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Posts posted by Tony125

  1. Robert333 I hope you saw Mesquite's post #18 that there is not much difference between a retirement (long term visa) and a marriage visa. Getting married you still would have to be under a visa but don't have to leave country every 90 days just report where you are living to immigration every 90 days. He also shows you what you can do on your own long term visa , don't need to marry to do it.

  2. May I ask why you didn't look for a woman in your own country?

    Or the Philippines where the ladies are far more sincere, faithful, honest and trustworthy. Plus most educated Filipinas speak and write fluent English so you can have conversations.

    Being a Catholic country there isn't as much superstitious nonsense to put up from them also

    Why does,t he find a woman in his own country? Maybe because he's been burned by western type women and feels like a Thai girl might be different. And as far as going to Phillippines, PLEASE! I have a cousin who married a Pinay after WW2 and worked out fine but also know 2 friends who met online Pinays . 1 after marrying filed for divorice 2 weeks after landing in USA the other waited a few years till older guy found his wife had been running around with a young Phillippine guy in USA.for 2 years . 1st marriage was annuled by court second going for divorice. Doesn't mean can't happen with Thai but there is NO guarantee because they are catholic or speak (some) better english that it will work.

  3. A Tourist Visa can indeed be converted first to a single entry Non-Immigrant Type O and then when there's 30 days or less remaining a yearly extension of stay based on retirement can be applied for.

    It's basically what I call a "three-step-process" (at least here in Bangkok it takes three visits to Immigrations to do it, I dunno what other Immigrations Offices do, I only deal with Bangkok Immigrations).

    You need to have at least 15 days left on your Tourist visa when you apply to convert that to a Non-Immigrant Type O. You also need to meet the financial requirements of either 800K in a Thai bank or a letter from your embassy stating you get at least 65K baht a month from you country or a combination of the twl. Believe me IF you go the Embassy letter for this the Immigrations officer will ask you for proof that you really get the money (pension statements, SS direct deposits etc are fine). The reason they do this is because they know people from the US can put any amount on the Embassy letter they want. If you go the banked money route you don't need to have it seasoned at all. It just needs to be 800K in a Thai bank.

    First Step; You go to Thai Immigrations in Bangkok, (section C1) pay a 2000 baht fee, you're applying for a "change of visa" w/form TM86. Your documentation is accepted and you're told to come back to Immigrations 2 weeks later. Your paperwork is set upstairs for "review" during that time. It's my experience that IF they take you're money and your paperwork you've pretty much gonna get the visa. I've never seen someone denied after they took payment and paperwork and if you don't meet the qualifications they won't take your money or your paperwork.

    Step Two; You return to Thai Immigrations two weeks later, give them your passport, they stamp a single entry Non-Immigrant Type O visa into it, stamp used on it, then give you a new "permission to stay until" stamp dated 90 days out.

    Step Three: When there are 30 days or less on your permission to stay stamp (usually about two months after "step two"), you go to Immigrations w/form TM7 and your documentation to qualify for a yearly extension of stay based on retirement. Again 800K in the bank for 60 days (because it's your first ever yearly extension), a letter from your Embassy stating you get 65K baht a month (this time they don't ask for proof) or a combination of the two, a medical certificate, and 1900baht. It's a pretty painless process.

    You went from a Tourist Visa, to a Non-O, to a yearly extension of stay based on retirement in three visits to Immigrations; totally cost for visa fees 3900 baht. Oh once you get that far don't forget to buy a re-entry permit before you leave Immigrations other wise if you need to leave Thailand during the year and don't have one you're extension would be canceled.

    BTW a Tourist Visa is a "real visa" that you got BEFORE you showed up here and it let you in for 60 days (don't confuse a 30 day visa exempt stamp like you get at the airport with a real visa). Still even on a 30 day visa exempt stamp you can do the same process, it's just a different form TM87 because you're not converting a Tourist Visa to a Non-O, you're applying for a Non-O w/out a visa.

  4. All your US tax forms and booklet can be downloaded and printed online ,can also do it with Turobo Tax or some other tax company. Could also have your relative put in large envelope and mail to you. Other bank cards and stuff can be paid or done online as well. Family--- friends can be given your address here in Thailand or just e mail you.

