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Mot Leei

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Posts posted by Mot Leei

  1. Considering the 96 to 51 victory of Surachai, the chances are pretty good that Yingluck will be convicted.

    PTP could win points by acting contrite, but instead they bluster.

    So shameful to watch.

    No, what is genuinely shameful to watch is the conga line of TV suckholes endorsing the illegitimate overthrow of democracy

    Some posters have such a quaint turn of phrase. Such name-calling is usually indicative of a lack of cogent argument, so rather than denigrate others (and yourself in the process) maybe it would be a good idea to sit by and watch.

    Posters will know that you are one of the Thaksinistas, and as such your post totally ignores the fact that nepotism and corruption have been the name of the game for far too long, and especially under k. Yingluck. She got (some of) what she deserved, but that does not imply that all the dirty washing has Shin DNA in it. There is the stink of rampant corruption on both sides of the divide.

    Anyone thinking with even a smidgeon of intelligence will see that reforms are necessary to try to get Thailand out of the mire into which it is fast disappearing. Reformsdoes not mean those not led by Suthep, as he is clearly barking mad and is acting way outside the law, for which he must pay, but reforms led by an experienced and non corrupt cross-section of the political arena, which should exclude anyone facing (or fleeing from) criminal charges, those who are currently banned from politics and anyone of any persuasion who is clearly and closely linked to either of the main protagonists.

    Then, and only then, might Thailand lumber and lurch, like a baby taking its first steps, towards a freer and fairer election.

    So there you are, Prbkk. Not one wee swearie word, not one 'red kwai' insult. Just a post trying to make a point or two. Not too hard, was it? On you go, see how well you can do. coffee1.gif

    You lost all credibility in your last patronising paragraph ... pity you almost got there ... maybe if you try a little harder you might be able to get there one day!

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  2. And the fascist dictator controls the media so that it only airs news supportive of his new judicial/political coup govt ... all this before we see any details of his proposed reforms! ... all without consulting the people.

    This man shows contempt for freedom of speech, he uses threats and intimidation to get his own way, he preaches like he's a god, he denies people the right to vote, he has a long history of nepotism and corruption, he has a vigilante deposed monk as a side kick ... omg people can't you see the writing on the wall? Are you so blinded by your hatred of PTP that you fail to see you jumping out of the pot and into the fire. This man will drag Thailand back into the fuedal dark ages of people disappearing in the dark of night .... he is cut from the same cloth as Sadam and Pol Pot ... oh well som nam na

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    Okay thats you opinion

    and on this forum you have the right to give it

    So as you demand this right for you

    Why do you not demand the same rights for the Thai people

    No 1) Freedom of speech by all parties in all areas

    No 2) Section 102 Enforced

    A person under any of the following prohibitions shall have no right to be a candidate in an election of members of the House of Representatives:

    (6) having been expelled, dismissed or removed from the official service, a State agency or a State enterprise on the ground of dishonest performance of duties or corruption;

    3) All parties yellow and red to abide by the rule of law

    Here there is no bias as all should be for all parties

    Sure, but only if

    1) the courts are truely independent, unbiased and fair (which is fairly obvious they are not) ... they must not continue to be dominated by Yellow supporters.

    2) the senate is fully elected to avoid is dominance by Yellow appointees

    3) all parties currently with charges outstanding face an independent international court

    4) any reform proposals are put to referendum before being made law

    5) an election date must be set and adhered to

    6) the Thai people must completely reject this pseudo feudalism in favour of a democracy and quit pretending

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  3. And the gun bags that they all carry contain 15 types of moisturiser?

    Umm, your reply has nothing to do with any typical Thai trait and does not really make sense.

    It is a fact that Thai's wear this protection. I highlighted it in case the member "Thailand" was not aware of it.

    If you can show facts to state otherwise, by all means I am open to them and welcome them.

    In the words of yingluck speaking articulately in an American accent ( which you still have not provided the link for yet called me the liar wink.png ) Show me the evidence.

