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  1. If you had "looked into it" you would have found out that Thai Airways haven't flown to Vienna for a number of years. This route is now served only by Austrian Airlines and EVA Air.
  2. Free Speech seems to be another victim of this war. I have been banned from posting by DW News, the "German BBC"; presumably for not prefacing every post with "I pray for Israel". A recent video had an audience of 1.8M and only 167 comments escaped the censor. My posts on DW News have been factual without slurs like "scum". "savages" or "human animals" that I read on this forum. I regret that I cannot contribute further to this forum. I am an unhealthy 75, have poor eyesight (keyboard) and simply do not have the strength.
  3. Reduce petrol prices by 2.5 baht........interesting Reduce petrol prices TO 2.5 baht........even more interesting.
  4. I knew a rich guy who spent his summer holidays at the Hotel du Palais in Biarritz, France. He always had a suite at the top of one of the twin towers. One year the hotel deeply regretted that they could not give him the suite because both were already booked; by the Duchess of Windsor (Wallace Simpson) and Frank Sinatra. Luckily, Frank Sinatra cancelled. He never visited Thailand, probably because he enjoyed a glass of fine wine and could not afford the outrageous Thai prices for a tipple..
  5. Very disappointing. As an expert guesser, please guess for me the next winning lottery number.
  6. What are you talking about ?. Who is "he" ?
  7. So, no answer to my question. I am after an understanding that Israel has treated Palestinians atrociously for 75 years; so that Hamas is very much a monster which Israeli terrorism has created. What points have I not replied to?
  8. Here and now you are avoiding giving me an answer.
  9. "the deliberate murder of civilians" like the hotel bombing, the murder of the UN monitor and the Deir Yassin massacre which Begin hailed as a "splendid act of conquest" ?
  10. Please note and later watch the video....it's worthwhile. It is not a repost; the 1st was a link and the 2nd a recommendation....I will see. On the other hand, I would welcome some "prosperous" coming my way !
  11. I hope this post is not against forum rules. I earlier posted a link to a youtube video, but the post was deleted. I recommend to all posters the video of Dr. Gabor Mate speaking out on Israel and Palestine. It is an honest and moving appraisal by a Holocaust survivor.
  12. Thank you for your profound and thought-provoking contribution to the discussion.
  13. People who wholeheartedly support Israel don't really know what they are talking about. Palestinians have had to fight for a right to survive for a long time.
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