    As far as condo get a realtor to rent for you. They collect and oversea property. Take personal items you don't want damaged or stolen and put in storage.

  5. Tourists are unlikely to be aware of the bans - are the dates even publicised to tourists?

    Many tourists enjoy a glass of wine, or a glass of beer with their evening meal. After all, they are on holiday.

    It's not a nice feeling to order a drink at a restaurant and then be told "no".

    Since Thais and expats aren't really affected by the law, it's only the tourists who will be irked by it.

    Oh well guess they will have to endure maybe 1 weekend without ,second I think they would buy beforehand like most of us do in USA when big sporting event is coming up on a weekend, we stock up on cases of beer ,call friends and order pizza and barbecue. . I don't drink and feel bad for you guys who figure the worlds a terrible place if you can't get a drink. Seen what has happened to friends addicted to alcohol or drugs but guess that 1 reas0on Thai immigration tries to get selective they don't want a bunch of drunks living here because housing and healthcare is cheap as well as the beer.

    • Like 1
  6. I'd be happy to see him walk away but that isn't my decision.

    His point is fair enough. He doesn't want another family, she works, her ex has a paying job and the kids have a father who does see them. Not sure why you think he would need to step up to be a surrogate father in that situation. I couldn't see him ignoring the kids or treating them like unwanted pieces of flotsam.

    Possibly his GF wants him to be a surrogate father, I'm not clear about that really.

    The sticking point for him is financial and perhaps some western thought of what is right and wrong.

    I've seen a number of relationships like this in Australia where the man and woman keep financials separate and they don't pay for large expenditure for each other's children. Surely there must be similar in Thailand?

    **** You say your not clear about if his GF wants him to be a surrogate father, then should find out to update this forum, Secondly you asked us question but don't seem to like the th responses your getting keep asking why should he and what about this reason that. 90 per cent said "it a pkg deal" but you don't seem to like those answers. I agree online we don't always say total truth--how tall, heavy, pretty, fat, have kids ect but after awhile tell other what true story is. She told him of kids he came over loved the sex but wants nothing to do with upbringing of kids except basic support . Tell the 40 year old young man to grow up or move on.

  7. My apologies for posting this thread under a new name. I was not attempting the pull the wool over anyone's eyes, I simply did not want to have any answers to this genuine question interfered with by attitudes towards me from previous posts under my original title.

    As stated this is a genuine question and issue, and I will delete the "honky" account when this thread has run it's course

    I have a beutifull grown daughter with 2 great gran kids, her mother and I basically can't stand each other . We never talk or correspond in any way "BUT" if there is a birthday gathering for gran kids or daughter or some other family affair we both attend so as not to make my daughter feel uncomfortable smile and act civil . Go to the affair and don't make your daughter feel uncomfortable or hurt because you won't attend after asking her what she wanted and she told you. Doesn't lessen what you did for her so suck it up and show what a great dad and man you are.

  8. on reading your post, my first thought was for the young Thai lady that put in on the line for you .... perhaps you have contributed to the anti-American movement ... came in nice and polite, taken what you wanted/needed and (atypically American) gone home ... don't let the door hit ya ...

    Not true,

    I have business reasons to go back, and I "have" to go back to clean up a spill I left from the last marriage,

    The girl, has benefitted greatly,

    before I got her she didnt have a hot water heater for her shower, or a vacumb, which I purchased quickly when I moved in, as well, a large refridgerator to house my large supply of vegetables that I regularly juice,

    I also finished her kitchen for her,

    try not to look at this as being one way,

    I took very good care of her, and she wants me back,

    We have both known from the beginning I would have to go back once certain matters came to conclusion and required my presence, and I have real business needs that must be done in person,

    The question is, do I return?

    She wants me too, and I might,

    I just do not know, and the door is left open for me

    Trust me, all her friends know she has been happier than they have seen her in several years, so this was a mutually beneficial arrangement, and she was by far, no servant

    You will be going back because as you said you don't want a 40+ year old as your 54. You are not going to be dating any hot 20 + year olds in Florida unless you are paying some serious cash or dealing with crack heads. Your looking to live in Florida? Retirement mecca for older Americans 60+ but may find some hot senior citizens who take care of themselves..

