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  1. Thanks for your comment. When I got home from my hospital visit, I contacted the hospital to advise them that the recommended daily dosage was 3,000 mg from the doctor and yet only 1,000 mg from their pharmacy. Their response was that if there is a discrepancy it is always better to follow the Doctors recommendation. In addition to yourself I also contacted a highly respected pharmacist in Pattaya whose view was the same as yours and even said that for someone over 80, 500 mg a day might also be enough. I have been feeling extremely tired all day since taking the tablets and wondered if this was a side affect. It surprises me that highly respected hospital can make such a mistake which could seriously affect my health and then instead of admitting their mistake, dangerously advise me to continue with the excessive dosage. I am for several years now in recovery from cancer and serious heart trouble and this new stress is very difficult for me to cope with. I will continue with one tablet, twice a day and hope things improve. As usual many many thanks for your help.
  2. The main reason was because my upper lip has been swelling up daily
  3. I have been prescribed by the hospital to take 2 X 500 mg vitamin C tablets three times a day ( total 3,000 mg). On researching the internet, it seems that it can be unsafe to take more than a daily amount of 2,000 mg. for someone of my age ( over 80) . Does anyone have any informed information on this.
  4. Sorry if my 83 y.o. brain didn't meet your high standards.
  5. So you think I could keep my same number but get my AIS package to include WI FI. Thank you.
  6. I currently have a Samsung phone which I only use on the internet when linked to my home wi-fi. If I switch my AIS service to allow internet usage when away from home I understand that I will need to get a new number. Is there a way that if one of my old contacts tries to contact to me via the old number they will automatically be transferred to my new one. I am 83 y.o. so please be gentle with your replies.
  7. Use an agent. Worked fine for me
  8. I have a fixed rate and a savings account that I opened with a branch of Bangkok bank.in Pattaya. I wish to make payments and changes to my accounts from a branch of Bangkok Bank that is located closer to my home. Am I able to do this as I have heard that I can only make transactions in the branch the account was opened.
  9. Mine is pending 25 hours after I submitted. Can I cancel it and submit again?
  10. lelapin

    Thai Tax

    And what happens when the tax office are advised by the bank that I have received international transfers. They have already stated what the fine will be for not completing Thai tax returns where appropriate.
  11. lelapin

    Thai Tax

    Any updates on an accountant based in Pattaya who can help with submitting Thai tax return
  12. lelapin

    Thai Tax

    I already have a Thai tax number for 4 years as I claimed back on tax I paid on interest I got in my Bangkok bank.
  13. lelapin

    Thai Tax

    Can anyone recommend a Tax Accountant in Pattaya who speaks good English who can help me with the Thai tax reporting that I will need to do at the end of this year. I will have received income here this year in my Thai bank account from UK and French pensions and also UK savings held in my Nationwide UK bank a/c at 31/12/23. I am a sick 83 y.o. so would prefer that any discussions that are needed are not conduced online or outside Pattaya. A guide as to what I might expect to pay would also be appreciated.
  14. Mine worked fine today - Jomtien Imm
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