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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. It is a target and is achievable. Number of conscripts has been declining while the number of volunteers is increasing. From about 80,000- 100,000 conscripts each year down to 58,330 last year, a drop of almost 30+% while volunteers is increasing from 22% in 2010 and jumped to 75% in 2022. The Defense Minister will need to improve the incentives like welfare benefits and career development to encourage more people to join miltary services voluntarily.
  2. A voluntary military service will not have conscription. He will gradually phased out conscription to voluntary military service. Challenging reform for abolishing conscription which was introduced since 1905.
  3. The deadline for transition to a voluntary military service system by April 2024 was indicated by the Defence Minister. My advise to K Arun is to ask the right man.
  4. You can always tell them to put less or no sugar. In thai "nam tan nik noi" (less sugar) or "nam tan mai aw" (no sugar).
  5. GOP can't even pass bills to fund the government but have time for this witch hunt without any evidence. The do nothing GOP just want to distract the public and try present this false equivalence of Biden and Trump's impeachment. Shameful Maga GOP.
  6. Dowry is not practiced in western countries. I can understand the out-pouring of outrage in this forum of mostly westerners. In many countries in Asia. dowry is common and is necessary. However the reason varied from country to country. In Thailand, parent want to be assured that the groom is financially able to support and care for their daughter and is expected in the Thai culture. If the man is sincere in his marriage intention, he should discuss with the parents to convince them that he has the financial ability and find an amicable amount. He has to understand the feelings of the parents and wife and not only on his own. To make the marriage work, it has to start with a harmonious relationship with the new family.
  7. "We will go where the evidence takes us," McCarthy said. In Thai, we call that "duu gone" translate as we will see if any evidence surface.
  8. It was Bt 4.70 per unit in June. This cut to Bt 4.10 is welcome news to households like mine.
  9. The battle to scrap conscription to volunteers and downsizing the military has been a long drawn out battle between government and the army. Past governments like the Chuan Leekpai government in the 1990s had confronted the army with the same pledges to cap the armed forces, reduced the generals and scrap the conscription. However the political will to make the change, the resistance of the military establishment and the short-lived civilian governments resulted in no meaningful changes. Will have to see whether Sutin has the strong political will and influence to challenge the military establishment and make these changes. Difference this time is that Prayut has said that he agree with the reforms.
  10. Quite a stretched to say that nobody can compete with Trump when he was soundly beatened in 2020, lost the senates and barely made the majority party in the mid-term election. To the Maga folks, he is the messiah and he think he is a demigod but to the majority he is vile corrupt narcissistic grifter, unfit to be a leader of even a school board lest a formal President. America has sank to new low with a candidate with such qualities.
  11. The upside is no yellow shirts mayhem and coup for 4 years to implement economic policies and reforms.
  12. The ministers get to work starting this week and will have to hit the road running. They have the luxury of a full 4 years term to implement and drive their policies. With export slowing, the best options for growth will fall on domestic consumption, tourism and attracting FDI. There is high hopes for Sretha's policy statement today that will be heavy on handouts like the 10k e-wallet, lower energy prices, debt payment moratoriums to boost the economy as well as further relaxation of visa requirements for specific countries to boost tourism. I look forward to a robust debates from the opposition parties as policies shaped up. After 2 decades that have more years of military government than civilian government that has rendered Thailand the moniker as the sick man of south ease asia, the next 4 years of civilian government is expected to make a difference. .
  13. You don’t see that he is de-motivated. His attempt to bring the military under civilian control has failed and resulted in personal miseries. He has retreated from his political stance to challenge the military. His active political days are over.
  14. He can only be released on a royal pardon and that will not be challenged. Politically the Dems especially the older Dems who have crafted Thaksin as public enemy will probably attack the preference treatment in Parliament. Just noise but will not make a dent as they don’t have the numbers in Parliament. The yellow shirts academics will continue with their attacks in opinion pieces but unlikely to influence their supporters. The architects of the anti Thaksin movement in last 2 decades are no longer around to choreograph big scale protests and coups. So far there are no protests on the streets with the change of demography and younger voters who didn’t experience nor understand past politics. I think most have move on and the color polarization has dissipated. The next round of challenge will be the next election.
  15. As much as I like Pita and MFP, the fact remained that he was unsuccessful in his PM bid and it is not uncommon that the party that won the most seats didnt form the government. We now have a government who has royal endorsement. You really need to move on.
  16. Very valid points. Amendment and even a complete re-write of the constitution will require majority of joint houses votes. MFP participation can make the senate votes redundant. I think portion of the senates can be brought over to a more democratic constitution but will depend on tough persuasion or benefits. Will have to see where MFP will stand on the issue of the charter versus their party stance to remain as opposition and abstain from voting on this issue.
  17. Even among the rich and powerful, there are unequal justice. The uniformed and politically correct alignment will get you favor and blind eye from the prosecution.
  18. The Senate Transitory Provision clearly state that the selection of Senators shall be taken which in legal terms meant that it is an imperative command indicating actions are mandatory upon term of service expiration. Further the NCPO which was tasked in the constitution for selection and appointment of senators have been dissolved. An amendment is legally required but in what form is everyone guess. By the way, the senators stay in office until a arrival of the new senators.
  19. You may not like how the government is formed but equating that to a coup is ludicrous. There was no "government' that was taken over and the formation of the government was lawful in full accordance with the constitution. It may not be popular with the voters but no law was broken lest a coup.
  20. Some truth is your assertion if your export customers don't import their raw materials and shipping cost is based in Baht.
  21. I think Thaksin will give himself a wide berth away from his party. His reputation as a pro-democracy figure has crumbled. His party is seen by some to have betrayed the voices of the electorate and have become a center right party. He still have the appeal and support in the North and North-East but will not do well in a general election if the election was to be held before the full term of the current government. Thaksin may well keep away from governance matter and leave that to Sretha's team. No family members even Paetongtarn was given Government House position. He is a politically savy and know his enemies will find ways to link him to the goverment which will further damage the chance of rehabilitate the party's image. He will have to keep his head low and improve his public image through charity and philanthropy work.
  22. At a glance, the cabinet line-up is definitely more qualified and competent than the previous. The next 4 years will certainly better than the last 9 years.
  23. Buying a car is tax deductable for personal or even business tax? Need to learn from the expert.
  24. Is this an attempt by an ex-PAD leader to stir up yellow shirts sentiments? K Prinya must be dissappointed that no yellow shirts demonstrated when Thaksin returned to Bangkok and no demonstration henceforth. Prinya must come to terms that the yellow shirts are passe. He should reflect on his role that threw the country into a decade of colour polarization, suffering for the general public and 2 coups. He is a public figure and should be more guarded in his allegations.
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