    PS> we make a whole lot more than an average Thai (but I guess you haven''t met any Hi-so Thai's as I doubt you come close making what they do) so most of us don't mind giving our mate, mia, G/F, mia Noi some help financially so her parents can have a easier life in Non Khon Nowhere

  9. Even if both run on other poeples passports, how did the guys get into the country with all the biometric scans at the immigration check at the airports?

    Unless the warrants were issued after arrival, I wonder how they got here. With an interpol warrant on your back (and in the computer system), you would not get through immigration at airports in Amsterdam, London, Frankfurt or New York.

    Are TV posters that nieave to think you only have a few legal ways to get into country? I had afriend who went to Burma got drunk and couldn't find passport so paid canoe person to ride him down river back to Thailand under palm fronds. Plus how do ypou think drug smugglers get stuff into Thailand? Ever done a visa run? How hard would it be if you knew the area or had GPS location equipment with you to get off before border crossing and walk thru jungle to other country? Illegals cross frozen Canadian lakes, cross Rio grande river and walk acrosss desert to enter USA, even rafts or boats landing on a beach, wake up, wise up.

  10. If they were not so fussy I would donate on a regular bias as I did back in England but English blood is not good enough for them.

    What are you talking about? Blood is blood type is not based on Natioality or even race. An African, Brit, or Asian person could have the same blood type. O type is simply called the universal donor as persons with A,B, or AB positive/negative can receive O blood if their type is not available. O type can only receive O type blood.

    The only requirement in giving blood is that it is disease free and if you having been engaging in primiscous sex with prostitutes or are drug user you will be banned from giving blood in USA and probably Thailand.

  11. For not knowing me and who I am and what I do that is a big generalization on your part

    would you not say!

    Just because I have now become a member of TV does not mean that I have not

    been reading the posts on TV.

    Sitting on a computer all day does not seem to interest me that much!

    One thing I have noticed about this post on university girls is that not one guy

    has mentioned that he has a university or even a college degree!

    If I have missed it I am sure someone will point it out to me!

    Several guys have said they teach English at such and such university.

    And why would I want to buy you dinner as you are the one wanting to prove the point

    of your wife having a university degree which can be easily forged along with passports,

    work histories, and birth certificates!

    If you have lived here long enough for a few bahts anything is possible here in Thailand!

    Just saying if you have been here for so many years but have not come acrrosss a farang married to a collge grad that you either don't go out or don't hang in those circles. Nothing wrong being married to a bar girl have a friend in US has been married for 9 years has a son with her and the marriage is good. Another been with girl almost 2 years living here but have also seen and heard of major problems with some. Since you say paperwork can be forged no sense trying to prove anything to you but I met my wife after she had just graduated university and my friend married her sis who is a chemical engineer in Rayong could give you the name and you could call to ask for her at her company there but won't over this forum. Not saying anyone is better but don't generalise and say there are no farangs married to university girls because you would be wrong.

    There you go again putting words in my mouth that I never said!

    Please reread my post again!

    No were in the post did I say, "there were no farangs married to university girls"

    Also I said nothing being wrong with married to a bar girl!

    Well actually my post was in answer to Possum as well as you ,if you check his posts he mentions being here 8 years but not knowing any farang married to university grad Thai girl. And is this not your post #77 ?


    The majority of TV members have a university educated gf or wife, so I don't think the avoid farang relationships.

    "Wow, what a statement!

    Been here in Thailand for 28 years and have never meet someone married to

    a university student.

    Been told by girls they are going to university and even shown an ID from the university but after

    getting to know the girl they are an escort or massage lady."

  12. For not knowing me and who I am and what I do that is a big generalization on your part

    would you not say!

    Just because I have now become a member of TV does not mean that I have not

    been reading the posts on TV.

    Sitting on a computer all day does not seem to interest me that much!

    One thing I have noticed about this post on university girls is that not one guy

    has mentioned that he has a university or even a college degree!

