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Ben Zioner

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About Ben Zioner

  • Birthday 02/29/1976

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    Koh Rat

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  1. Happily? definitely not. But I have spent my first 10 years here not paying a cent. If I die (at 77) in 5 years time I'll end up paying 5% over 15 years, not such a bad deal after all. And I might do better with the LTR.
  2. That's extremely risky. If I did that and was caught after 5 years it would cost me over 10 Million, while "only" 4.3 Million if I duly paid my tax while these 4.3 might become 0, because of my visa.
  3. Is this a political fiction? Trump at the next election night.
  4. Ok you can do -1 for Kamala, it was me and I shouldn't interfere. But I wanted to see the results, so I am impressed and somewhat surprised. Maybe the poorly educated pro Trump fringe is just loud here.
  5. BTW I am considering something like this. What slows me is that I'd need to cover two separate roofs one south facing the other west. The second one being quite elevated. Also when it comes to backup power, a 10 KW Genset will come cheaper than any battery. Therefore IMHO 10KW On grid + Genset, if really needed, is the way to go these days. But in 3 years time it could all change. And than I am not in a remote area, where for new houses, the cost of a PEA connection comes into the equation
  6. But based on my [rough] calculations stored energy will cost you more than the PEA supply. I'd used solar keep the house cool during hot hours, bake bread, and hot water. 8 to 10 KW solar gives probably the best savings for the average house. Forget about selling to PEA at 2.2 Baht a KWh.
  7. You reckon? IMO it is clearly retaining essential info, for instance "Yes LTR must file a return on a new form recently posted on TRD's website". But no link to the form provided. Just another one drumming up business.
  8. Often wondered whether "drivers" should be allowed the same roads as common "commuters".
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