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Posts posted by wym

  1. Way of the world, current zeitgeist, sure complain all you like but tough titties.

    Maintaining ANY privacy in the world, much less trying to live a double life, will requires 007-level skills and constant vigilance.

    Much better to choose your priorities and enjoy the luxury of being consistent, relatively open about what's important to you.

  2. And as miniaturized cameras - think google glass, soon bionic implant cameras, facial-recognition technology and massive database integration continue to evolve, all that digital imagery from all around the world will not too long be fully searchable going back in time.



    Never mind the NSA, everyone's going to be able to know everything about everyone else.


  3. ..but i am sure you will agree that most men who think its fair game for them to lie and cheat, would go ape shit if their partner was doing the same.

    Hypocritical...and pretty typical in Thailand.

    Lots of people lie and steal and deal drugs and even engage in violence toward their fellow humans

    Don't condone it and more importantly don't see it as relevant to talking about our specific beliefs and behavior nor about our morality/ethics as abstract ideals.

    And all over the world. Not a farang vs Thai thing at all IMO.

    Edit - but yes, in reaction to the "Thai women try to be more controlling" comment, of course it's justified here, in fact I'd say it's just that they understand the nature of men more than women do back home, who usually bury their head in the sand until it's too late - assume "my man's different", and then B&M about betrayal.

  4. Whats the point though? Unless your sex life at home is zero, or rubbish.

    If you have a decent sex life, whats the point in having one rubbed out..?

    Or are you saying you are horny 24/7 and no woman can keep up or something.

    Or just plain lazy and its easier to sit back?

    Tbh, i think guys who have one rubbed out at the local massage parlor (if they have partners) are short changing their partners. Because chances are, they arent going to be great in bed if they are lazy assed sods who just lie there for a rub and tug..and chances are they will end up with little desire to make any effort when their partners would like a bit of action at home together.

    I do think that is maybe one - evolved/biological? - male/female difference.

    I for one absolutely require VARIETY. No matter how hot and enthusiastic an at-home SO may be, it just gets boring after a while. Don't get me wrong, the sex-as-fun part is COMPLETELY separate from the romantic/spiritual/companionship/friendship/partner aspects of the relationship, so I'm not saying I'm bored with her. But yes, need that excitement of the hunt, acquiring new partners, the thrill inherent in someone new.

    And I certainly do my best to uphold my side and make her happy, even when it's more or less a pay for play arrangement. But as I said if I don't hold up my end in that regard she's more than free to go out and seek her own extracurricular boy toys.

  5. Speaking for myself only, of course no problem, fair's fair, all my partners have been free to play for ten years now.

    Even steady full-on relationships are fine, as long as everyone knows what's going on, no scamming or lying, give reasonable notice if it looks like that one's going to be become the main one for her and so on.

    Guys that lie and cheat and expect their women to be faithful IMO are lowest of the low.

  6. Funny thing is, when you pay for real-long time, in some cases as the time goes, by the pretense drops, you both do acknowledge it's pay for play, but the companionship isn't any less genuine and sometimes real love does develop. As I define it anyway, not the pheromone/hormone puppy stuff.

    Doesn't take any less work and mindfulness, consideration and telepathy compared to what others call "more real" relationships. And of course you do need to keep paying - but it can be less than the telecoms bill back home so what.

    But obviously that's the only way a fat old unattractive not-rich guy's going to be able to spend quality time with gorgeous young babes, so we take what we can get. . .

    • Like 1
  7. My point exactly about Thai society, and its irritating faults, namely it is all about appearance, not substance.

    Yes that last is EXACTLY right, fundamental to understanding so much about the Kingdom.

    Once you truly understand and accept that, and realize it's OK for them to be like that, you can relax and enjoy, stop letting such petty things disturb your peace of mind.

    • Like 1
  8. You can get a reliable car - Honda or Toyota IMO - with not too much mileage for around $5,000, and if you do it smart and don't bang it up you should get close to what you paid, but will cost you time.

    Decent insurance and running costs figure 50 cents a mile if you're lucky with the reliability side, so cross-country maybe $3,000? assuming you're not going in a straight line.

    Figure $40-60 a day for food & basics, camping rough near the highways not too safe, motels are $30-60 a night.

