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Posts posted by american12bthai

  1. thailand doesnt know about carbon trading and the benifits of it. If thai farmers switch to carbon trading they will get more out per rai over rice. and they wouldnt have to do anything but record the trees progress.


    I say he should cut them and show the country hes a liar.

    when you hold on to power, it does corrupt. Its exactly like electricity, if you charge a capacitor at full power, and you keep chargingg it, and keep on charging it... its going to get bad for whoever comes to contac with it.


    if you charge the capacitor and alow resistors to change ampage and distribute ... the energy flows, the machine lights up.


    MONEY IS USELESS IN A BANK, unless your the bank making money on other peoples money.

    WATER IS USELESS IN A BOTTLE. Your body needs the water, not the bottle.

    Even though the world is going through a food shortage ...

    and the food you do eat is more than likely chemically treated at one point. ...

    I think thiai farmers should stop producing food and start producing "money"

    Thats what they really want.

    as for me, I have food storage. i refuse to eat poison fish from china sea. (alaskan jet dried salmon hmmm)

    So when your all easily emotionally weepy over a news story 'cause your hormones have been manipulated with excess toxin weakening your mental state, i laugh. Nothing is more fun than seeing people's shallow threshold of tolerance to petty emotional triggers. and nothing keeps this threshold at the bottom more effectively than THAI MEDIA. Thank you GMM for creating a nation of zombies who are easy to control.

    THe trees are a trending global topic. thats ALL. WHile the rest of the planet is promoting planting trees thailand .. is well..... thailand.

    They even got a quasi B list celeb. to help promote their tree planting, BUT this B celeb, should be in jail over drug charges ... strange... they are not in jail but all of a sudden they are planting trees for charity. LAME

  2. the reason why its over priced is because the chinese control those farmers. The chinese have already monopolized the thai fruit industry. and of course ....of course.. of course... you will never make money when doing business with chinese... without exploiting someone life.

  3. I blame trump and his books for making thaksin such a bad guy. Thaksin has always followed trump esque business practices. Jus tlook at EVERY SINGLE THAKSIN SCHEME PLAN. and then LOOK AT EVERYSINGLE TRUMP COMPANY. see the similarities? books are as destructive as the men themselves.

    only benifit the family and friends?? everyone else is screeewd.

    Id like trump presidency simply cause .... biggest troll on planet, hell start wars, famine, economy collapse... all under 1 year, with an expected 15 year recovery compounded by its self for each year in presidency.. I didn't believe in the Apocalypse... but i kind do now. I want everyone to finally see how usless paper currency can get. If you were starving would i trade my last can of spam for you porche? ferrari? house? family? nope. but im sure you can entertain me with fighting.

  4. OMG did the person who posted this online ruin the image of thialnad?

    they should be arrested. actually they can be. why not?

    I believe in freedom of choices.

    I also believe in the consequences.

    If you cheat consequences. Like thais always do. you cheat others freedom of choice. and people will go else where.

    I know of several high end brothels who have set up WIRELESS cameras inside. Im sure somewhere someone gets what im getting at. the got gotta get got.

  5. Ying Kai, said Pol Lt-Gen Sanit, is just an ordinary woman who has no influence whatsoever and police will ensure justice to all.

    That is nice, going on public record like this.

    Since it is established that RTP provided her with police escorts on various occasions to enhance her image, will every woman without influence receive the same VIP treatment as Kai, in order to ensure justice to all?

    ANY ONE CAN PAY FOR A POLICE ESCORT IN THAILAND. its like 5000 b or something. There is a company that caters to this service for business men.

    Its not strange.

    You can do it too.

    police love food, booze and women. they all require money.

  6. Say what you please in response but the bottom line: he's correct ( however irksome some might find it).

    china steals, period. all their modern tech, land, organs, gems., WHat exactly has china achieved? do you know? no reliable news, and on the brink of civil war again. Theyh are like the locust horde. out to exploit the fertile plains. Sure, I love watching corporate rape just about as much as anyone, its fantastic feeling watching chinese renig on EVER CONTRACT EVER and everyone's surprised . But eventually you will have to decide,

    The future of your family and children.

    OR CHINAs money.

    (do what thaksin tells you. choose money.

  7. Nice to have the other side not mentioned at all.

    a more interesting headline would be,

    "The color white is the only color thats white."

    meanwhile a list of the companies who have pulled out this last 3 years... anyone?

    its nice to know that mall sellers now have 4 assistance to help with arranging merchandise. .

    yeah, lets give the jobs for kids to skilled adults. kids should be out drinking and sleeping with their puu yais, that ll stimulate the economy.

  8. i know for a fact that many people who are supposed to get deported are actually SOLD to for profit prisons. SOme even get sold again. This information leak has a source directly From BKK immigration. Ignore the paperwork data and the CASH ONLY money trail is there.

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