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Everything posted by CALSinCM

  1. Get a good one. The air up here is now dangerous. Don't let price get in the way. Take the advice of members here. Get them locally at Siam TV or via Lazada. But get one. We still have another 6 weeks or so of this annual madness.
  2. They'll make the smog a tourist attraction. They can rent double priced gas-masks to foreign tourists (Ok 10x what a Thai will pay). ????
  3. I'll get back to you when after their support gets back to me.
  4. The billionaires driving this insanity have beachfront properties globally. If the sea levels were expected to rise significantly? You would not be able to insure your beach-front property no less acquire title insurance on the property. And yet? Billionaires, Millionaires, and their government clones who do their bidding have - beach-front properties and properties in the low-lying areas they we are being expressly told are going to be flooded. If a city like Bangkok was going to be under water in the next 20, 30, 50, 100 years - there would be a MASS Exodus. But there isn't. If there was really a existential threat of sea level rises, the insurance companies would be first in line to shut down all forms of insurance for these properties. You would see all the cities near the coasts literally discriminate as businesses, private entities, as well as public entities would not be able to insure their properties. And yet? No problem Hello? Wake up clones.
  5. I'll get back with the reason I'm asking this. It has something to do with changes with a VPN company I've been with for 6 years, but it looks like they made major changes to the VPN nodes in countries they used to service (days ago) plus they changed their subscription service without notifying me. I'm sorta not happy about that and due for a renewal soon.
  6. I sent on last Friday March 3rd. I received it today, March 9th after 2pm. Transfer to SCB using the Wise code - 'for long-term stay in Thailand'. Here is the message I received from SCB (without my account or amount - but under 200K THB): There is a transfer of money xxxx baht from SAWASDEESHOP, account X-1661, SCB bank into account X-nnnn date 09/03/2023 @14:01 via ENET WTH is SAWASDEESHOP??? I'm going to have a long, hard discussion with Wise support. I've ask Wise to trace the transfer and give me a reason for the delay. SAWASDEESHOP - really? What the h***. Where does a firm called SAWASDEESHOP fit into the Thai banking system?
  7. What VPN provider do you use and why do you like it?
  8. Staying in Thailand after getting Thais fired may ultimately be rather fatal.
  9. When does the burn ban start and end in Thailand?
  10. Most recent transfer from Wise. Sent today but will not receive until Wednesday. Five days? Wow. "Seconds" huh?
  11. If they start deporting tourists using a 'two-strikes you're out" scheme and then start tossing tourists for the same misdemeanors that Thais do all the time (example - riding without a helmet) - they will lose farang tourists as the Imm Detention Units fill up with deportees and the Western MSM gets wind of it. So that would mean that a helmetless forienger without a valid IDP and home country license would have an immediate two strikes and off to IDU for deportation. Not a good idea.
  12. Oh goody. Let's stoke a war between Thailand and Myanmar. Are the Thai brass stupid enough to fall for that - or - what's the payoff?
  13. I can't wait. Let go into full lock downs and totally dismantle the economy this time. Let's just wipe it all out by mandate. Honestly. at my age? I'm fine with it. I have my house, my family, I don't need a lot more. I don't need constant distractions like going on tours or partying or the like. I don't care. Lock us all down forever. My wife and I are good. We will garden, read books, and enjoy like minded friends. And? That's it in a nutshell. Sorry for the rest ya'll who need something more to make your life's have meaning - to be - exciting and livable. I feel sorry for ya'll. Actually we all need oh so little to be happy. Best of luck.
  14. I've remained uninfected by - well - following the protocols that I'm told will guarantee my death. Both my wife and I have been around numerous people who have been fully masked and highly vaccinated (two shots and up to two boosters), and those around come down with Covid and we don't. Wife and I seldom wear masks except in places where you'll get the evil, stink-eye if not conforming (so Big C, Makro, Big Corp Stores). We don't wear them out in the village. And we are "old" purebloods (both Puu Sung Ayuu - late 60s and early 70s). We should be dead. As least so I'm told. Funny. We have been around fully masked and vaxxed friends and family who all have come down with Covid within one or two days of meeting up with us. On a number of occasions. All of our immediate masked and fully vaxxed family have had Covid. It's a crappy flu. Down for a few days and then back to work. The only two that I know of who have not gotten Covid? Myself and my wife. I'm sure someone out there will scream - "At you age you are going to die for sure." I agree 100% we will die. Wife and I may have 10, 15 or 20 good years left - her more than me. Or maybe 10, 15, or 20 days. And then we die. And maybe its Covid. My guess - probably not. I'm more worried about getting killed on the Thai highways. Especially some of the incredibly horrid driving I've seen today. I leave everyone else to express their own fears to the public. Me? I'm afraid of Thai roads. Wearing a mask ain't gonna solve that problem. <laughs>
  15. If you met them in the 1980s, then their daughters and grand-daughters may still be pretty nice.
  16. If you can give me a GPS location of the shop or a Google Map link I'd appreciate it. It makes it easier to find. Thanks!
  17. I need to have my laptop repaired (Samsung NP300). Although I can install either Windows or Linux, once installed I simple will not boot. When booting, none of the Function Keys work in order to get me to BIOS or Boot or Recover. Except? The F9 key will work so that I can boot to a USB drive. (Go figure, I found that esoteric piece of information on some website that I can't find again). As such, I've been able to installed a licensed copy of Windows 10 as well as Ubuntu (or any OS I want to install), but once the installation is complete and I reboot - it reboots to this odd BIOS screen I've never seen before. And there are no options regardless of where I TAB, SPACE, or ARROW to. Anyway. I'd like a computer repair tech look at this. I'd flash the BIOS but I'll be damned if I can find a Flash BIOS for this laptop. It's pretty old. Can anyone make any recommendations for computers repair shops where there are English speaking staff who would be open on Saturday. I'm going to drive around tomorrow (Saturday) to see if I can find someone who can work on this laptop. Any suggestions are appreciated.
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