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Everything posted by Retiredandhappyhere

  1. Wonderful phrases used in his speech by Macron and by other world leaders, but does anybody know what they mean in practice?
  2. They make it sound as if even the cleaner can transfer money if they want to, without anyone noticing. Still, the fact that this incident was noticed fairly quickly is an improvement, as usually certain people are able to acquire unusual wealth over many years, without anyone in authority ever (apparently) noticing.
  3. No doubt, Thailand would expect other countries to support them if they were invaded by a neighbouring country?
  4. I would just love to sit on a beach being patrolled constantly by police and other officials, supposedly to keep me safe. In fact, all it would do is make me realize that the beach is clearly not a safe place to be, once the police return to their normal occupations.
  5. Will the panda be sending a "Thank You" card?
  6. How many times is this same subject going to be discussed by the Government? In most countries, the Government makes up its mind on a particular subject and then makes an announcement of its decision to the public. In Thailand, we are initially led to believe, from a Government announcement, that a decision has been made but then later on it emerges that the plan has been delayed for a certain or indefinite period and the saga then goes on and on, leaving the public in the dark. A few recent examples: Entry fees, seat belts, wearing of masks and bar opening times. This must be one of the most indecisive Governments in the world, particularly when we consider the real power they have.
  7. Many years ago, I rented out a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment in Thailand to a Thai husband and wife, who signed up for one year at a nominal rent, which was increased by 1000 baht per month, providing I installed a 30000 baht air con unit, which I duly did. They paid no deposit, but paid the rent for two months and then disappeared. When I went in to inspect the apartment, they had banged several 4 inch nails into the kitchen and bathroom tiles on which to hang their towels. In all, 16 tiles were broken and I was unable to replace them, as the designs were discontinued. Otherwise, the place was fairly tidy and in reasonable order, except for a cup-size hole knocked through the exterior concrete wall to bring in a TV aerial, even though there were TV sockets in the walls of each room. As the rents in that area were so low anyway, I decided not to re-let at all.
  8. What do they expect us to do? Buy reinforced umbrellas? Dig big holes to create new ponds? I guess I am braced for it up to a point, simply by staying indoors, but I suppose I might still get flooded. I have no idea what these sorts of warnings are supposed to achieve.
  9. Agreed. Anutin must have an enormous vested interest in all this for him to put so much energy and political prestige at stake.
  10. I have been reading many of Stephen 100's recent posts and I have to admit that I am beginning to warm to him gradually, although it has taken a few years. A far as 2Long's post above is concerned, I wonder if he has ever heard of the saying that "a dog is man's best friend, especially if you are starving"?
  11. Does this news mean that "Big Joke" will be virtually retired again soon?
  12. I agree with AsianAtHeart's conclusions that foreign tourist's spending was about three times that of the Thais, presumably increased largely due to higher hotel costs. Seriously though, how do they know how foreign tourist spending differs from Thais? Do they follow them into shops and restaurants? Or is it just a predetermined rule of thumb fed into their computer, or perhaps their abacus?
  13. You cannot really blame them, as I like to dream as well.
  14. Queen Elizabeth 11 was an example to us all, both in her devotion to duty and the way in which she carried it out.
  15. Several years ago, I lived in a village where the residents were supplied with young trees and stakes, for planting along the side of the village roads in order to enhance the village's beauty. This they duly did under the supervision of the village headman, but the problem was that they then subsequently "cut" the long grass next to the trees by burning it. Unfortunately, the trees were burnt along with the grass, so the whole procedure (and the expense) was repeated the following year and for several years afterwards.
  16. Wow, elderly at 54? I am 81 and I am aiming for 100. Am I just wasting my time?
  17. I guess it was either that, or watching the football on TV and, as Thailand is not in Europe, or would not still be in the competition, even if they were Europeans, Football lost.
  18. I am 81, living in Thailand, and the UK State Pension I get, still at its starting level 16 years ago, makes me glad I still have a sense of humour and other sources of income.
  19. Posted 3 hours ago by Steven 100 Well done Khun Prayut Chan O Cha. Wow, welcome back, Steven 100, I was beginning to think that you had deserted your post!
  20. Once in the UK, while shopping at a large Tescos store, I was a bit surprised at the size of the bill. Having loaded everything into my car, I then checked the bill carefully and found that they had charged me twice for a large bag of dog food costing 18 pounds. I went to the "Customer Service" counter and explained the problem. She asked where my trolley was and I explained that I had already loaded everything into my car in their car park. Without any further checking, she gave me 36 pounds. I explained that I had in fact taken one pack of dog food but had been charged for two, so she had overpaid me, at which she pointed to a sign above her head which said that if a customer is overcharged, they will repay TWICE the amount of the overcharge. The repayment was accompanied by an apology for the mistake. Now, that is service!
  21. Using TAT's methods, my Budget for my company would read as follows: Sales for next year are forecast to be between 500 billion and 10 billion. The first number assumes our current customers continue to buy our products and the second is based on the assumption that they don't. Net Profits, which normally amount to about 5% of sales, will (optimistically) follow the same pattern.
  22. I am 81 and still have to catch myself, when I hear that someone aged around 70 or so has died, from saying "Well, he had a good innings", since I still think of myself as being younger than that. Realism sets in a bit when I look in the mirror!
  23. So, a baby elephant fell into the open manhole and, in order to stop the mother elephant from trying to help her baby and complicating the rescue operation, she was tranquilized and promptly fell head-first into the same hole. Luckily, she did not fall all the way in and therefore on top of her baby, presumable killing it, but her hind legs stuck out on top of the hole, preventing a complete fall. Kudos to the rescuers for saving the baby elephant but not, necessarily, for the way it was carried out.
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