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Everything posted by eeworldwide

  1. Who else other than other 15 year olds would want to have a relationship with another 15 year old? I have 2 15 year olds and they're definitely not interested in sex or even relationships for that matter!
  2. Your points are moot. It matters not a jot what I sign on any document when I do my applications. This is not about me, nor about the overstay rules per se. Your post contributes nothing meaninful or useful to the conversation.
  3. *you're. No -you're a bit mixed up I think. He was offered a job opportunity, but upon accepting the offer (before contract) he revealed he was 7 months overtaying on his passport. The company has not yet emploed him and of course would not do if he is on overstay.
  4. Just to be clear - this is not me - Im a long term resident with a recognizable business and large family - I've been here for nearly 20 years. Who it is in relation to me is of no consequence. I myself was surprised at the 20K amount - which is simply the max fine for overstay. I told him that he better have some serious moola to cover the officer who woudl fix it -but I should think that fixing that kind of hting is rather more risky or difficult that simply granting visas.... His actual passport stamps will be way out of whack and going forward - any re-entry into the country with a 7 month overstay clearly visible on a passport would surely raise eyebrows with any immigration officer.
  5. Greetings and for any help and good perspective and advice, I thank you in advance. A friend of a friend has just informed me that on the offer of a job and relication to BKK, that they have overstayed and been living in Phuket for 7 months on overstay. They have suggested that they know a thai guy in Phuket who will speak to immigration for them and all he will have to do is pay the 20K fine and all should be well. I'd say 7 months is a seriously long time and how likely is it that they will turn a blind eye to it? Ive lived in thailand for 16 years and have only ever over-stayed by a couple days. Usually thats not taken seriously and you just pay the fine. 7 months seems a bit robust....? Is it really likely that they'll turn a blind eye or he'll be turfed out..?
  6. Lock him up and throw away the key.
  7. Joe was a great example to us all. He was calm, collected and measured and TOOK TIME to respond to questions, allaying the fears of many. He seemed to be a genuinely upright and good fellow. He helped me enormously and always responded in a timely polite manner, giving me the information I needed without any clever snarky remarks, so often associated with ASEAN NOW/THAI VISA members (not all - but many) May he RIP and God bless his surviving family.
  8. More hokey cringe from these guys. Hardly a male in the entire video. The song is nice - but utterly contrived and has nothing to do with Thailand. Sonna Rele has shown zero support as she's not promoted it on any of her social media pages - so they obviously didn't pay her enough. End shot of video is out of place and makes no sense. Maybe these videos work for people who have never been to Thailand, but the minute they set foot in the kingdom, the song and videos will cease to have any bearing on their experience whatsoever.
  9. He has found his happiness in life - thats more than can be said for so many farang men of his age who are wedged here.
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