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Everything posted by KKr

  1. The Thai employees I know in the provinces, including those working for the Government, think 25-30.000 is a great salary. They are already prevented from buying in that range. "favored", yet unaffordable.
  2. Just received this notice: Effective 1 November 2021, your selling fees will attract Thailand VAT. The VAT will apply to all fees paid by eBay sellers with a registered address in Thailand Will this be seven percent, same as on import ? ?
  3. oho, you are getting me worried: I seem to have missed that ......
  4. As I understand, local websites are mostly worried about a flux of money coming in, pushing pricing up and making housing unaffordable for many people, especially starters. Moreover, the good pieces of land would be snapped up, and the local population would have second choice. A "good" salary, say 25.000 per month, will not pay for a property over say 1.500.000 THB. Let's look in more detail into the proposal: In the U.S., one trillion is written as the number "1" followed by 12 zeros (1,000,000,000,000) according to the NASA website. divide by one million "wealthy" people: 1.000.000 THB divide by five years: = 200.000 THB To support a Marriage Extension 400.000 and to support a Retirement Extension 800.000 are required. So, does this mean that current retirees and spouses of Thai are more wealthy than the people that are being chased? Not even taking the 200.000 serious, but let's assume they mean 1.000.000 THB per year, that is some 2.500 USD worth per month, to be considered eligible for all sorts of Bells and Whistles. Add your current Car(s) and motor bike(s) amortisation, insurance, fuel, house amortisation, insurance, utilities, money spend on meals, gardening, car wash, school fees, all generating local jobs, food at home, and other expenses, how much does that amount to ?? Interesting question : would someone leaving now and coming back next year be eligible for the Benefits?
  5. the way I read it is that he is commenting on an observation by a researcher pointing out that increasing prices for tobacco would discourage its use, and hence make nicotine addiction less frequent. As for Alcohol, increasing prices will drive abusers to cheaper liquids, albeit that it may discourage youngsters starting abuse of alcohol.
  6. nicotine addiction and alcoholism are not that simple to cure as to say "don't"
  7. agree, I did not know driving on the line was what was needed ???????????? and don’t forget which foot to put on the street at the stop sign ????
  8. 15 years in business so probably profitable. A case that I am familiar with, in Europe, had vulture asset strippers flying in already same day.
  9. Good article, but refers to a proof of concept; not a Study. it should also be noted that: "" Readers should therefore be aware that articles on medRxiv have not been finalized by authors, might contain errors, and report information that has not yet been accepted or endorsed in any way by the scientific or medical community. We also urge journalists and other individuals who report on medical research to the general public to consider this when discussing work that appears on medRxiv preprints and emphasize it has yet to be evaluated by the medical community and the information presented may be erroneous. "" So, by the looks of it, IF the people at the press conference presented this as their invention / research / study, it looks like they are stepping out of line. What they did is confirm that this proof of concept has merit. IMHO, It will be rather unlikely that the Thai-FDA will take a decision to allow this treatment, based on the Phuket proof-of-concept alone.
  10. Great, so I qualify. But as usual, those that already put millions and millions in real estate or in local business, are neither considered for this scheme, nor offered tax or other incentives.
  11. many funny comments haha but not much to the point. Question is : How did four infected people get into the premises? Were all prescribed protocols followed ? Temperatures checked ?
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