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Posts posted by Pigdog474

  1. I have terrible aim with those things. Can never hit it, end up like blasting my nuts, cheeks, gooch, everything except my arse.

    I tried one in Japan a few years back, it was automatic and was a fixed part of the toilet seat. Adjust the pressure you wanted etc and just push a button adjacent to your seat. It was neat and I'm thinking about installing one in my home. If nothing else, a great conversational piece. We have one of the regular types here in our Thailand home but just doesn't appeal to me.

  2. Having a less lethal option such as a taser would have been convenient in such a situation.

    Watching the cop run away was a big undignified for the RTP and only emboldened the perp.

    I understand that police protocol for dealing with a knife-wielding suspect charging at you would consider shooting him in the leg as appropriate.

    In Australia they are taught only to shoot at the chest. No head shots or leg shots. I think it is the same in most countries.

    Also true in Canada (where I worked as a civilian for the mounties). Had a heated argument the other day with a friend over the Ferguson shooting ... he was saying that if the suspect had rushed the cop, the cop should have shot him in he leg, not lethally. I couldn't get across to him that these situations aren't Hollywood movies where cops shoot the guns out of people's hands. In the real world, shooting to stop means shooting at the center mass... the torso. But a lot of folks don't get it...

    Ya, I get it, that's why so many people in Canada and the USA are getting shot by police, they now get away with murder, I think the officers in this case only wanted to stop the assailant not kill him. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and say what you'd do or not do when your life is threatened, you may think you'll be cool and calm, but it's very easy to panic. Not always so easy to stand your ground when your life's in danger. Likely the office will be the center of many jokes to come but both him and the assailant are still alive. For me, I would of shot the SOB dead, dead

  3. If the visa was issued on the 1st of this month 6 months would be the 1st of June 2015. Using 180 days it would be the 29th of May. A difference of 2 days.

    I would say that 99% of tourist visas issued will be 3 months or 6 months. Days are not used for visa validit

    The difference between 6 months and 180 days is Maintaining Canadian residency. If you are out of Canada for more than 181 days in 1 year, you are no longer a resident of Canada. Most likely you will not have Medical coverage when you return to Canada, could be taxed at a different rate, and loose out on some pensions. The two days could cost you a bundle. When you do make a boarder run, they stamp it for 60 days, not 2 months.

    • Like 1
  4. I think a lot of people are missing the point here.

    Firstly, there is no reason to assume he is lying when he says he did not intend to kill her.

    Secondly, the system of allowing "blood money" negotiations is perfectly normal in Thailand and indeed much of Asia, it's not something that the accused has any control over, and as a man in prison of course he will do whatever he can to win release.

    Considering that it's highly possible that he really didn't intend to kill her, and that it really was a mistake then don't you think that having spent a while in prison accused of murder and the big financial penalty he will have to pay, in addition to the sentence which will be passed (blood money can reduce the sentence, not replace it), he's hardly getting off light.

    We must be looking at different figures regarding money, I read that it was 1.8 million baht, which I see as not a real large sum of money. How long do you figure it will feed and clothes 4 children and put a roof over their heads.

  5. Rubbish............A tourist visa can buy a car............

    I purchased a car last year on a tourist Visa, The Nissan salesman tried/told to get me to register it in my wife's name, but I didn't, the car is in my name and my wife helped me do it. I trust my wife but when it comes to large sums of money, I trust no one.

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  6. Has anyone ever witnessed the brutal ways these elephants are treated?

    It is no wonder that these animals sometimes lose it and go crazy. Tourists should boycott these institutions of brutality and suffering, stop fuelling this animal cruelty for entertainment and profits and put these outfits out of business.

    The tourists are as much to blame as are those who run these businesses. It`s all very simple, no tourists and these businesses will cease to exist and the elephants returned to the wild and own environments where they belong.

    I have to agree with you that tourists are partly at fault, The first year I spent here in Thailand, I along with my Thai wife wanted to enjoy the experience but after one ride and watching the handler and how cruel he was to the animal, we said never again and advise friends to exclude Elephant riding. I'm only surprised that more handlers (mahouts) aren't killed.

  7. We bought a new Mitsubishi Mirage from a dealer in Chiang Mai. After we agreed on the price, I paid 10,000 baht as a deposit and told them it would be 7-10 days for funds to be transferred from the US to Thailand and I would then pick up the car (expect to do it on Saturday). The sales lady said the dealership wanted a 3000 baht deposit for the red plates which was to be refunded when the white plates arrived.

