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Everything posted by KKr

  1. Near Bangkok, I've been pulled over for driving the third lane with the tailgate open (as there were a couple of bikes on the back) and got fined, as far as I remember it was 50 B that she paid.
  2. That surely looks like an interesting place for a tourist to go to. one off the bucket list then.
  3. let me start with this one: you do not need eight sockets, Fibre Optic etc, at your dining table. Also, the lighting may be different depending on the zone that you intend to use. having done over ten strip (to the beams) and re-build projects from 30 to 250 sqm, the last one more or less OK, my two cents...... Some ideas to look out for, in random order.: Put sockets every two meters. Put switches where you go in / leave the room. One Bathroom, fine, but do make a 2 sqm visitors loo + washbasin (or even a Shower) Can combine with Washing machine, Western Top loader better as they spindry faster since it is a larger drum and can find under 60 cm wide. Kitchen cabinets are usually not enough, and the fridge you'd like maybe 80 or 90 cm wide. Plenty of required space examples on PinInterest. Make sure the hub vents to the outside world, the same for the Bathroom and Loo/Laundryroom. Make sure hot/cold water available in kitchen and washbasin, not just shower. People like to sit with their back against a wall, if no wall, use a low sideboard with decorations items to create a visual partition. (same for bed) Dining area / cum bar can be done, but ensure there is somewhere to put your feet under the table instead of kick some kitchen cabinet when you are eating / enjoying yourselves. Dining table can be nice, I'd choose an extendable/foldable one depending on the expected use (read a newspaper/do some work or just eating place for two) Generally it is advisable to create distinctly different zones, kitchen / working desk / eating / relaxing so your mind knows what to think about when using a certain area. Bear in mind how you will use the apartment, where will you walk. (going from kitchen to dining table, it is not efficient to walk around the sofa; can you dump heavy shopping bags near the door or have to cross the apartment, same but v.v. for garbage, etc.) Do put ceiling fans, amazing how quiet they work yet give huge airflow. HUGE Windows are nice, especially when facing North, for logical reasons. Tile floors are noisy, and in many condo's not allowed. Can put a "floating" parquet floor, pleasant to the feet, and very quiet when walking. One thing I have seen a few times in Thailand already, some builders do not understand the need to put waterproofing under a tiled floor in kitchen or bathroom. make sure they do waterproof the floor and where appropriate the wall. Rip out all old electricity wiring, and put in what Europeans call "earth-leak" protectors for wet areas at least. (also, it is advisable to put more that two fuses so that if your kitchen is using heavy load, not all apartment sits in the dark) Enjoy !
  4. imho those "wiser folks" should have done desk-top testing and Proof of Concept, then gamma, if all still works beta, if all still works stress-testing; and only then release a live version to the end-users. oh, forgot, and never ever tinker in the live-system. But hey, I am old-fashioned and not in charge, surely those in charge have improved on this methodology already.
  5. maybe to get the inside temperature up or down to the desired level ? if putting little children or a cod inside the car, a good idea, imho.
  6. there are many ways to skin a Thai language problem. McGrat is already better than McGraat. but it is not "McGrath" ???? let's not open the discussion on แม็ค vs. แมค ; the former being correct and the latter as in MacDonalds แม็ค vs แมค : máek vs mâek (says thai2english.com)
  7. if changing, I would change to the short subdued "a" sound and add a dead "h" thus : แมคกร์ัธห์ (= McGrath even in Google) Best to consult with a Thai linguist.
  8. MorProm APP is taking appointments (Bi-lingual) starting November for, as I understand, handing out the passport . enter Vac Certificate and Passport on App. !!! This seems to be for BKK pick-up only. !!! Locally, processing time about 5 working days.
  9. “no” to be added carefully listen to born under a bad sign, a.o. by Cream
  10. It can easily be argued that this information only exacerbates the suspicion.
  11. on my first retirement extension I used an agent to avoid the long queues. apparently, I was the first of her clients who had money in the Bank, you should have seen her face ... After that, just prepared the paperwork myself and queued. Recommend to get the updated list of requirements a week or so before handing in the application and Bob's your uncle.
  12. Moreover, by using such <agents> to knowingly avoid certain documented requirements, one could be suspected of aiding and abetting the facilitation-money-cycle that so many people despise.
  13. assuming that you have a pension that would cover basic living expenses incl. healthcare, I say enjoy it while you can, Lost two good half century long friends about 3 and 5years after they got retirement.
  14. a seven year old tractor, unless regularly serviced at a dealer's and responsibly used, is worth next to nothing!
  15. IMHO not nonsense. Furthermore, 1) there is a distinct difference between free-lancing and being forced to provide services at work. 2) other than that, a salary of about USD 1.000 incl. board and lodgings, is rather attractive for someone making about 10-12K THB a month, who needs to pay rent and food, and who has kids that need to go to school.
  16. one wonders why this good man, with a steady salary and a government job, did not guarantee the loan.
  17. 90day report is not proof of address; a (yellow) tabian baan or residence certificate are. upon renewal application, DLT will do basic eye test. this includes color blindness and peripheral vision. In case of having issues in one eye, the peripheral test is likely to fail. Hence the advise to get an optomologist issued “fit for driving” certificate makes 100 % sense.
  18. KKr

    What can I do?

    from what I have seen however, the Pu Yai Baan is the person ruling the local quarantine requirements. Therefore, getting a statement of his/hers could be on the list of docs to present. Consider the relative bs vs BS; i.e. getting a one page letter vs driving back 600 K’s to get a one page letter.
  19. KKr

    What can I do?

    @JWRC Hope you find all is well and can take the trouble&strive home soon. in case you need a second opinion, it maybe worthwhile to have a conversation at Sripat Medical center. In my case, I had a very good experience with the Surgeon referred, and, in case of a future issue, they would be my first place to turn to. Good Luck
  20. KKr

    What can I do?

    were there an unhelpful comment of the year award, I would double vote for this beautiful , constructive, opinion paragraph.
  21. what happened? did you blow it up ?
  22. for milk foam, like for cappuccino, tried several brands but ended up with Meiji, the only one I could make a consistently nice foam with. some of the other brands separated while passing steam. no comment on that. in other posts, I saw a few brands I did not see in shops here, worth a try as and when available.
  23. good luck to those that need to travel to the UK as well as China. I was told yesterday that China only accepts Chinese vaccines.
  24. for the same reason they have an annual re-training of those enlisted in military forces.
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