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Posts posted by diddygq

  1. 10 hours ago, spermwhale said:

    Good Catch! Do you expect any accuracy from Thaiger. The worst "news" outlet in Thailand. It should not be a source of news on this site. 

    It's correct, I just replied to another message. It's called a "Dono Goal" where people can donate. Skip to the 1:30 minute mark to see what a tool he is. He's also friends with Johnny Somali another Kick live streamer walking around Japan talking about Hiroshima/Nagasaki and thinking it was funny.    (EDIT: User JimTripper sent better clips on page 2) 


  2. 22 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Just one question, why does it say this at the top left corner of the video :



    Where in Thailand is this?

    It is a Sub Goal that streamers do. People can donate or sub for him to earn the goal for whatever they choose. He was in Pattaya and is a complete <deleted>. You can find the video online

  3. 7 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

    It is all about education. The alcohol laws should be reviewed. What is the use of an alcohol sell ban from 2-5?? If you want to buy alcohol and if you are over 21 no problem by doubt show id..Make bar owners bartenders responsible for serving too much alcohol and let the RTP work too in the evning and at night and check and do an alcohol test for everyone....Make Thailand an normal country

    Why over 21? The rest of the world is 18 and over. 

  4. On 3/27/2020 at 3:52 PM, Logosone said:

    Too late.


    The virus has long spread in large numbers in Thailand.


    Social distancing will achieve nothing, except possibly, if done perfectly effect a very small slowing in transmission. That is all.


    But any fantasy of containing the virus by lockdowns, travel restrictions, curfews and "social distancing" are just pure illusory beliefs. There is absolutely no hard data that shows social distancing can do anything else but achieve very small delays.


    This study shows the whole isolation of Wuhan only bought the rest of China 3 days:



    Do more research. China could have contained it before spreading out of Wuhan and then the world. Even though doctors and reporters were warning the government, the CCP chose to detain, beat up, and silence them. They let 3 million people leave Wuhan before even lifting a finger. If they would have acted swiftly instead of covering up, you or I wouldn't have to worry about it. The CCP is very similar to Thailand in the fact they are not proactive and wait until there is a big problem before acting. 


    You can see the study is complete BS because they don't have the real data. The first cases in Wuhan were in early November. That study is going off Wuhan, 2 months later. 


    Social distancing and lots of testing does work. Taiwan and South Korea have proved it.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    I do not need that. I know about precautions that must be taken. If I look I will say the same. It+s not possible to make a perfect estimation. That was my point.

    As an extra, why would I listen to a doctor from UK instead? Have they managed to contain the spread better than Thailand so far? I assume you are a brit, and understand why you recommend to listen to a Uk doctor instead. I probably feels more close to home. Unfortunately the virus know no boundaries nor borders, and there is no room for individualist from specific countries. Everyone must work together as a team for get the result we all wish for.

    I also know that what is happening right now can be compared to a regular outcome of a yearly flu. Out of that reason there is no need for panic. However, if people do not heed a certain call then we do not know what to expect and how wide the damage of the virus outbreak might be.

    Nope, I'm American but the doctor got the number from the same concept. I guess you didn't watch him break down numbers. Basically you take the infected now use the arnot and exponential numbers to a certain date which you get an exact number. Of course I know it won't be "exact" but he is not a politician. He probably has a better idea of the real infected in Thailand compared to the government. 

    • Like 2
  6. 22 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    I understand that he warns people about a clear and present danger, if we do not take this seriously. That´s really needed, due to that too many morons take this as something insignificant. Some have even gone so far on this forum, as calling the virus a hoax. That´s really falling low in the level of human intelligence. However, I am baffled by this magician of a doctor, and really wonder where he get all his very exact numbers from. It looks like he is trying to pinpoint everything down to the last individual. Maybe they should consider to make an estimation, instead of announcing exact numbers. That would probably make the article and the information more credible.

    You might find this video interesting. A doctor from the U.K. breaking down the numbers, very similar to this, and showing how important social distancing is.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6JrkLvsKtw&fbclid=IwAR2YlukSWLeBV7PR2GmmfecewTqk5fgSgItGILruDlZFsJZe71RK_fGomMg

  7. 20 hours ago, simon43 said:

    As I've found out from recent experience, the Zoom, Zhumu, iTalki, Classin and Skype online platforms cannot provide a reliable internet connection when there is such a high demand for online lessons. The main internet backbone provider - Telia, is having daily outages with its network in Germany of all places, which has a knock-on effect for Zoom, Zhumu and iTalki connectivity.

    Adobe Classroom has had no problems at all but I guess it depends on which server it is connected to. 

  8. On 7/4/2019 at 7:19 PM, trainman34014 said:

    Wait until they see the fares on the new HST's; they will be running empty !    Mind you; if it ever gats built it will be some kind of miracle.

    One line will be built for sure and that's because the Chinese are doing it. It's going to start in Kunming and run through Vientiane and then on to Bangkok. 

    So, get ready for even more hoards of Chinese tourists in the years to come. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    "...this is why most Thai don't even hold a license".

    Most Thais?  Says who?

    I would guess about 30% of Thais driving don't have a driver's license.  My wife's father drives a beat up old pickup for his work. He's never had a license and has been driving 40+ years without one. This is very common outside of Bangkok. He had the nerve to try and drive our car but I wouldn't let him for insurance reasons. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 38 minutes ago, thaichiro said:

    Top flight police work... the boss will no doubt get a promotion. I would like to see an honest documentary on the Royal Thai Police Academy to see what kind of training these characters get.

    When I used to live in Khon Kaen, I used to watch them train as the immigration office is in the same complex. It was like watching a comedy movie. They would use a fishing net and try to capture somebody running while getting tangled up. 

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