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Everything posted by Villapete

  1. I have a Maton EM225C with hard black flight case that I want to sell (20K - it is a decent guitar). I live in Pattaya. I could not find a forum here to post it (I am a bit retarded, sorry). I do have it advertised elsewhere, but if someone knows a shop where they will give me a reasonable price, I will consider that. PM me if you want more info. Mods, I apologize if posteed incorrectly. I would appreciate it if you send to the correct forum. All the best, Peter
  2. Is this after the Fuh Fest?
  3. I think they have some big ones in Hat Yai!
  4. I got a wide briimmed hat at a reasonable price from shop on Soi 15, j/w Second Road; 2 minutes northward from Second Road on righthand side. I hope that helps (about half the price of anywhere else if I recall).
  5. I saw on a Pattaya news channel yesterday on Youtube that immigration have apparently been asking for evidence of tax paid on income as part of visa processing. I do not know if this is true or not. It is just what I saw on the channel. I do not know if I am able to link the video, but you can probably find the video easily by searching Pattaya news on Youtbe or something like that. Please do not think I am scaremongering. That is not my intention. I just want to get informed. As the OP I have appreciated all of the responses to this topic. They have been helpful, so thanks a lot.
  6. Decathlon, Lotus, N Pattaya Road...lots of accessories and other sports stuff too.
  7. I am curious as to how this will play out both for myself and for the local economy. My thoughts are that it will initially be a mess, followed by an economic dip, followed by a rejig of the plan. What are your thoughts?
  8. Yesterday morning (30th Oct) I was on the back of a win motorbike turning into Soi Lengkee J/W 3rd Road. I saw that a small car had its front crushed beneath a powerpole that appeaared to had toppled onto it. My win did not want to hang around and he just drove over the wires and carried on. From what I could see; (1) I think the driver / occupants of the car had had a lucky escape (hopefully, I assume) and, (2) nothing had appeared to have crashed into the pole to cause it to topple onto the car and across the road. I have been surprised to see nothing about this on the local news as it certainly was at least a close call and I am curious as to why the pole collapsed, although not surprised. Any info, updates appreciated. Peter
  9. I usually take my donations to the market on Soi Buakhoa at the Tai end. There are a few second hand clohes vendors there. It helps them out. I hope that helps.
  10. Thanks for this. I will certainly check this out very soon.
  11. Thailand has just purchased a fair amount of equipment from US (Strykers I believe). There is a lot info on google detailing purchases from US and other UN member states by Thailand for decades. There are also a few reports detailing how companies based in UN member states are still supplying Myanmar with lethal military equipment. I am not an expert on the issue, but I would be happy to PM the links that I have. A few google searches will probably show you the same info that I have. I am not saying these are facts, but they look far from being conspiracy theories. I hope that helps. Peter
  12. In the UK the shortest 'political' distance between 2 points is a straight line, but it went through a long and painful journey to get there; civil war, protests, strikes, an so on. If the Thai people want the same I think they are just going to have to do a lot more than they are now to get it. Unfortunately, I don't think this will happen. Sad as it is, no one wants to send their kids in defenceless against live ammunition which, if push comes to shove, is highly probable, Unfortuately, Thailand in nestled in a region where abuse of liberties, freedoms and people are common (Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao...). The big players on the world stage make the right noises about democracy whilst at the same time selling military hardware to these states; therefore, I think the Thai people are on their own with it. It is now just a matter of how much they want it. I don't think it will change much, and that is not a criticism of Thais, I just think at the end of the day, they will have to pay a high price for a western style democracy.
  13. A good heart these days is hard to find (Feargul Sharkey)
  14. It would appear that what most Thai people think, feel, want or desire in this sphere is irrelevant and will probably remain so for some time to come unfortunately.
  15. I bet he had a proper gander at the plane before he flew it; in a bear- faced (sic) kind of way!
  16. Nice! Gives me a good excuse to go to Teminal 21 here as it has a Foodland there. Cheers.
  17. Yes, It is. I live near to the Villa market in Pattaya and shop there regularly. It maybe has more choice than the one in Bangkok because it is bigger. So, happy enough with it; was just seeing if there were other options too. All the best, Peter
  18. Apparently the supermarket brie here is about the same price and in the supermarkets in Paris (approx 8 euros per 200g). Deli / cheeseshop brie would be much more expensive in Paris so I am told (I was surprised myself because I thought that is was more expensive here than there, but apparently there is not much difference in the supermarket prices). I don't drink alcohol, so I guess that saves me a bit of money, and I like to treat myself to some nice food from time to time and try to avoid eating too much cheap processed crap (nat that brie is a superfood LOL). At Villa market 200g of brie is 289 baht + pack of 3 sourdough bagels (150?) or a sourdough loaf (70?). so a reasonable little snack for 3 or 4 days + maybe a bit for a brie sauce for pasta with a bit of pesto comes to about 150 baht a day; it doesn't need to break the bank even if you are on a budget.
  19. Great and noted! I will take a look next time I am in that area.
  20. Yes, that is a point Jacko. I guess we are not going to find fromagerie quality here. I did chat to a French friend in Paris this morning and she said the prices I have been paying in Villa are similar to those in French supermakerkets ATM (about 8 euros for 200g). This is however supermarket quality and she said that cheeseshop and deli prices would be a lot higher, as would be the quality of the cheese in them. All the best, Peter
  21. Thanks Ray, Great suggestions. Unfortunately, I don't drink myself; teetotal for 8 years or so, and better for it. Hopefully, others will enjoy the wine recommendations though! I will venture to Tops and Big C though to see what is available on the brie front. All the best, Peter
  22. Any recommendations on the best place to buy brie in Pattaya? Not necessarily looking for the cheapest; reasonable quality, reasonable price is OK. I am not really a cheese connoisseur, but I have recently taken to brie because it is low in lactose which is good for me. I don't live too far from Villa market and I have bought from there recently; I am happy enough with that, but any other suggestions from brie experts would be appreciated. Sorry if this has been asked before. Thanks in advance for any tips.
  23. Decathlon has archery equipment. I hope that helps.
  24. OK. Thanks for that. I stand corrected if the passport does not have to go to the UK. I was under the impression that is what I was advised at the time, but I could have misunderstood and the agent was just doing as you said. All the best, Peter
  25. 'Nonsense. Why post when you obviously do not know'. ___ Ok. I got mine renewed about 6 months ago. That was my experience. It may not have necessarily been the correct experience, but I am OK now because I have new and old passport back. I posted just to help someone. I have lived in Thailand about 12 years and posted on here about a handful of times; so, it is not like I sit here making up stories and posting them online is it. I am not a visa expert, I am just an expat sharing my experience which I thought may help. I will be less inclined to do so again in future. ___ My agent was Speedy Visa. Speak to them to verify if you wish.
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