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Posts posted by docshock13

  1. Good news. Maybe the Cambo police can hop across the border and teach the BiB a thing or two. Seems they know how to get their man (as opposed to asking bad guys to turn themselves in for a reduction in sentence, giving bad guys a two week head start to flee the country or giving themselves a reward for nabbing a bad guy based upon the public's tips and investigations).

  2. Isn't that a political gathering of more than 5 people supporting someone that was convicted of attempting to harm or successfully harming political opponents?

    Oh wait! They are not reading books, eating sandwiches, making a three-fingered salute, or distributing calendars of an ex-PM. All good then.

    Love the double-standards.

    You mean the same double standards that saw "hundreds" of supporters every time that Yingluck goes to court?

    Like you, I lust love the double standards.

    On BOTH sides.

    Really? A rally in support of a self-confessed hired killer v some aunties handing Yingluck roses?

    Do you think I ought to bring up the bit about the Red Shirt leaders cheering about the deaths of some people until they heard that there were children murdered as well? There is a video somewhere on YouTube about that.

    However it isn't about what you or I or any other farangs want, think or feel, it is about what Thai people want, think and feel.

    I am sure that I could quote Thai people here who are anti Thaksin and pro government and I have no doubt that you can quote people who are pro Thaksin and anti government, but it would make no difference to the outcome of events.

    We can argue all day every day and get nowhere but ONLY the Thai people can decide what will happen.

    And they are not allowed to.

    The entire situation summed up in one, simple and succinct sentence. Nice.

  3. Why pick on the airlines everything needs an overhaul. Working on the canal boats at present. Next will be a shocking mechanism that will zap bus drivers if they fall asleep or drive over the yellow line (if there is one)

    Actually there is. Fatigue monitors/alarms are used in industry for heavy mobile equipment operators (at least where I have worked).

  4. Tell us something we didn't know. The air industry has needed an overhaul for some time now. Isn't that why they have yellow status from half the world's aviation inspectors?

    Once again, Thailand has shown their mastery at maipanrai for everything until it is a day late and a dollar short. Then the race to make it look OK after.

    Agree. The key words in your post being "to make it LOOK ok." There is a critical failure here to really address root causes. Usually what we get are empty words from various gov't agencies about crackdowns etc., but rarely any meaningful action. The Thai solution to complex problems is to simply apply new paint. If it looks new, it must be new. But underneath is the same old rot. Only a matter of time before it rears its ugly head. And we all know these problems quietly multiply out of view until there is a catastrophic incident. Then its apply more paint. Just a double coat this time.

  5. Isn't that a political gathering of more than 5 people supporting someone that was convicted of attempting to harm or successfully harming political opponents?

    Oh wait! They are not reading books, eating sandwiches, making a three-fingered salute, or distributing calendars of an ex-PM. All good then.

    Love the double-standards.

  6. The whole universe revolves around Uranus. Keep it out of perilous positions!

    "Thai-language media ran apocalyptic analyses by numerous astrologers who said the kingdom is heading toward inevitable doom and chaos because of Uranus."

    cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

    "Thai-language media ran apocalyptic anal-yses by numerous astrologers who said the kingdom is heading toward inevitable doom and chaos because of Uranus." rolleyes.gif

    "Thai-language media ran apocalyptic anal-yses by numerous ass-trologers who said the kingdom is heading toward inevitable doom and chaos because of Uranus."
  7. Headline of the year (so far). The journo should get some kind of award.

    Though after reading the article I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Actually, the article isn't half as ridiculous as the accompanying photo.

    Also, wondering why the perilous position of Uranus will only affect Thailand? Shouldn't all of humanity be in a panic? Ooops. Forgot. Thailand is the center of the Universe.

  8. Congrats! Just curious, how much were you smoking per day and what was the number one factor that led to your decision to quit c.t.? I am a smoker and desperately want to quit. But always find myself making excuses for another puff. I tried the patch for about a week. Didn't help. Tried e-cigs. Waste of money and raw lungs and sore throat. Any advice from you (or others) that have decided to liberate your bodies from the disgusting, costly and harmful habit would be helpful.

  9. Farcical. Para. 1 speaking on behalf of other nations AGAIN! Para. 2 utter blind arrogance. As if Thailand is the beacon of light that will lead the developing world into the modern era.

    Honestly, the sufficiency economy is a great model IMO. Buy as others have pointed out, it has been manipulated by the PTB over the decades so as to be used as a propagandistic tool of oppression against the rural poor.

  10. "One Chinese tourist said it is difficult to get a Chinese driving licence.

    In getting one, the man says he has to have a certificate from a driving school and sit in a paper test. This process could take half a year and it is also costly."

    So in other words in China they have to learn how to drive and prove they can do so.

    Sounds good to me.

    I can assure you that driving in Thailand is paradise compared with driving in China!

    Second that! They also have the electric motorbikes which are nearly silent (and of course to save juice)no one turns on their lamps at night.


  11. It is a court process and Thai courts will grab a foreigners passport regardless of circumstances. They have mine on a suspended and completely spurious case. So any trumped up story will do and lawyers know how to get cases accepted. For Thais they can rape and murder but are not required to relinquish their passports of course.

    The passport is the property of the crown and you will be issued a new one on application but it won't help you leave the country because there is no visa in a new passport and anyway your name is very well marked in the Thai immigration computers. Actually the seizing if passport and requirement to go on a monthly court visa are just to create as much aggravation as possible since you need paperwork every three months from the court and frequent visits to immigration to get the short term visas. It is just an example of blatant racist discrimination. Immanuel if you were an investor and got sued in such a case by a rival just to stop you traveling and tie you up in red tape! Yet the UK embassy still encourage investment to lure more people into this scamming cheating country.

    Well put. Murderers are allowed to leave Thailand and visit Singapore for several years and are even able to ignore court appearances on account of the 72 + month flu. "The court sentences you to bed rest until you feel better and thanks you for an early retirement."

  12. Twisted.

    Kill cyclists? Just pay. Carry on.

    Traffic undocumented workers? Just pay. Carry on.

    Negligently kill tourists while operating a motor vehicle under the influence? Just pay. Carry on.

    Expose the moral cess pit that hides behind "tradition" and a perverted version of Buddhism? Get crucified!

    Feel free to add to the list. I could go on but do not want to lose my posting priveleges.

    Pathetic and disheartening. A modern day Sodom.

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