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Posts posted by bronco10250

  1. My advice: stay out of politics at all!

    Thai LoSi, MidSo or Hi So most of them do lack critical thinking plus they cannot discuss (political) issues on an abstract level without emotional involvement; my experience after a couple of years watching.

    Here is all or nothing, either with me or with the terrorists (either side same same) when it comes to such topics. So better have a chilled beer and a decent talk about politics with your European friends; in case the family discussion is heating up, just 'mai pen rai' her and handover your CC; she'll immediatley forgot the argument :-)

  2. On the one hand they (police/admin) play it very smart atm , but on the other i doubt they 'just watch and report'. All the intelligence collected will be used and we gonna see it soon... this is a police state, doesnt matter who is on charge; just watch out, blood will be spelled as it seems we are crossing the rubicon soon!

  3. i think social media has been used, to give the general public the impression a huge movement is underway against the current govt . today will indicate how many real followers they have , not just fb friends ... what i dont understand is why the democrats have not hit the road with real policies , real solutions and gained voter confidence , to then have at least a chance at winning an election ... that is the democratic way to get change for the better ...instead they take the bat and ball and go home , to now return and try and tear up the pitch .... childish !!!

    You are so right! Just a joke this guy :-)

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