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Posts posted by slackula

  1. I've read many forums online and none to me honestly actually explain very well how to compile from source code, i've tried getting the program to work either with tar.gz file or another tar file, I am using mandriva one 2009 and ubuntu 8.10 no luck available I understand that I have to uncompress the file, i've read about make file, /.configure but still no luck, can someone on here show me a very simple way for compiling from source code and make everything come together and work.

    You can follow slackula's instructions, or (he wouldn't know about this with him using Slackware and all :o ), use your package installer. Under ubuntu it's synaptics. Not sure what Madravia uses....

    What?? We Slackers have this luxurious, highly featured package management tool :D

    But I am not sure how a package installer would help him to compile from source..

  2. All system errors should be viewable in the /var/log/ folder.

    /var/log/messages : General log messages
    /var/log/boot : System boot log
    /var/log/debug : Debugging log messages
    /var/log/auth.log : User login and authentication logs
    /var/log/daemon.log : Running services such as squid, ntpd and others log message to this file
    /var/log/dmesg : Linux kernel ring buffer log
    /var/log/dpkg.log : All binary package log includes package installation and other information
    /var/log/faillog : User failed login log file
    /var/log/kern.log : Kernel log file
    /var/log/lpr.log : Printer log file
    /var/log/mail.* : All mail server message log files
    /var/log/mysql.* : MySQL server log file
    /var/log/user.log : All userlevel logs
    /var/log/xorg.0.log : X.org log file
    /var/log/apache2/* : Apache web server log files directory
    /var/log/lighttpd/* : Lighttpd web server log files directory
    /var/log/fsck/* : fsck command log
    /var/log/apport.log : Application crash report / log file

    You can read them by typing 'tail', 'less', 'more' or 'cat' (without the '') and then the name of the file you want to read in a terminal, eg:

     tail /var/log/messages

    to show the last 10 (by default) system messages.

  3. Without going in to dependency checking and the world of pain that that entails, provided you have the necessary libraries (GCC etc, not sure if they come with the distros you mentioned) installed on the system it is usually just a case of:*

    tar zxf yourfile.tar.gz
    cd yourfile
    make install

    What program are you trying to compile and what errors are you encountering?

    *Compiling a new kernel is rather more complicated

    EDIT: I think you need to be root or use sudo to run the make and make file if the file is uncompressed into a directory somewhere other than your home folder.

  4. I don't understand the love for tex-mex food.

    Potato wedges loaded with cheese and bacon, beef cooked in abominable ways, fajitas and tacos loaded with all sorts of garbage and tamales that are really little different from the sticky rice in a bamboo stalk?

    Might as well go to KFC and eat their crap. Tex-Mex is not a cuisine, it is an indulgence, and a very unhealthy one at that.

    Throw in a jalapeno and it is automatically 'tex-mex' or 'mexican'. ridiculous.

  5. What is a Villa market? :o

    A place that specializes in shitty expired food products. Also has been known to stock Branston Pickle, Heinz Baked (has)Beans and Vegeshite from time time. Generally the last refuge of wannabe expats desperately searching for home comfort food who can't rely on food parcels airlifted in by visiting relatives.

    /although the one opposite Sukhumvit Soi 22/24 did have decent Indian food from the crappy Novotel on 33 when I lived there

  6. This seems to be a solution:


    specifically: yum install scim-lang-thai

    Googling for "fedora 9 X86_64 thai language support" without quotes is quite instructive :o

    If you are very new to the world of GNU/Linux you should be warned that Fedora is a testing platform; therefore it is subject to frequent updates, some of which are quite important. You might be better served by a more reliable or better tested distro. But that is just my humble opinion.

  7. i bought an edimax usb adapter and it works beautifully. i should have done that first. oh well, sometimes troubleshooting is the best way to learn something new.

    Maybe post the steps and specs of your new adapter for other people new to *buntu to learn from.

    ps: are you going to change the avatar now? :D

    good idea. it is an edimax EW-7318USg. http://www.edimax.com/en/produce_detail.ph...1&pl2_id=44

    I pluged it in and it worked right away without having to install any drivers. it has excellent linux support.

    ps: i'll get around to the avatar eventually. i need to find a suitable replacement.

    Cool, glad to hear than you are now on-line with your Linux distro, and so easily, kudos to you and the people at edimax :o

    Apart from the Ubuntu forums the LinuxQuestions.org forums have a huge amount of *very* knowledgeable users also, they helped me out so much when I was struggling along in the beginning.

  8. There is serious BKK money behind the project, they will get it right(ish) eventually.

    Expect several months of teething problems and then European brewing experts to arrive once the squabbles between the investors have been sorted out :o

  9. i bought an edimax usb adapter and it works beautifully. i should have done that first. oh well, sometimes troubleshooting is the best way to learn something new.

