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Everything posted by Retiredandhappyhere

  1. As "Chosenfew" said just "spread the fear" and then we can not only justify the further two month extension to the never-ending State of Emergency, but also recommend the reintroduction of mask wearing, which I can smell on the horizon.
  2. The only consolation for us normal mortals is that they are no better off personally than if they had just 1 billion, because they cannot really make themselves any happier with the extra billions. There is only so much you can spend on yourselves.
  3. When driving the ten kms into or out of Hua Hin at night, my wife and I count the number of motor cycle riders without back lights and mostly without helmets as well. So far the minimum has been 5 but often as many as 7 or 8. So, the number of accidents involving motor cycles is no surprise!
  4. The really worrying bit is his statement that he works from dawn to dusk, with one of the jobs being as a security guard and the other as a driver for a hotel catering for tourists. With those hours, he probably is asleep half the time as a guard and no doubt some of the time when driving the van.
  5. It could almost be said that religion is the route of all evil. It certainly contains quite a bit of it. Many other "religions" at least seem to have some monitoring process before applicants are accepted, but in Thailand almost anyone can become a monk, even if just for a week or two. This needs to change as too many criminals and potential criminals are slipping through the net.
  6. Steven 100, I am beginning to warm to you now that 100% of your posts are not clearly in support of the Government. I suspect that you suspect that a change is coming in the not too distant future. I wonder if this post will get me banned again like last time?
  7. Hi Richard, I hope you also remember one or two good days after marriage as well, possibly for different reasons!
  8. Eventually, there will have to be a halt to the ridiculously high wages paid to the top stars and also to the transfer fees paid for them. Of course, a top limit for both would have to be initiated somehow on a European or World scale to make it work and be fully policed. Personally, as a lifelong Football supporter, I think the way the current style of playing has moved from that of the exciting Christiano Renaldo to much passing sideways and backwards (and sometimes even forwards), often at walking pace, will soon deter supporters from paying so much money for what are often boring low-scoring performances by extremely high-paid performers.
  9. It is fairly easy to see where Bobbin's main interests are. A 180 degree turn in favour of the Government simply because they have legalized cannabis? So, the economy and the many other important issues do not matter?
  10. In a former house in Thailand, we had a stream running through the garden down to the small river at the bottom. We kept about forty chickens in those days, which were allowed to wander around the whole garden and one day my step-son aged about twelve waded into the stream to rescue a chicken which was thrashing about in the water. Thinking it was drowning, he tried to grab it, before realizing that it was, in fact, struggling in the mouth of a very large snake. Needless to say, the snake won, while my step-son was high and almost dry on the bank.
  11. Can anyone tell me exactly what the Monopolies Commission does? The two fairly recent obvious objects for investigation would surely have to be the take-over of Tesco Lotus and the amalgamation of Dtac and True Visions. And yet, what has happened? Both were approved, despite obvious monopoly claims! Just what has the Monopolies Commission done so far and at what cost to the taxpayer?
  12. Quite apart from the stupidity of wearing such an expensive necklace at night in an entertainment area, if indeed that was the case, I would have expected the clasp on a 100,000 baht necklace to be suitably robust, which would make it difficult to forcibly remove without the wearer being aware of it at the time. As an absolute minimum, the insurance companies must surely be requesting proof of purchase with a receipt. Perhaps, in future, just as they do in the UK when refusing a pay-out in a household burglary when the owner has left his door unlocked, here they will start to refuse claims for jewellery insufficiently protected when stolen, by either being hidden, or heavily clasped or under a certain value.
  13. Is it any wonder that fewer and fewer people believe in religion nowadays? In my youth (wow, what a memory!) I attended (i.e. was obliged to attend) chapel and church regularly, but as I learned more and more about the lies that the church told and all the kiddy-fiddling and resultant covers ups that occurred, I was horrified and just let my faith lapse. One of the blatant lies told by the Catholic Church was that hell awaited anyone, who died without confessing his sins, had he not gone to Mass on a Sunday. If anyone can show me where this appears in their Bible, I would be interested to see it. Muslims kill infidels, and then shout "God is great!" Here in Thailand, we are increasingly hearing of monks behaving badly and yet I see no reduction in contributions to their cause. I see some monks living quite easy lives in accommodation that would be fine for me, apparently with enough cash to purchase personal computers, televisions and telephones etc which would suit most people.
  14. Judging by the difficulty Putin is having in ending his war with Ukraine successfully, a potential war with the West would be the final nail in his coffin long before the first volley was fired.
  15. I normally sleep with my wife.
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