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Bentley 7

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Posts posted by Bentley 7

  1. It does happen all the time particularly with street vendors and more thai orientated establishments but at 13...

    I eat there regularly and have found it to be a straight up establishment

    Its part of being an expat in Thailand though unfair and unjust its an added cost. The worst thing is I cant figure out a way to overcome it with out getting into conflict -take it and do go back again, spend your money where its appreciated

  2. If you are disgusted with the circumstances that occur to some maids such as sexual exploitation, beatings, and cruelty. I will agree its not a great profession

    but in terms of salary and conditions for an unskilled employee whose alternatives would be unemployment or 18 hour a day factory work for less pay - then you must see it as they see it as a great opportunity.

    They save money

    they dont spend money

    they get to travel

    currency rates work in their favour

    they are able to send back to their home countries and keep large families alive

    they use their savings to buy businesses for themselves and relatives back home

    they often have mini export and import businesses

    So dont let your bleeding heart jump on this band wagon before you see that its not a bad deal for the maid -thats why they're itching to to do this type of labour

    I recall reading somewhere that 60% of the foreign remittances to the Phillipines are from workers working offshore -- so its even good for the country of origin

  3. I think the heading was misleading the pay rise constitutes 33 cents a day or US10 a month

    their minimum monthly wage to 445 US dollars which is not bad considering the basic minimum thai wage is 150 to 185 baht a day

    a Mynammar maid can be obtained for as low as 3000 to 4000 baht a month

    and dont forget the added benefits of free accommodation, food, and utlities etc

    It really isnt a that bad of a deal, thats why so many want to go work in HK

  4. You would think with a billion bucks he would have chosen a better restaurant than Mickey Dees to have lunch in, or at least gotten delivery if he was having a Mac attack.

    Where was the entourage and the body guards etc etc?

    Oh thats right Thailand's not paying the bills anymore - if the country was still paying for his lifestyle you can guarantee he wouldnt be eating at Maccas

  5. A lady walks into her doctors office and exclaims that she was stung by a bee whilst playing golf

    the doctor asks where?

    she says between the first and the second hole

    the doctor jumps to his feet and screams :

    My god woman how wide is your stance?

    • Like 1
  6. Yes they still do have these cards, but the price has gone up to Baht 199 and it would be advisable to take a thai with you, as it does require details to be given, but you may be lucky and get an employee who will fill out the form for you.

    By the way no more 2 for 1 and a free garlic bread or wings now its just the pizza

  7. Obviously it depends on the individual girl and the relationship, but the kiss and hug mentality is not firmly entrenched here as in the west.

    For example look at the sniff kiss that most thais practice. It was funny to see Paradorn sniffing Natalie at their engagement, it looked like he was checking if she had gone off like some cheese. It would be interesting to know the origins of this practice (if anyone knows). Could be in the past that it was a test of the smell of body odour

    Affection is public between couples in public is supposedly deemed as unacceptable but I have noticed that thai guys (presumably not gay) between themselves seem to walk hand in hand, hand on shoulders and are quite affectionate with each other etc. without worrying too much, which is something not practiced by western males.

    Give me a couple in love expressing their emotions by hugs and kisses anyday

    One of those cultural hurdles that need to be leaped over

  8. Some great stuff there guys and some disturbing ones too ---Thanks

    As a progression and considering it was Mothers Day recently, let change it to see if our Mothers were able to provide any advice which helped your life:

    One of my mother's favourites was:

    "Never worry about the price of Tupperware, its always worth it."

    and guess what 10 years later I still have and use the same pieces

    Lets hear them

  9. This wasn't given to me by father but by a Scotsman I play golf with:

    An old bull and a young bull stood on a hill, looking down on the glen.

    In that glen a lot of fine young cows grazed on the fine grass.

    So the young bull said to the old bull; "let's run down and ###### one".

    The old bull looked at his young friend and said; "no let's walk down

    and ###### them all".

    Has nothing to do with sex. But with thinking your actions through, having patience and getting the maximum results. I believe old age has some advantages -wisdom

  10. Burgers and fries and Pizza love them all!

    But you must be joking that its good in Thailand

    The portion sizes are smaller -the beef tastes like cardboard, the pizzas are dissapointing and tasteless and you seem to get more bone than chicken in your KFC and dont get me going on the cheese. Is it even cheese?

    Burger King's Whopper burgers are great but for the more than US Dollar price they charge for them you might aswell go eat at a restaurant.

    Subway is a stalwart anywhere in the world but with only 3 in Bkk sometimes not worth the effort.

    The home delivery of Mickey D's and Burger King and Subway is good, not available back home - but overall its a dissapointing culinary treat

  11. I enjoy the steaks and the food at 13 Coins franchises they have a few around town.

    For 199 you can get a Fillet Mignon wrapped in bacon with some vegies and two bar b q'd prawns.

    Its not the Ritz but the quality of the food is excellent - lots of western dishes and plenty of thai ones for the missus and the service is quick and friendly.

  12. I wonder if anyone could help me.

    Recently appeared on the blue bar at the top of the screen in Internet Explorer the name of the page visited followed by the words - Hacked by the Hacking King

    so in this case it is Thailand Forum -Hacked by the Hacking King

    I have all the protections for virus and cleaners but it hasnt managed to clear it.

    Has anyone experienced this? Where did it come from and how do I get rid of this?

    And am I exposed and vulnerable?

    Your asistance is appreciated.

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