    Maybe post the steps and specs of your new adapter for other people new to *buntu to learn from.

    ps: are you going to change the avatar now? :o

  10. Have you tried to run dhcpcd on whatever interface name the adapter has been assigned?

    slackula, you'll have to forgive me for my ignorance here. i am at a loss on dhcpcd. remember, i just installed ubuntu last night.

    edit: oh yeah. i'll change my avatar when i am able to do it through a linux OS. it will be my way of saying to you that i figured this mess out.

    LMFAO, you are going to have to get a thicker skin!

    If you need info on any command you can almost always open a terminal window and type "man dhcpcd" (without quotes) to get info on what that, or anything else, will do.

    If your interface is being set up as wlan0 then try to open a terminal window and as root (or sudo or whatever Ubuntu uses) and type "dhcpcd wlan0" and see what happens. (again without quotes)

    It would also help us to help you if you could post the output of the results of typing ifconfig and iwconfig in a terminal window.

  11. In the mean time does anyone have any suggestions for a first time user?

    a) Change your avatar to something more mature, the lamp is stupid and old

    2) learn how to use Google

    VI) hit up the Ubuntu forums

    bullet > ) get a proper distro

    8) open a terminal session and login as root before doing anything

    You are welcome.

    /do not do anything that I said here, except a)

  12. The trick is maintaining the sound without perceptibly taking a breath.....I believe the current world record for this breathing technique is held by Kenny G.

    From Wikipedia

    In 1997, Kenny G earned a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for playing the longest note ever recorded on a saxophone. Kenny G held an E-flat for forty five minutes and 12 seconds in the Hopkins-Bright Auditorium at D&R Music World in New York City.

    Which was also the most interesting thing that Kenny G has ever played.

  13. I have a question out there and would like an answer on this as I can't find an answer to this question. I have a Sony Vaio Labtop and for wifi use I have to turn on a switch located on the left side of the computer. I have used Ubuntu 8.04 & 8.10, To no luck avail upon reading my forums, and a website that showed me how to get wifi working madberry.org I still never got it working. mind you I have the atheros 242 card installed. I then went and tried OpenSuse 11.0 where I had the option of 1 click install again further research and looking for answers wifi still did not work. So I put mandriva one spring 2008 and 100% Success with wifi working with no installing anything. So my question is, if mandriva can do something so simple as getting wifi to work without any install or compiling tar.gz files why can't other distros do the same thing. I know some people who simple got it working with other labtops like HP, Dell, Compaz, Acer, etc, so is because my labtop is sony or what. Look forward to all your answers

    I would guess that the WiFi card worked under Mandriva because it ships with a heavily modified kernel and they have included support and drivers for that particular card.

    Please understand that all Linux distros are targeted at different users requirements. Some want it all to work 'out of the box' (SuSe, Ubuntu, Mandriva Fedora etc), some like to take control of the system and build it for their specific needs (Gentoo, Slackware, LFS, and more).

    If I want to make a server and there is no need for me to have wireless card support in that box then why would I want the extra bits and pieces in my operating system? It is just overhead and extra stuff that needs to be patched and maintained.

    The point of Linux distros is to give you the freedom you want to do the things you need.


    Do you need NTFS support?

    1) get a "do all" distro that has it and don't worry

    2) get an easily modifiable distro and add it, while learning cool stuff

    3) get something else and add it in at the time of installation

    4) get something that is not quite so easy, but take the time to learn how to add it

    The other important thing to do is to research the components in your machine before deciding that you want to switch to using a GNU/Linux based operating system, there are things out there that are hard to get working; but if you have the time and curiosity to spend it is a rewarding trip.

  14. (snip)My advice to anyone in Thailand or anywhere is avoid contact with the police but if you do have to deal with them keep calm and don't insult them.(/snip)

    Sage words.

    In my occasional dealings with the BiB over the years (10) that I have lived here I have found them to be generally fair(ish), provided that people don't bring up the old "but that's not how it works in the West" canard. That is a red rag to a bull for them.

    The other thing I have learned is that contrition, be it on either side of a dispute, is highly regarded and can go a long way in the resolution/mitigation of a situation.

  15. Thais are much more perverse and unstandard sexualy, for someone with the average value in the west, thais are 100x more disgusting than us from that perspective..

    Bwahahahaa 10/10, that is some class fishing.

    Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to because you are farking hilarious dude.

  16. Go to BKK, and check out the cars there, there are deals to be had.

    Wife and I picked up a 2004 E-class Benz two months ago, 220 CDI diesel, classic (i.e. lower trim levels) but only 86,000 km (~50,+00 miles) on the clock. 1.8M for the car.

    The seller had lots of other cars for sale (or pawned); the 'tents' in Phuket are generally useless imho, BKK ones have some interesting things for sale.

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