    Based on "Dr Bruces" logic all the rice farmers and people who work outside all day in Thailand must be hired thugs then....

    According to Fab4 the popcorn gunman that suppressed the brutal 1 principle of democracy supporters while protecting the 15 principle supporters led by the notorious Ko Tee who is currently on the run is one too!

    I wonder what his take is on Batman…He wore masks as well to protect innocent civilians from the likes of people like Ko Tee.

    That is PTP logic right there!!!

    Not quite deserved of the pigeon award yet, but I am waiting...

    Batman was a vigilante dispensing his own justice .... and a fantasy

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  4. Unbelievable!! It is time for the Army to arrest all the PTP for over throwing the Country. First it was Charlerm then the PTP telling the Court does not have authority and they are just going to ignore it, Then it is Surapong saying he is not going and even saying he is still representing Thailand at the Summit? Under what authority??

    When did the PTP overthrow the country, I think you are confused with the PDRC who are trying to overthrow the government. The PTP were elected and the PDRC are demonstrating in the Streets.

    even after all this time you still not get it

    Being elected does not make it Democratic

    Thailand want freedom all people, equal, and the right to speak their opinion

    This is not allowed in the Thaskin or the PTP model of things

    1st Reform ......... Freedom of speech for all parties

    please tell us now do you agree with this policy or not

    Oh you mean freedom of the press like the type offered by Sutheps thugs who kidnap and beat up press members who don't tell the story the way Suthep wants it to be told. Suthep is dictator through and through ... there will be no freedom under his rule and you'd be pretty naive to believe there would be

    Being elected is democracy .... you don't like it called that if you are the minority .... quit telling the people what they must have and ask them what they want at an election ... THAT is democracy

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  5. Their are claims that the NACC are corrupt, bias agency that are abusing their powers. Most people wouldn't disagree with that assessment.

    Once the dust is settled, hopefully justice is served to the members of this group and they go behind bars.

    yes there are claims . they are made by you and your fellow red/ptp lovers as they cannot stand the fact that the courts have ruled against your heroes. Dont worry as only those with tiny brains and no real intelligence think like this, everyone else in Thailand realizes that the courts have made the correct assesment and decision but I am sure all the reds will get their guns/m79's etc and show everyone how democratic they are and of course all their appologists in here will defend their violence once again, pathetic

    You mean like your yellow buddies can't stand up to an election and accept the result? Cant get the support of the majority so you throw a tantrum and refuse to play and then get the bullies to do your dirty work for you .... yellow streaks

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  6. Here's where it all comes crashing down, thanks to the recent senate elections.

    The coup clowns don't have the required 3/5 of the senate vote.

    There will be no impeachment.

    With the Senate being 49% appointed by the Ammart the numbers are very close with slightly more than 60% favouring the old-guard.

    Thailand needs reform and the first reform should be an elected senate.

    No, Thailand' senate should be 100% appointed as is Canada's.

    Appointed by who? Therein lies the problem. It might work in a forward thinking country like Canada, but this is thailand, where every single level of govt/law is corrupt and self serving.

    I think there should be an election whereby the parties propose what changes they want to make to the country by way of reform ... the party that wins gets the mandate to change what they proposed ... the way democracy is supposed to work. Of course this won't work for any one but PTP .... simply because no one else has the numbers ...

    Time for Marky to quit hiding in the shadows and start putting forward the reforms he intends to make so he had a chance to sell it to the public before the next election which will otherwise inevitably return PTP to power ... Until the next judicial coup

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  7. Another case of democracy = elections.

    Let's have some reforms first.

    Reforms, reforms, reforms .... what reforms? Please spell them out .... would people quit saying they are necessary without saying exactly WHAT is necessary .... more biased laws favoring one party or the other? ... more party hardliners put in places serving political interests? Exactly what reforms do you want to put in place that will make elections fairer for all sides?

