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Everything posted by djeetyet

  1. Thanks for the link. The TM 30 has been approved, though the rental agreement is not in my name. I believe this page will be helpful, too: <<Notify Residence>>
  2. I will be applying for a Non-Immigrant Retirement Visa in early April, 2025. My landlord made the TM 30 online, but she says there's no option to print/download from her smartphone. Don't I need to have a copy of the TM30 when applying at my local Imm office? If already answered please post link to thread - I searched and couldn't find one. TIA.
  3. Thanks so much! Where did you get this image from if I may ask? I looked all over. URL please.
  4. I know this is very late, but can someone confirm that immigration offices are open tomorrow, May 1st? I know it's Labor Day and it's a bank holiday. But the other day I was at my local immigration office and was told to pick up my visa on May 1st. I double checked with them, asking wasn't that a holiday, and they said that they would definitely be open. However I am doubting if this is true. Does anybody know for a fact that local immigration offices are going to be open, or closed, on May 1st, 2024. I live an hours drive away from the office! Thank you.
  5. My Skype account is funded and I use it regularly to call other 1-800 numbers with no problem. I have called after 8:00 p.m. Thailand time and still received the "only automated systems are available" message. I can't figure out why I am not getting through.
  6. How can I call the IRS 1-800 toll-free from Thailand? I am using Skype on a PC. I know that I am supposed to call during "local time" hours, but how does that translate time wise for us living here in Thailand? I called at 6, 7, and 8 pm Thai time, but keep getting that they're closed and only automated services are available. I have the "267-941-1000 Monday through Friday from 6am to 8pm Eastern time" info, but it's NOT toll free. Thanks
  7. Yes Schwab reimburses, but I find the cash advance most convenient and can get large sums of money rather than withdrawing many many times from the ATM machine
  8. Yes, it is a debit card. Do you have a link to this information?
  9. Yes, I believe they actually tried the card.
  10. I did not try the ATM machine as I like to withdraw one large amount rather than many smaller ATM machine withdrawals
  11. Went to Bangkok Bank to use my Schwab debit card for a Cash Advance only to be told that my card no longer worked in their system. I have used this card before with no hassles. Has anyone else encountered this problem and is there a fix for it? If there has been a previous thread regarding this topic please leave a link. I searched and could not find one.
  12. Thank you for this response. You state "EMS will not send to US PO box address anymore" - but the envelope has already been sent and arrived at "Inward Office of Exchange (United States) International - USJFKA". It just hasn't moved since. And, do you have more information on the "Alternative was a Thailand Post option (almost as expensive)" - name in Thai, etc?
  13. I sent my 1040 and enclosed check to the IRS via EMS registered mail (not the 2-day mail) on March 20th. It arrived April 02 at the "Arrival at Inward Office of Exchange (United States) International - USJFKA" - and since then, NOTHING. The check has not cleared my bank. Anybody else have their registered mail stuck there? What happened? <Not sure if this is the right forum or not - please move if necessary. Thanks>
  14. I believe you posted on my previous post about Thailand not being listed as a country. How did you resolve that?
  15. When paying your passport renewal fee online it seems some links to Pay.Gov do NOT list Thailand as a country option. I just used: https://www.pay.gov/public/form/entry/104/1156527186/ and it worked, listing Thailand, along with virtually all other countries.
  16. I encountered same problem. Use this URL: https://www.pay.gov/public/form/entry/104/1156527186/ It worked for me on Jan 14, 2024.
  17. Thanks for your clarifications. Noted only one DS 82 needed. On the Checklist page it states: Checklist must be completed and included in the package Current passport book and/or passport card (if applicable) Required, NO EXCEPTIONS & one clear photocopy of bio-data page (my emphasis) <<https://th.usembassy.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/90/checklist-DS82-by-mail-online-payment_-passport-card-included-1080.pdf>> Is this information incorrect? The checklist does NOT need to be included in the package, nor a copy of the passport "Bio" page? Thanks.
  18. Time to renew my American passport. Last time done at Pattaya outreach and so simple - but, times have changed. I'm trying to see if I've got the new process right. So, yeah, I'm trying to summarize the 9-step process outlined here: <<https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/passports/instructions-for-ds-82-processing-by-mail-and-online-fee-payment-for-u-s-citizens-residing-in-thailand/>> I read lots of the previous Aseannow threads - thanks to all! Seems like here's the deal. - Pay the U$130 passport fee online via US.pay.gov - The return envelope is done through the Thailand Post Courier Pass Back online services and paid online, too <<https://www.thailandpostmart.com/product/1013460000929/Courier-Pass-Back-envelope/>> Then send to US BKK embassy via EMS or Courier service: - Old Passport - TWO DS 82 Passport renewal forms - ONE copy of Passport front page, i.e. bio page - 2 passport sized photos - Printed receipt of the Passport fee that comes via email - Printed receipt of the "return envelope" fee that is also sent via email - The printed BKK Embassy Passport renewal "Checklist" form - DS82 Have I got this right? Am I forgetting anything?
  19. Sorry for the slow response but the transaction took a few days to clear, probably because it was on a weekend. I withdrew 10,000B on Friday morning Sept 29th around 9 a.m. from the ATM machine in front of BKK bank. It cleared 10/02/2023. Here's what showed up in my transaction history: 10,000B ATM Withdrawal BANGKOK BANK: -$279.93. SCHWAB ATM REBATE ATM SURCHARGE WAIVED: $6.03 (credit) So, $279.33 - $6.03 = $273.30 10,000B/273.30 = 1U$ : 36.59B I think a decent exchange rate. So, this worked fine, but not really efficient for transferring large sums. I am still waiting for the "Cash Advance" machine to be repaired...
  20. I have a Schwab account. I haven't seen a fee when I get a cash advance, but maybe it's "baked into" the exchange rate. I just used the Schwab debit card at BKK Bank's ATM machine even though it said there was a whopping 220B fee (!) - I did it anyway just as an experiment to see how the exchange rate worked out and if the fee was waived by Schwab, or not.
  21. So it sounds like Bangkok Bank is pretty much the only bank that offers this service? I really like this method of transferring money to my Thai account - it's so quick and easy.
  22. For the past 3 years I've been using the debit card/cash advance system at Bangkok Bank, where I have an account, to transfer money from my American banks to Thailand. My Bangkok Bank's cash advance machine is broken and there are no other branches nearby. I am not sure when it will be fixed and I would like to take advantage of the present favorable exchange rates. Has anyone used a bank where they do NOT have a bank account to receive a debit card/cash advance? Which Thai Bank? TIA
  23. Hey everyone. OP here. Went to the Chanthaburi Passport office with my 13-yr-old son and his mother (we're not married). After filling out the application form these are the documents they requested: 1. Applicant's Thai birth certificate (we had the original) 2. Applicant's Thai ID card 3. Father's (my) passport 4. Mother's Thai ID card 5. Mother's housebook with her name and my son's name 1,040B for a 5-year passport. Should be mailed in about a week's time. No mention of any type of Por Kor 14. Pretty simple process and certainly **a lot** less paperwork than making a non-immigrant "o" visa!!
  24. Yeah, I'm thinking along the same lines. Go with the docs and ID we have....
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