    Theme parks etc are pricey, research the ones you want online.

    Don't forget health insurance!

  9. Thanks Wyn - but I don't understand what you refer to in 'the other mono' monogamy? You referring to the Transgendered not in the sex industry? Personally, I don't feel evolutionary instincts will allow humans, male, female, or in between, as the mammals we are, to ever be monogamous. It's against our very nature, just like most all animals.. I can understand being 'possessive' about spending quality time in the company of a significant other though, but I sure can't understand having to pay for it - as in paying for a friend.. I'd rather be alone than buy friendships and/or companionship with a woman, and if I end up alone, so be it and I'll die alone since we all ultimately do anyways.

    The end of your screed cited "monotheism".

    I see monogamy as stemming from those belief systems, and just as outdated.

    And no problem if you don't want to pay for sex or companionship, that's up to you. As I'd hope you'd also grant my preference to do so - admittedly not very much, but the type I prefer doesn't have much interest in my type.

    But I'm not at all possessive of them, in fact I'm sure some would prefer that I were more so, I encourage them to spread their wings and fly away as soon as they're ready to.

  10. Well what you actually wrote

    Easy, cheap sex with much, much younger women and men makes up for a lot of obvious flaws, but requires vigorous obfuscating defense.

    made it sound like it was the sex that needed defending.

    Listen, no one's saying Thailand doesn't have plenty of flaws.

    We're just sick of hearing whingers moan on and on about them.

    It doesn't accomplish anything and is just tiresome to listen to.

    But OK now I'm complaining about people complaining, so I'll just shut up.

    About that.

    For the moment 8-)

    • Like 1
  11. Women want sex as much as men do.

    total BS. men think about sex every what? i forgot and am sure google will tell u.

    women are not as desperate as we are... they can enjoy sex, sure, but most will not LOWER themselves like men in order to get a "shot" ....

    things i have seen sofar, oh boy....

    nah, men are the real deal here: 95% = useless

    Not BS.

    Sure men think about it more and are a lot more stupid about what they're willing to do to get it.

    Women are more inhibited by the whole madonna/whore restrictions imposed by old monotheistic thinking. But they are every bit as horny as guys, and those that are liberated these days find it very easy to get for the most part, those that do pay for it are rare and have specific reasons for doing so.

    More power to 'em!

    • Like 1
  12. Many women are very generous in a variety of ways. Apparently you have not realized yet that women are sexually far more valuable than men. There's an evolutionary reason why women are sexually superior to men. Unlike any other species of female animals, the human female is eager, willing, and capable of engaging in sexual intercourse without being confined to a breeding cycle. Regardless of season, ovulation, relationship status, or frequency, the human female will continually advertise her immense natural capacity and ability to sexually give and receive pleasure.

    No one man, regardless of size, or libido, can sincerely satiate a sexually liberated woman from within a monogamous relationship. By sexually liberated, I refer to women who are not indoctrinated, restrained, oppressed and repressed by the religious morals of a western patriarchal society - which would seem to be the case in Thailand, or any Buddhist nation without that imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above..

    If not for societal restraints of western patriarchal society inhibiting a human female's natural evolutionary and instinctual sexual design, every woman, rather than just a few, would exhaust male after male, experience orgasm after orgasm, one after another, each becoming more powerful and pleasurable with no lessening of sexual desire. At the root instinctual level and evolutionary design of every modern woman's sexuality is an overabundance of sexual charms coupled with an unlimited sexual capacity that truly leaves her as the the sexual superior of any male counterpart.

    At this root level of a modern woman's astounding instinctual, evolutionary sexual abilities and capacity is an antiquated modern patriarchal society's desire to control it; to control the power it has and the human female that can wield it as the sexiest, most erotic female animal on the planet. After the Goddess days of old, the human female's incredible sexual power has been exploited and condemned, she has been beaten, hanged, tortured and burned as a demoness whore and relegated to a level of slavery and property by patriarchal societies ruled by monotheistic religions demanding a male image and role for their imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above.