    If you can't suggest reforms NOW that clearly make elections fairer for everyone (not just helping a yellow minority get elected) then shut up and hold elections and actually let the people decide instead of telling us that you speak for the majority .... ONLY an election is the voice of the people ... you arent!

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  8. Please please, before the PR gets out of control.

    The guard provided personal body guard to protect her form possible harm such as bomb, by the alleged Red-shirts.

    They gave her personal protection until they are sure that the situation is save, than help her continue to where she was going.

    The clinic appoint could be postpone, and it was just a beauty clinic, not that she needed immediate health attention.

    Hahahahaha ... OMG thats the stupidest and funniest thing I've read in ages.

    "Hi there, miss, we're just going to detain you against your will and frighten the bejeesus out of you for your own good. What? Our own boss doesn't want us to protect you from that red bomb and is upset we've helped you? Ok sorry for the inconvenience, have a good day working for the govt now. Thankyou for shopping with Thugs-R-Us"

    Let's see what she has to say about the matter ...

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  9. Sunisa should make a formal complaint of kidnapping to the police and have the guards arrested and charged .... we'll then see if Suthep hands them over and proves he's about being peaceful or shows that he's full of <deleted> .... if he doesnt hand them over there is the clear message that violent intimidation is being condoned (dont kid yourself people, this is still violence) by Suthep ... but we knew that during the election ... Suthep is NOT peaceful .... he's just careful to blame others for the violence ...

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  10. I'm really happy all the Suthepians have accused YL of doing a runner ... now they'll look more stupid than ever ... of course they dont care how stupid they look. I think its kind of sensible for her to stay in a safe house ... less chance of violent confrontation from Suthepians in which bystanders might get hurt

    My wifes family are talking about Suthep staying in a different place every night for his own safety and he's apparently been doing it for weeks ... anyone know anything about this?? If so doesn't that make Sutheps anti democracy protestors on here a bunch of hypocrites?

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  11. Trat?!?!

    I thought all the anti-government protesters were rich elite in Bangkok or radical Deep Southerners according to several TV experts.

    Sad to say!

    When they stray out of their stronghold of Bangkok, and attempt to recreate in other parts of the country the havoc they created in Bangkok under the protection of the Rich E.E allies, they will be met with resistance,


    You sound quite pleased this happened to the PDRC. You and your likes have some maladjusted thinking if you really believe this kind of violence is ok.

    Just because they attacked someone who thinks and feels differently about politics doesnt make it ok to hurt them. Next you will be thinking its ok to kill someone if they dont follow the REDS.

    If it is your way or no way then you are the beginnings of a Hitler regime.

    My suggestion to kikoman and jollyman and other who feel this way is to seek emergency psycholigical medical treatment

    Im sure the doctors can find a cure for RED BLINDNESS.

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    Hey hey easy there brutus ...

    If you organise a protest that holds a city hostage to the dictatorial opinion of a tiny minority, strong arm and intimidate people just doing their jobs into closing their businesses, causing the financial ruin of hundreds of tourism businesses, stop people from exercising their RIGHT to vote, chasing away investors, threatening people with violence (poptart mercenaries ... yes they are mercenaries) and showing off about it, then you are going to make a lot of people angry and provoke an equally violent response .... and if you hang around people who do this, then you MUST expect exactly this kind of thing to happen ... its not a good thing at all, but you must expect it.

    I say, if you kick a dog often enough then you have no right to complain when it bites you.

    I regret terribly that children have been hurt, but in all honesty what kind of parent takes a child into such a potentially violent situation? If Suthep really cared he'd send them home, but the coward wants his human shields.

    Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Whoa there. You talk a good talk but you completely twist the facts.

    The protesters didnt hold this city hostage. In fact nobody was hostage to anything except traffic jams being diverted from the protest sites.

    From what i understand business was booming near the protest sites. Only those who chose to close did. The protesters didnt harass businesses until just recently and now only Thaksin owned businesses are targeted.

