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Posts posted by balford

  1. Why Thai wife and I are one of the couples who 'survive' on ฿45,000 per month. My wife gets ฿20,000 per fortnight of which ฿10,000 is banked for our annual trips back to Darwin or elewhere. We live well, eat very well (way too well) and manage to keep $200 in our Australian bank per fortnight.


    I think the secret is that we own everything and owe nothing but the two monthly bills - power and Internet. If we want something extra we are able to buy it. While we are very comfortable here we couldn't afford to live in Australia purely on my military pension.


    We don't 'survive', we live and live well - even with six dogs...


    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

    • Like 2
  2. We've found songtaew to be very good with the exception being the gang at Pang Suan Kaew - Tarad Kaew. They're very pushy, will double or triple the price for say the route to Airport Plaza and generally put you off.

    We go onto the kerb of Huay Kaew Rd and hail one or take one sitting there waiting... Don't know if there are other problem sites but we haven't struck it yet.

    Learning basic Thai is a must for getting around.

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

  3. I'm seriously considering changing from Retirement to Spouse visa but some of the horror stories emerging re the requirements, conditions, etc., are tending to put me off, despite some here saying they've not had any problems. I guess it's a matter of where you are and which office you deal with.

    One mate in Chiangmai has had his spouse visa refused because his wife's maiden name has one wrong letter between the wedding certificate and her ID card. They had had to make an abortive trip to the Amphoe in Bangkok where they were married over 40 years ago, and received little or no help but for a general letter stating the yes, it's really her...

    I've had a retirement visa for ten years and am now wondering if changing over is worth the hassle.

    And on another subject with the recent holidays the visit to Lampang by Immigration for the 90-day reports (first and third Tuesdays of the month) was missed so I'll be a day late in submitting it - will that be a problem?


    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

  4. Dave Austin said, "Drag them into the army, do not pass go!"

    Why saddle the army with these immature thugs? Do what they elsewhere (USA and Australia's Northern Territory are two I can think of) and put them in 'boot camps' where the little mongrels would learn discipline and self respect under conditions similar to 'Rookies' training in the military.

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

  5. I was flying in Hueys out of RAAF Butterworth up to 1983 and we had no problems with them then notr after they were handed over to the army for a number of years. They were and are a reliable aircraft and will probably be around for some time yet.

    With the post mortem promotions the families will at least get some compensation, and the idea of indexed 'insurance' policies is a good one. These blokes were supporting their immediate families and possibly extended families as well. But, despite that the promotions and compensation are the sole business of the Thai defence forces and not the regiment of barstool commandos.

    In the RAAF when an officer retires he takes the next substantive rank - no doubt other services including the RAF have the same policy.

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

  6. This is the first year in nine that I will miss the commemorative activities at Kanchanaburi and instead had three mates lined up to go to Chiangmai, where I knew of the church service and also some events at the Downunder Pub. But, despite three attempts at seeking any information via the Contact Us link for the Downunder Pub there wasn't the common courtesy of a reply to any of them.

    The pub has literally lost four customers without even trying. We'll now observe Anzac Day in a more convivial atmosphere.

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

  7. We just don't worry about it - we live and eat well, with a mix of Thai and (sometimes) what we used to have in Australia, knowing that it will all balance out.

    If you want expensive, try Darwin - 25 years there and it became prohibitive. Here we live well within our means - and she who must be obeyed is a good shopper...

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

  8. Hmmm, wrote instead of rote and the subsequent criticism from our regular barstool commandos and masters of the English language - I guess that would be similar to the bastardisation of English by the Americans in using 'z' instead of 's' and writing paycheck instead of pay cheque; just two examples in this thread alone.

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

  9. If this is the case in wanting to change from Spouse Visa to Retirement Visa is it also the case for changing from Retirement to Spouse?

    I'm considering changing to a Spouse Visa after nine years on the Retirement Visa. I was told some time ago there would be no problem - but that was then. Have things changed? I can't find anything on the web regarding this.

    Any information appreciated.

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

  10. "BTW, no need to drag on about America saving Europe, that was 75 years ago. No need to mention French tourists, could just as easily have been Fred & Wilma and friends from Spokane."

    Exactly right Ratcatcher. Americans need to be reminded that they sat on the fence pretending to be neutral and navel gazing for two years each time before they decided to join the British, Australians and everyone else in the conflicts and then solely claiming victory. And if they couldn't do that they'd manufacture a weapons testing program such as Vietnam, Laos, Iraq or Afghanistan.

    This sort of assault can happen anywhere at anytime, more's the pity. Or are the streets of America so safe anyone can walk anywhere at night? I just hope these tourists get over the injuries, but more the trauma associated with it.

    Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

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