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    The Ricefields of Thailand

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  1. Does anyone know the current price at Chiang Mai RAM for a combined Colonoscopy and upper GI Endoscopy?
  2. Your average village Thais don't even bother.
  3. The Chiang Mai group web site is flooded by a user who uses multiple user names to spam the heck out of the site advertising getting a license without taking a test. Screenshot here without identifying stuff. If the RTP was really interested in investigating the scam is easy to find. But? TIT. Tourist know it's a scam. If you saw a ad like this in the US the cops would be all over it, and you'd know it's a scam right away. So a tourist comes here and says, "Oh boy - I can get a DL without taking tests. I'm sure that all legal. It says it's legal so it must be. 🤞" Yeah right! Can you get a DL in your home country without taking a test. Nope.
  4. Do you know that in Thai?
  5. What's the Thai phrase for "Keep the change" allowing someone to keep the change of a transaction as a tip?
  6. I'm waiting for AI to be able to take the text and covert it to natural Thai language. Haven't found that yet. Hard enough to find text to natural English.
  7. I've got an account with Coins.co.th which I've had for about 7 years. Bought a small amount of BTC which is now a lot more than when I bought it. This was basically a HODL buy. My intention was to hold on to it (and still is). However, I would like to have the ability to move it or cash it out if I want. But - It seems my account is essentially frozen - can't buy, sell, send, or receive. I guess you have to complete a verification process. I have completed that process with the exception of the final step which is the NDID. The final step in the process is to create a "National Digital ID" (NDID) with your bank and then link it to coins.co.th. The only problem being? I don't believe that non-Thais can do that. Has anyone else run into this issues and what was the workaround. Thanks.
  8. Does anyone know the approximate cost for a 24 Hour Holter Heart Monitor test at a Thai hospital?
  9. Do they seem to be geared toward Thai-only patients?
  10. Has anyone been treated at Chiang Mai Geriatric Hospital? As we get older age related diseases happen. I'm interested in how good their diagnostic capabilities are. Looking for reviews and recommendations. Someone is bound to ask, "What's wrong with you." I don't know other than not feeling well for a long time, yet I've had a complete blood workup and physical and there is nothing in my tests that stands out. Anyway, I'm looking for options. So I'm considering a consultation there. But I'd like to get feedback first.
  11. I'm looking to change insurance brokers (I'm not happy with the customer service of my current broker who is not in Chiang Mai). I have a policy with AIG on a 'city car' with a premium under 9K THB. I'd like to maintain the policy renewal at the current premium rate, but not through the broker that has provided the policy in the past. I'm looking for a reputable broker in Chiang Mai who can provide good customer service as well as continuing the AIG policy renewal. Mods. I know there is an 'insurance forum' but this query is specific to Chiang Mai.
  12. Look up "Psyllium" powder.
  13. Let me guess. If you are stung by a box jellyfish, you'll be deported for interfering with sea life in the sacrosanct Thai seas?
  14. How "exciting" can a "fruit festival" actually be?
  15. Thanks - I appreciate the feedback.
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