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  1. It'll definitely need larger conduit than 3 singles...
  2. I was thinking of doing VAF-G in conduit, just to minimize any vermin bites or issues with exposed cable down the line...
  3. @Crossy as you seem to have a world of experience with this, do you think in-wall/ceiling permanent (non moving) electrical cabling needs to be solid core, or is stranded core also acceptable?
  4. This is exactly what I am trying to avoid 😉
  5. Thanks, I'm sure there is meaning here I will have a dig around!
  6. In this video a tax lawyer states credit card purchases and ATM withdrawals are not taxable as they are not hitting your personal Thai bank account...
  7. Price is important, some brands get promotional pricing at different outlets, it is easier to know what to avoid than to wait for a particular brand to get a promotion...
  8. Hi guys, in reviewing some posts here and other locations online, it seems that not all cable brands are equal when picking electrical cable to wire up a new house... I have heard some sparkies will not use certain brands because they are sub-par (as in the copper specified on the cable spec is not accurate ie: 2.5mm is not actually 2.5mm, but some lower measurement, etc), however I cannot find any information specifically on what brands to avoid. Has anyone run into this before, or have any further into to help me make the right choices? Cheers!
  9. Thank you, yes I can certainly understand the aesthetic appeal. For me being 185cm tall, my question was for practical reasons. I have found in many Thai built buildings, and indeed in my current rental, the drop floor in bathrooms means the top of the door frame is quite low, meaning I actually have to be careful so I don't bump my head... Whilst my build will not have dropped floors in bathrooms, I do like the idea of taller than normal doors. Cheers!
  10. You've got me thinking now. My ceilings are drawn 3m high throughout, but my doors are all 2m. What was the thinking behind the higher doors, maybe I need to consider this myself for our build...
  11. Very interesting! Did they end up costing much more than off the shelf versions?
  12. Thank you, good to know. I wonder how much heat the Aluminum doors/frames transfer in over the uPVC versions...
  13. Interested to know why you don't like the uPVC?
  14. hahahah I nearly spat out my coffee when I read this!!
  15. Interesting they are using white/grey conduit for electrical, I have only ever seen them use the yellow here for those services...
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