    From an evolutionary perspective, the insatiable evolutionary and instinctual sexual capacity of the human female to satiate and exhaust a multitude of males one after another, or at the same time, is biologically quite adaptive because it ensures she will become pregnant. The human female is biologically no different than many other female species in that she was designed by evolution to mate with, and receive the sperm of multiple males, and often in quick succession.

    However, the human male wants to monopolize a human female, to dominate her by controlling her natural sexuality designed by evolution so that he can be assured he is the father of the children he then provides for. This is just one of the reasons why most societies are patriarchal from men trying to dominate, possess and own women in a manner that suppresses her evolutionary, biological, anthropological, behavioral, and instinctual sexually superior design expressed in those ancient Goddess days of old prior to the sexually inferior male invention of monotheism.

    Didn't bother reading it before, now that I have done, let me say:

    Well done sir! Nicely written and the content apropos.

    I hope you therefore agree that "the other mono" monogamy is just as outdated.

    It's an uphill battle with most young non-sex-worker TG to get them to let go of their inhibitions and realize sex can be intrinsically fun, not just work/duty or a tool to get what you want.

    Once they do realize that I do try to not hold them back. . .

    • Like 2
  13. Consumer protection in Thailand, called the OCPB, are very effective and are doing a great job. Have good experiences with them. The larger companies in Thailand are also very aware of that.

    Of course OCPB will not bother about a pack of cut fruit.

    I haven't heard such glowing reviews of people's experience with them.

    And if you know that those responsible for such matters don't care, why do you post such a silly OP?

    • Like 1
  14. If you're buying a house with a mortgage, why not? Otherwise, you are just throwing away your money every month and even the nicest landlords I have encountered in Thailand don't maintain their houses to a sufficiently high standard for me to want to live in them long term. I can't change the colour of the paint, make any alterations, install a fitted kitchen and bath or do anything else that I want to do if I rent.

    Absolutely untrue, you're just doing it wrong.

    Say you want to rent a nicely decorated, fitted and furnished house for B35,000 and plan to live there for at least five years.

    Find a rundown place in the area you want for B15,000 and make sure the terms of the lease suit you. Now you have a budget of over a million baht to fix it up just the way you like, and much of what you spend that money on is your property you can take with you when you go.

    rayongchelsea is right that it is cheaper to rent than buy, at least it is with the properties I have looked at. A 20-year mortgage costs nearly twice as much every month as paying rent on the same property. However, after twenty years (less,with extra payments) you, or your wife if you prefer, owns the house. After 20 years of renting, you have nothing.

    Whether you prefer it or not, it's the wife that owns it, and after 20 years of making payments you have nothing.

    But again, if you're happy to - and can afford to - make such generous gifts toward her well-being then do please feel free to do so.

    Since there's no way in he11 I'm still going to be with the same woman in twenty years, I'll make other choices thanks.

    • Like 1
  15. Prices in Thai supermarkets are controlled by the government.

    Only in your dreams.

    They've been trying, but only for 30-40 commodities, and haven't had much success.

    Such attempts just create all kinds of market inefficiencies and ends up costing consumers/taxpayers a lot more than letting things find their own level.

    Anyway nothing to do with your more valid complaint about consumer protection, but they don't come close to living up to their lip-service wrt to that either.

    So the answer to your OP title question - because this is Thailand.

    • Like 1
  16. My point is working people, those who have jobs they need to be at cannot run errands on a lunch hour to places they need to visit without taking off work.

    If you cannot understand how absurd it is that an entire office staff has to have lunch at the same time, instead of staggering it - in order to serve the public, or customers, then I can only surmise you are defending something quite different than the subject at hand.

    I'm reading a lot of personalized mud slinging, and how on earth does Sunday or Europe fit into the subject of an entire country losing millions of hours of productivity every single day working day? what pathetic discourse

    I have yet to read an argument for why Thais need to all eat lunch together and why it is such an affront to suggest a better way to conduct business and service.

    Because the happiness of the workers is more important than making the customer happy or the employer's profits.

    At least in a world that isn't completely run by greed.

    I suspect you are American and think the whole world should be run to maximize corporate profits and economic "development".

    These things just aren't that important to the rest of the more rational world.

    Learn to slow down, relax, lower your expectations and enjoy life - you'll live longer and have some chance of being happy here.

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