    If I have missed it I am sure someone will point it out to me!

    Several guys have said they teach English at such and such university.

    And why would I want to buy you dinner as you are the one wanting to prove the point

    of your wife having a university degree which can be easily forged along with passports,

    work histories, and birth certificates!

    If you have lived here long enough for a few bahts anything is possible here in Thailand!

    Just saying if you have been here for so many years but have not come acrrosss a farang married to a collge grad that you either don't go out or don't hang in those circles. Nothing wrong being married to a bar girl have a friend in US has been married for 9 years has a son with her and the marriage is good. Another been with girl almost 2 years living here but have also seen and heard of major problems with some. Since you say paperwork can be forged no sense trying to prove anything to you but I met my wife after she had just graduated university and my friend married her sis who is a chemical engineer in Rayong could give you the name and you could call to ask for her at her company there but won't over this forum. Not saying anyone is better but don't generalise and say there are no farangs married to university girls because you would be wrong.

  13. The majority of TV members have a university educated gf or wife, so I don't think the avoid farang relationships. coffee1.gif

    I have never come across any Farangs with a university educated wife in my eight years of living here. Mrs Possum was in full time education till she was 22 years old, that's the nearest I've seen. If my experience of Farangs is anything to go by, I would say most TV members are married to ex bargirls, and I'll tell you what, every single one of them that I know are much better people and are more hospitable than any girl I have known in the UK.

    I would say, and this is only an opinion, ex bargirls are more likely to make better wives than university girls.

    Never came across any farangs married to University educated Thai? Miust not get out much, if you pay for dinner I'll meet with you and my wife and have her bring her diploma along, also her sister is a chemical engineer and I have a friend coming in May whose wife is also University grad and lives and works with him in USA. There is an expat group in Bangkok ( I would give name but don't want to be warned again for promoting or advertising a place) that most of all of the expats are college grads and their Thai wives are as well.

  14. It would be better if he rot in jail for the rest of is life than a quick execution. Either way he wont be able to kill again.

    Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    "Either way he wont be able to kill again." Really? How many guys sentanced to jail for life or even 20 years for killing someone have broken out of jail and killed again or killled guards or other inmates in jail. A lot! Excute them then not have to worry about them killing again.

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  15. if you are young don't go for the 30 year lease ,usufruct better lasts a lifetime ,if your an old guy go for the lease chances are you would be dead before 30 lease expires jmo,better to just go back down land office and get usufruct costs around 100 bht ,no hassle at all.

    i am 42 taninthai..... do i need a lawyer to draw up a usufruct, or can i get a template online that will be accepted by the land office?

    Don't be stupid, it should be worth a few baht to make sure everything is done right. If you were in your home country would you fork over thousands of dollars to a G/F or even wife and say here go buy some land and a house for us not knowing if the deed is lein free or any other problems.? get a lawyer.

  16. Why not simply allow every person ONE extension / visa run PER YEAR - problem solved or is this solution to difficult to implement?

    I believe there is already a rule that tourists visas can only be used for six months out of any twelve month period. As with everything else, sometimes it is reasonably strictly enforced and sometimes not at all.

    You are wrong ,those are old rules:

    Beyond 90 Days

    Visitors can now enjoy Thailand more

    A dose of good news awaits tourists—following the new regulation set by Thai Immigration, visitors can now come regularly to Thailand without limiting their stay within a total of 90 days in a six-month period.

    The restriction has already been abolished so tourists can now visit Thailand as often as they want, provided that they obtain 30 day Visa on Arrival at airports and 15 day Visa on Arrival if they are traveling via land borders.

    However, immigration officials still recommend getting visas prior to arrival in Thailand, as they remind visitors that back-to-back short visas are not the proper way to extend the stay in the country on a long-term basis.

    This new regulation is predicted to greatly benefit travel agencies as more border trips are expected to be booked with the increased influx of tourists eager to renew their visas.

    As of Nov 1st 2013 if you are a citizen of 1 of the G-7 countries (The
    United States, Canada, Great Britain, Japan, Germany, France and Italy
    ) and you cross into Thailand by land border you will be given 30 day
    visa not the previous 15 day.
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