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  1. I’m with Swissie on this, although I tend to space my boosters as evenly as possible every 6 months. I rely a lot on the Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH) for getting up to date and balanced advice on this matter, and basically what they are saying, for the time being, to be considered up to date with your COVID 19 vaccinations, you should get a booster 5 - 12 months after your last shot (refer to the SG MOH web page: https://www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19/vaccination ). I don’t think you can be “over-vaxxed” to the point of too much vaccine causing health problems, but at this time, take the balanced and practical view, read as much expert advice as you can and then come up with your own program that fits in with this advice. I had 3 Pfizer shots in Singapore in 2021 and since arriving in Thailand, I’ve had 2 Moderna boosters, both of which I paid for. I note that most of my friends and colleagues are quite relaxed about their vaccination status, and don’t see the need to keep up to date - that’s their choice, but I prefer to be more proactive in managing my health..
  2. US$3 million for a long term visa - This is extraordinary! I’ve read the original article and I’m wondering if they made a mistake and the actual amount is 3m THB? Travel insurance policies quite often include this type of coverage (US$3m), but they are usually only for a limited period of time and only cover accidents and other unforeseen events that would constitute an emergency, and as such are affordable, but still expensive, especially if you’re getting on in years. Even high-end international expat policies for foreign workers usually don’t include this type of cover and if they do, it’s usually a group policy that covers all staff, so the overall cost to the employer is still affordable. I’m currently sourcing a full international health insurance policy for living in Thailand and to cover me when outside Thailand, and the best in-patient cover I can find is for the equivalent of about US$2m, and if I buy this policy it’s going to cost me about $US5,000/year (I’m over 60). This policy still excludes the USA and Singapore, so I’ll probably opt for slightly lower cover and a deductible of at least US$500 to keep the premium affordable. I’m all for insurance, but US$3m is crazy.

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