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Posts posted by balford

  1. There's a LOT of difference between listening to and hearing. Any opposition to these dams will only confirm the whoosh factor as regards EGAT - it'll go straight in one ear and out the other and the reports, EIS, etc., will be tailored to suit their agenda.

    You only commission reports and fora when you already know the answer...

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

  2. Silly me! I thought TAT was going to miraculously convert martial law into a tourism experience or was that just another daily 'Hub' of anything and everything


    This agency really needs the cleaners put through it and a competent team that actually knows what it's doing put in place. One that can also have the clout and the guts to be able to get the funding to develop tourist sites without desecrating their significance and/or allowing greed and corruption to take over... Obviously wishful thinking though.

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

  3. And what guage did they use to determine that martial law was killing tourism? Did they conduct any polls or issue questionnaires? Or is just another of TAT's daily press releases saying nothing, but issued because...well, that's what they do.

    And silly me - I thought martial law was another of TAT's brillant ideas to bring tourists in. Sigh. coffee1.gif

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

  4. "Remember the book published in the late '70's ? The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia. Great read, as I recall back in the late '80s when I first came to LOS and was in the north for a long period. The book looks mostly at time leading up to and including Vietnam War as I recall. I think the military and police may like to start looking at books like this to get some context at least for the drugs trade."

    Reading books? Interesting concept for Thais - but at least you qualified it in saying they may "...like to start looking at books..." clap2.gif

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

  5. Abbot is nothing more then a clone of John Howard and is just as nasty, sleazy and spiteful.

    This raising the threat level may well be the right thing if indeed it has come from the Intell community - or it is no more than a distraction for something he's about to announce that is more sinister.

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

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  6. Last time I mailed a 90-day form with all the required copies it never arrived at Chiangmai Immigration, only 90km from Lampang.

    It was registered, had a self addressed and stamped envelope inside and still failed to show up. Fortunately I had the post office receipt and Registration number so I wasn't penalised, despite the officer's eyes lighting up in expectation of a fine.

    I haven't mailed a 90-day report for three years but instead go into Lampang and the 90-day reporting venue there or, if 'she who must be obeyed' wants to do some Chiasngmai shopping then we go there to face the chaos at Immigration.

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang.

  7. My wife and I live in a village on the outskirts of Lampang. She's from Thonburi originally but we opted to keep as far as we could from family now here parents are dead.

    The village is on a small rise so we've never had flooding problems, it has a health clinic where I'm registered, it has an airport, it is only 92km from Chiangmai, it is reasonably close to Lampang centre and the usual suspects in shopping - Makro, Big C, Tesco, Central Plaza and the smaller specialty shops, and it has visiting Immigration Officers each Tuesday to process the 90-day reports. But, most importantly we are comfortable here.

    If you aren't comfortable where you are you won't enjoy what Thailand has to offer.

    Bob A. - relaxed in Lampang

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