I used to do the Cambodia border run through a travel agent, 2,400 Baths at the time, probably more now, we left in the morning, came back in the afternoon.
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