    Since the thai constitution states it is their right to hold these protests on public grounds and since all the gov bldgs are considered PUBLIC to the thai people then these protests were legalvwether you like them or not.

    They didnt stop the gov workers from doing their job because the workers relocated to other places. The gov didnt stop working.

    The protest did not chase the money from foreigners away. Tourism was a little lower than normal in bkk but outside of bkk was ok. YL starting this SOE is what chased investors and tousrists away. People were watchful and leery about coming here but the SOE made them sure not to come. It also made other gov deny exit for tourists here and caused airline travel insurances to br cancelled.

    I cannot deny that Suthep has gotten a big head and has shown he has people to protect his supporters from attacks. But if you objectively at his reasons. It is the gov job to protect them during constitutionally approved demonstrations. They didnt supply police support sufficient to the protest numbers to do this and in turn pot shots were taken at them at various locations. If you were Suthep you would not be trustful if that happened to you and would want your own protection.

    I dont agree with Suthep blocking the votes. But by doing that it gave time for criminal activity to come to light and for the public to become aware of these. This delay ultimately made people look a little closer at the gov and YLS dealings. Havent you ever thought about why YL was so quick to resign and call for fast elections and push the EC to hold then even without the numbers for people to vote for. Even when approved to delay YL insisted it happen immediately. ASAP. After that many controversial scandals have been announced. Look at the logic of it all.

    Your last few comments are the kicker.

    Most of these people are older and very young protesting now. They are not armed and not looking for a fight. The people who attacked them are the same as terrorists. They kill innocent peaceful people in the name of who or what they believe in. They do it indiscriminarely without regard for human rights. The only people who made it violent today were these terrorists. From what i understand these protests are more of a celebration than a rally to make people angry.

    So they didnt go looking for violence. They went to have fun and hear about something they believe in. Violence came looking for them.

    You really should follow all the news without bias to either side. Maybe then you can see all that is happening with better eyes.

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    Did you miss all the stories about hotels laying off staff, tourism businesses closing, airlines cutting flights, people not able to get to their jobs, malls complaining of low traffic during high season? Choice?.... choosing to close or face the threats (vandalism, violence, theft) made by protestors (yes I have friends threatened by protestors) is NO choice ... its terrorism plain and simple

    Tell me is AIS a thaksin owned company? No it isnt? Suthep order a hit on that? Yes he did.

    This protest is not about democracy or about getting rid of PTP. Dictator Suthep saw an opportunity last year to install himself as dictator for life and he's going for it ... his ego will clearly not accept anything less. If you really believe he wants reforms in the interest of all Thais then you're delusional .... that simply doesn't fit his psychological profile

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  12. Again you miss my point. I doubt any grenade or gun fire was aimed at little girls eating in noodle shops ... it was aimed at protestors. The protestors are attracting violence because of their intimidation tactics and innocents are getting hurt ... this is the concept behind using an SOE ... to try to protect innocents from the harm the protestors are causing.

    As a parent myself, if you bring your violent protest near my restaurant I'd leave very quick smart ... only a stupid parent would sit so close to such a powder keg ...

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    Your point is non-existant. The attack was indiscriminate. They shot at a noodle shop and a stage.... wreaking death in a random, senseless way...

    This is the same way terrorists work.... cowardly attacks on both innocents, and enemies....as long as it happens, and gets in the news.

    Certainly it is obvious that they did not care of children/innocents were shot. They were not sharpshooters, and no targets were assigned. It was a bumbling, vicious act without regard to human life and democratic (yes the courts ruled it was ok) protest.

    The surprising thing, with communications being as it is...and more than likely the presence of surveillance cameras, (wouldn't you want to watch what might happen?) ... how in the hay did the vehicles not get identified and a perimeter of possible escape routes manned?