    I will ensure we get the "book" or whatever it is to document travels when we have the red plates. Do you have to document every trip you take prior to getting the white plates or only those trips that go outside the province? Can I drive in Chiang Mai at night with red plates? If not, at what time does the car have to be off the road?

    The car will not be in my name as I have a tourist visa and can't buy a car however I did buy a motorcycle last week and only had to supply a Certificate of Residence from Immigration. Why can a farang buy a motorcycle but not a car? Any clues?

    Just saw the prior post from nongsangcity which answered one of my questions about how often you have to fill in the brown book. Thanks. Any idea about why I can buy a motorcycle but not a car on a tourist visa?

    Something wrong here, I purchased a new car in 2012 and I only have a tourist visa, salesman told me I couldn't but wife brought me to a few places and I signed some papers etc. and got the car but I did have to supply an address. As for the plates, we went and got our own but found it hard to get the 3000 baht deposit returned.

  8. Just go to the bank or do two ATM withdrawls. Most ATM's allow you to withdraw 50,000 a day.

    At banks there can be a limit you can withdraw in case if it is not your own branch office. At least at my bank I can only withdraw 300,000 in cash a day from other brances. If I need more I have to go to my own branch. 50,000 should not be a problem.

    I think you're wrong Mario, most banks allow 20000 baht per day as far as I'm aware and higher amounts have to be arranged. 50000 over the counter wont be a problem however (as long as you have the funds)

    I never have problems taking out 30,000 and if more required, go inside

  9. I just want to know what are her chances at winning in court asking for 20k a month? Any similar stories?

    Nil, court will award 3000bht/month.

    (and they don't enforce payment)

    and his child can eat grass i suppose.

    I have an elderly Aunt, living in our old village, to whom I give 3,000bht a month to live on. (Yes, I'm sponsoring a Thai lady)

    She is looked on by most of the village as wealthy, 3k is plenty to live on in rural Thailand, assuming accomodation already provided.

    3,000 seems awful cheep, I along with 3 others, we gives my wife's parents 2,000 baht each total of 8,000 baht each month. They live fairly comfortable on that amount. Maybe in some more isolated locations you can live on less but if near Bangkok it could be much higher,Food costs in my home is around 10,000 baht a month and with hydro, water and internet it gets closer to 15,000 a month during the hot season and this doesn't include rent I don't like greedy ex-wives but if you want your daughter to have a decent life style, think about digging a little deeper. Remember I didn't include clothes, and other various items. Sit down with your wife, you know what kind of revenue is coming in from the business and come up with a logical amount say 30,000 for them to live on. Then you add onto the revenue that she will receive from the business to meet this amount.

  10. It doesn't always turn out disastrous. I met my Thai wife four years ago and she had a 22 year old son. We had a few little conflicts at first and I mentioned the fact that I'm not an ATM machine and will not become one. The son is in my eyes very lazy but if you look at it from the Thai point of view, man doesn't work inside the house and even to this day I'm chased out of the kitchen etc. A mans job is outside the home and it's the woman's responsibility to clean/cook inside the house, not the mans. I have gotten to know this young man much better by thinking along these lines. I go to some of his soccer games and show interest in what he is trying to achieve and I find a whole different person, one who isn't lazy and full of ambition. He is now 27 and want me to know how successful he doing, the previous months accomplishments. I am now very proud of this young man and we both respect each other. About a month ago he told me his most important concern was that his mother be happy and that he could see that we (his mom and I) made each other happy. I have 4 children (3 were step children) from previous NON Thai marriages and from that I have one that excelled beyond my dreams, 2 are doing very well and 1 having a tough time making a go of it so it. Children regardless of nationality requires guidance and as a parent, I try to look at things from their respective. If you love the GF, try participating in something the child likes even if it means taking up a game controller and challenge him to a game. You'll likely loose but ask him how the controller works, ask him questions about how he does things, get involved at his level. Sometimes it does wonders. Hope this works for you

  11. Nope. Just showed up at about 3.30 pm and they closed at 4pm. Officially married at 3:55pm. As I said. They were really great.

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Your lucky.... We arrived there fairly early in the morning and didn't get out till near 4 PM.

  12. Wise idea, don't show your face. Your girlfriend and family will know infinitely more about how to approach the police on this matter. Stay out of it and when all is said and done, it's not a fortune.

    I agree 100%. Last year we purchased a new Nissan and I had to give the salesman 3,000 baht deposit. When I returned the plates he (the sales manager) told me it would be returned to our account. Never happened even after a few calls. Wife went after the sales manager and shortly after by magic, money was returned. Thai's know how to solve money issues

  13. just guessing here: it only single shot then your arm/hand would be so sore you couldnt reload it.

    where is the hospital that has security bars on the rooms capable of stopping this guy from doing a runner/ being helped out by his gang.?

