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Posts posted by icommunity

  1. The medical workers should join protest as an individual not as a group. My wife, a medical professional say this is humiliating the medical professionals. Medical works should be considered as essential work of the country and cannot be disrupted or used as a pressure tool. This is against humanity. Many do not want to be part of the protest but were 'force' to. I don't think we want to see a divide among the medical workers like that of doctors and nurses were barred to attend to the REDshirt/UDD.

  2. The misled, misguided, misinformed protesters should go home. The caretakers government has often ask the law enforcement agencies to exercise restrain and leniency. Their leaders will face the rule of law not them. BTW, many protesters from the South are foreign workers - both legal and illegal. many of them are also rubber and oil palm farmers without land titles and have to depend on the DEM for their livelihood. They were intimidated and threatened to join the protest.

  3. It is very simple in my opinion and my opinion is below :

    The caretaker government cannot delay the election. It has to be carried out before February the 6th or the caretaker government will be in breach of the constitution and the PDRC will pretty surely in my opinion on Feb 7th be straight along to file a complain with the Constitution Court to get a new PM appointed.

    The Constitution of Thailand says that an election is to be held within a fixed timescale (presently Feb 6th is the deadline), and if the seats are not filled then by-elections are to be held until the seats are filled.

    Until 95% of the seats are filled by way of election, or series of by-elections after the initial election, the caretaker government stays in power.

    When by-elections have been held, over and over again if necessary, and 95% of the seats are filled then the new parliament is in effect.

    The caretaker government cannot delay the election. The only way it can be delayed is if the Constitution Court rules in advance that it can be delayed. If there is no Constitution Court ruling in advance that it may be delayed then any delay will breach the Constitution and the Constitution Court will find the caretaker PM and the caretaker government in breach.

    I agreed with you. Only that the Constitution Court cannot rules in advance that it can be delayed. It will be unconstitutional if the section concerned is not amended. The CC is to follow the law passed by parliament. They have no power to make law and ruling must follow the principle of justice and evidence, not personal opinions.

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  4. The EC seems to have a good point that a letter to the PM suggesting a postponement to the elections should be discussed directly with the EC before inviting a list of extraneous parties to have a panel discussion about it. I think they would be quite right to refuse to attend the panel discussion, should it ever take place.

    EC commissioners have already held secret talks with those who wanted to seize power illegally. They were not transparent. We don't know what they have agreed or colluded. Further more, there is no law saying that it can be postponed except that if the election failed to get any result, another election should be held within 180 day. And this is not a postponement.

    • Like 1
  5. Why should the Democrats join any discussion related to an election they have refused to take part in?

    I would have thought that the support of ~11 million voters last election would have been sufficient for their elected representatives to have a say. Am I being TOO democratic for you?

    Their 11 million voters can stay out of the 2 Feb voting if they want. Isn't that a democratic decision? BTW, the DEM is not the only political party in Thailand. Do you know how many parties are willing to bring forward their policies and ask for the people's mandate?

    • Like 1
  6. IMO, EC commissioners acted illegally in talking to groups that seek to foil the Royal decree on 2nd Feb election. The talks were secret and not transparent for we do not know what they have agreed to or colluded. Now they turned around as if they have make the proposal. Another item that they failed to protect democracy with the King as the Head of State.

    Sorry, On my previous post, I made a mistake on the different of Head of Government and Head of State.

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  7. As the world turns and ponders on the age-old fundamental questions - can Pheu Thai think ? - and if so, will they make the obvious decision and acquiesce to the EC's suggestion and delay the election ? Or will they barrel ahead, full cylinders thrusting - gleefully towards an election that will result in a parliament that cannot be opened ? We have to give Pheu Thai a lot of time for this decision. It's really tough.

    On the other hand, stop thinking. Just do it.

    You mean the constitutionally mandated schedule for elections ??

    That constitution that the democrats are so adamant to defend ??

    The constitution does not mandate Feb. 2 for elections. The constitution allows 180 days which means before May 9. May 4 has been proposed by the EC but Thaksin knows the dormant Amnesty Bill will expire before then so he and his propagandists are hysterical that the election take place Feb. 2. Why are you so strongly in favor of elections on Feb. 2 when it is clear they will be for naught? Are you a Thaksin propagandist? What are your motives for wanting the election on Feb. 2? Instead of putting the idea of waiting down, give us one good reason, besides the fact that they are already scheduled, why they need to be in such a hurry to hold elections.

    The caretaker government's stance is still 2 Feb but is willing to adjust if it is legal. That is why it wanted talks to find a solution since the EC commissioners made a written proposal to the government. It is mischievous for the commissioners to turn around and reject their proposal.

  8. The government was not initiating the forum. It was in response to the EC commissioners' letter proposing to postpone 2 Feb election to 4 May. The commissioners, are creating problems instead of solution. The government's stance is still 2 Feb but is willing to adjust if the proposal to postpone by EC commissioners is legal. The attitude of this bunch of commissioners is like AV and the DEM - they demanded the house be dissolved but when it happened they boycotted it. EC commissioners should resolve the problems of candidates not able to register. IMO, there is no law to say that extension or a new date under the circumstances is illegal. The extension was asked not because there was no candidate or that the candidates were not ready. It was asked because candidates were prevented from registering by EC commissioners and officials closing the centers and resignations. Citing logistic or timing are excuses to foil the 2 Feb election. BTW, I am not against EC but the commissioners who did not carry up their duties and responsibility to protect democracy with the King as the Head of the Government.

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  9. *Deleted Posts edited out*

    When was Thaksin guilty of terrorism???

    He travels freely around the world because the world accepted him as a politically persecuted person. AV administration even lied to the whole world that it had an international arrest warrant.

    They are many with terrorism charges but have not step a step into jail. Their cases got postponing for about six year by now. As for the redshirt/UDD, they are many of them still in jails without trail while some on bail waiting trial.

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