    I guess you didnt read my post then ... getting fairly pointless arguing with you

    Ps: when a clearly biased court rules in your favour it doesnt make it democratic ... the public didnt vote on the protests being allowed ... if they had then the decision would be much different ... but Dictator Suthep doesnt allow voting. Learn the definition of democracy.

    Pps: don't take your kids anywhere near this violent protest ... if you do you're dumber than Dictator Suthep. If the protests come near your family, move away.

    Ppps: Dictator Suthep is deliberately attracting violence using provocation now ... it's undoubtedly part of his endgame to get the military involved ... and clearly displays how he intends to run Thailand ... using FORCE

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  13. Maybe you should read the report a bit more closely before posting

    Which of the thousands of reports I've read over the last few months doesn't still add up to the same result .... you hurt people continually and eventually they'll fight back .... you unfortunately think the reds are the only people unhappy with Suthep ... by now there must be so many more people wanting to hurt him and the professionally armed protestors for all the pain they suffered at his hands

    Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    The girl was not at the protest, they were eating noodles at the market nearby. But dont let that get in the way of blaming Suthep.

    Again you miss my point. I doubt any grenade or gun fire was aimed at little girls eating in noodle shops ... it was aimed at protestors. The protestors are attracting violence because of their intimidation tactics and innocents are getting hurt ... this is the concept behind using an SOE ... to try to protect innocents from the harm the protestors are causing.

    As a parent myself, if you bring your violent protest near my restaurant I'd leave very quick smart ... only a stupid parent would sit so close to such a powder keg ...

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  14. Maybe you should read the report a bit more closely before posting

    Which of the thousands of reports I've read over the last few months doesn't still add up to the same result .... you hurt people continually and eventually they'll fight back .... you unfortunately think the reds are the only people unhappy with Suthep ... by now there must be so many more people wanting to hurt him and the professionally armed protestors for all the pain they suffered at his hands

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  15. I look forward to caretaker-FM Surapong justifying or 'explaining' these violent attacks on peaceful political-meetings of anti-government people, during his proposed world-tour of 'important' countries.

    Peaceful??? The anti govt leader is showing off about using automatic weapons to fight anyone who gets in his way

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  16. I wonder how many anti government supports here own stock in AIS, and did you sell it yesterday or today. As a AIS subscriber I should will be looking for good promotions in the coming weeks. Thank you Khun Suthep.

    If they go down significantly based on fear of a boycott, then it is time to buy imo. I doubt they will though.

    We sure will be ... and yes, thankyou khun suthep ... really he's just adding some volatility to the market, not changing its real value ... the market is doing just fine.

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  17. Stock runs up and down happen in relation to fear, speculation and manipulation all the time. Its quite expected under the circumstances. The assets themselves are untouched ... their value remains ... and the stock prices will go up again in time. Price now is mere manipulation by clever people trying to use circumstances to make stupi people scared. Personally I recommend waiting for another 5 to 10% drop and then buying ... then selling 5% short of the previous top ... it will happen eventually irrelevant of the current political turmoil. There's a quick buck to be made if you can see past the idiots predicting the end of the world for the shinawatras

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    Call us when you're kitted out with the personal Lear and the estate in the Bahamas then...

    Seriously, do you think those stupid people who are running scared and selling out are making any profits??? And who do you think is buying when others sell cheap? You cant sell if someone aint buying. The Shins know business all too well and I would be surprised if they weren't taking advantage of a run on any stock they own ... I sure as hell would! Common sense.

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  18. Stock runs up and down happen in relation to fear, speculation and manipulation all the time. Its quite expected under the circumstances. The assets themselves are untouched ... their value remains ... and the stock prices will go up again in time. Price now is mere manipulation by clever people trying to use circumstances to make stupi people scared. Personally I recommend waiting for another 5 to 10% drop and then buying ... then selling 5% short of the previous top ... it will happen eventually irrelevant of the current political turmoil. There's a quick buck to be made if you can see past the idiots predicting the end of the world for the shinawatras

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