    So you think if it were automatic your hand would be less sore? Doesn't make sense. BTW, recoil would depend on the load and those in the photo are not particularly high energy loads. That said, the light weight and extremely short barrel length would amplify recoil compared to a 28" shotgun.

    I shoot both 357 and 44 and it would be a cold day in hell before I'd want to fire off a 20 or 12 gauge from a small handgun. Get enough kick back from a regular shotgun. May be a good back up, walking through Bear country.

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  14. Before we cry a bowel full of tears, why don't we give the lady a chance. Maybe she might surprise one and all. She has a heavy plate in front of her but she seems determined and has a positive outlook. A strong person can do wonders if given half a chance so instead of complaining, try giving moral support and thanking her for taking on this enormous task of trying to rejuvenating this area to the beauty and splendor it once was. It has to start someplace/sometime and maybe she's the right person for the job.

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  15. I still beleave in the old style public hangings as a deterrent to crime.

    I think public stoning would be an even stronger deterrent? Plus everyone could get their suppressed anger out. The State could sell the stones to increase revenue.

    If you really want a deterrent, executions should be broadcast on live TV, and citizens of all ages should be encouraged, perhaps required, to watch.

    Relatives of the victims should be allowed to administer the punishment, if they so desire.

    This namby-pamby lethal injection method of putting the convicted gently to sleep before overdosing them with a barbituate is lame. Just get Old Testament on these people - hopefully they are truly guilty, but even if a few innocents get executed who really cares - and be done with it.

    So you wouldn't object, it would be OK to executed you for a crime you didn't commit. what the hell, who really cares

  16. Thanks for that, It does look like they've organized channels by categories so that you can move through all the movie or documentary or news, etc channels in one range and that they've made it easier to add new channels in future without spreading them "all over the map."

    Are there many English show/movies/channels in these packages. I went with PSI a few years ago, now G-MM, most all English channels have been removed. Even the multi languages programs feature has stopped. I now go upstairs and watch the 6PM movie on PBS in English as G-MM will not let me view in English on their system.

    If going with satilite, what is a good package, to views news, movies and maybe the Fox and National Graphic channels etc.

  17. Depends on who owns the dog.

    'Owner' is a normal village member (shack residence), in this instance we're the ones with the 'connection' (minor, but still a connection).

    I'm not looking for compensation, certainly no begging for forgiveness from the owner (a size-11 toe 'tector would meet his mush if he tried that), I just want the beast out of circulation, permanently!

    Are you 100% sure it was a small pooch?? Could it of been something else, maybe some wild animal??? Was just wondering as full grown geese are something to behold and can be very dangerous, especially when goslings are involved. We had geese when I was a kid, they were great watch dog and even our husky wouldn't go near them.

  18. “which seemed weird because she didn't look like the kind of person to need a black corporate case.”

    How do you know if you were not there, unless your alleged friend went into every minute detail?

    As I mentioned in the OP, my friend said the girl was a bit of a hippie. She said she didn't seem the type to need or want corporate accessories.

    Please don't judge a book by its cover. 5 days a week, I dressed to impress as a dominate individual, but 2 days a week I dressed casually and sometimes could be said, more like a poor slob. I enjoy dressing that way, especially when I'm out looking for a new vehicle or clothes shopping etc. You'd be surprised how many sales people look the other way, when I'm purchasing something a little pricy. I once told a snobby clerk that I had just received an increase in my welfare check and could now afford it and since there was commission, I paid through a different clerk. My ex hated me when I did this. I have approached people in public areas, complemented them on an Item and inquired where I could get one. I wasn't scamming, I was just inquisitive but do agree you must always be aware. I have a problem, I'll talk with most anyone and if I can put a smile on their face, they

    made my day

  19. I'd be very interested to know how this Policeman has 6 mill. baht, surplus to his own requirements, in order to refurbish his place of work??!! Unheard of anywhere, I would suspect???!!!

    Unheard of anywhere, I would suspect???!!!

    Possibly, but didn't Thaksin get his start as a policeman? And then there's Lord Peter Wimsey and Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley, 8th Earl of Asherton. And don't forget Bruce Wayne, American billionaire, industrialist, and philanthropist ... not exactly a policeman but he did catch bad guys and drive the Bat Mobile.

    Then again, wasn't Bill Gates just a collage drop-out

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