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Mot Dang

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Posts posted by Mot Dang

  1. Mr. Ward claims that 1 Kilo of Gold and 1 Million Baht in cash was stolen by Police during their visit to the apartment

    1kg of gold is worth approx. 1,250,000 baht at current Thai exchange rates. Plus another 1,000,000 Baht in cash. Why has anyone got that amount of cash and gold lying about their apartment, even in Pattaya ? Was it under his mattress, in his freezer, in his sock drawer ? To the sane this guy skates far to close to the edge. Physical size and what he probably thinks are menacing taboos (and don't forget the beating of the chest), will not protect him if the Thai police decide to arrest him for deportation. And if he fights back, he is dead. And it will happen very very quickly. He's not setting a precedent here.

  2. so after chasing off the europeans with the murders, rapes , mafia and general rip offs they have decided to try it out on the chinese. I am sure that as soon as the chinese are targeted for the murders, rapes, rip offs etc they to will no longer be so willing to come here but as long as there is all you can eat buffet breakfasts they will be hard to dissuade. All the chinese tour groups that have stayed in the same hotels as I have were the first to the buffet and promptly cleaned them out before anyone else was able to get at the food, they then queued up to make sure they were able to fill their plates to the limits again, simply put anyone elses coffee/drinks and toast that were put on the tables while they went to try to get some food on the floor and taken over the table. They have no manners, no etiquette what so ever, push in to lines, try to take other peoples orders and need to be yelled at/abused before they actually take notice of anyone else , yes these are definitely the high quality tourists that Thailand want to attract:blink:

    Serious question, but are they really that bad? Sounds like an utter nightmare.

    just ask the Hong Kong residents, and they are Chinese...

    "Pigs On The Loose" is one of the books (online)

    The Singaporean Chinese don't get along exactly with the mainland Chinese either.

  3. can never understand why, males carry wallets around full of money and cards, (is it a "macho") thing ? i know it is in the u.k. to "flash" your wallet to show off your cash, i just have a small zip up purse, that is zipped inside my trousers, with just enough money for that days or night entertainment, not rocket science, or maybe it is, and this guy lives here, so no excuse, as being a 2 week millionaire, one might expect this.

    This is always good news, when honest folk hand over lost valuables to the police. I hope they received a reward.

    I lost my wallet about three years ago in Bangkok. It had cash in it, plus other important personal items. But the biggest problem was the credit cards from three different banks. Cancelling those cards (late at night) was a nightmare. Getting lost card phone numbers was a real task. And who can remember account numbers even if you get hold of the bank. So now I only carry one card (Bangkok Bank) for a low value account, my medical insurance card, a card given to me from Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok and only enough cash for that day (certainly helps you keep to a budget if you want to).

    But what I also did was make up two laminated cards (the size of credit cards), one with local and international emergency phone numbers for my banks, and the other my account numbers. I also have a simlar card with a copy of my ID page and retirement visa, from my passport. A copy of these cards, all my other credit cards and additional cash is left in my safe in my apartment. A certain peace of mind.

  4. The face of Thailand will change forever. Thais will rue the day that they started to bring such huge numbers of these people into Thailand. Thailand has already changed enormously in the last 20 years. Their culture is now under threat and only some can see it, TAT does not give a damn. Big numbers of tourists (from anywhere) means that the TAT sycophants will be "rewarded" with higher salaries by their bosses, at the expense of Thailand.

    Since the debate of increasing the numbers of mainland Chinese came up more and more Thai are realizing its a mistake. Particularly in Pattaya. These people a loud, rude, dirty (in their spitting), and trample over Thai culture, which is being felt now in Chang Mai. They are ignorant of Thai culture and certainly couldn't care less. These peoples coming from China now are the first generation of travelers (I'm not talking about the great Chinese historical travelers), their parents are still on the farm or in the noodle shop. Todays access to money has done this, and given that they are spending money (and on average per head, its not much), they think can do whatever they want.

  5. Oh man can you believe it ! An old plane, technical difficulties, bankruptcy. A quality plane bringing "quality" tourists to and from the Kingdom. I may pay thru the nose for a seat on a flag-ship airline, but at least I have a fair idea I'll get where I want to go. When the truth does come out on what has happened I hope the Thai Government has the decency (and conscience) to flag this airline as possibly being unsafe if the need be, and is unwelcome. I used to fly the old Olympic Airline (Greece) through from London to Sydney (stopping in BKK), but gave up because too many times I wondered if I would get home.

  6. I am not anti-ladyboy but in saying that I would not short-time one. I know guys that do, but that is their business. I drink occasionally in two bars, an English pub in Soi 13/1 and an Belgium pub in Soi 13/2. Across the road from the English pub is String-fellows Bar, the "girls" in there are loud, over the top in their supposed female mannerisms, disproportionate in body measurements and go on like a bunch of idiots outside the bar late in the evening. Where as the in the Belgium Pub there are two ladyboys that you can only say are very nice and charming. Ladyboys can be as different as chalk and cheese. Much the same as regulars girls, and Pattaya bar-fly's. Live and let live.

    • Like 1
  7. Toot also said: "Please don't talk about sexual preference. It doesn't matter if you are lesbian, gay or straight. Flirting in public is not cool."

    Please lets not go back to the days where in Thai custom simple hand holding was generally not acceptable in public (nor kissing). Kids (the Z Generation) do it today in Thailand but you wont see their parents (or anyone older) holding hands. I'm not saying that throwing a leg over should be acceptable, but a certain simple display of affection should be tolerable to adults. I like to see kids respect each other (AC or DC). Its up to Thais to work this out.

  8. The ghosts (poltergeists ?) of the now gone Washington Square that are doing it. Once the place is finished if you listen very carefully you will hear the ghost of Fat George rattling his chains and wailing "turn that f**** music down". An exorcism will have to be held consisting of free beverages and the scantily clad Leo/Chang/Heineken advertising girls presiding. That will bring everything back to normal.

  9. Jeez, this is the 4th incident since the beginning of the year involving really large sums of cash being left in taxis ... I only leave umbrellas and hats in taxis ... I know what it is .. these tourists are just dazzled by their Amazing Thailand experience. ... I am really happy that they are having their money and valuables returned ... but why are people carrying around such large sums then forgetting it ?

  10. Its like taking a time machine back to the Stone Age.

    Calling it the Stone Age is quite right, these heathens think "stoning" is still a legitimate punishment for blasphemy, lose of family face etc. It exists in the Middle East, parts of Africa, India and Pakistan (and probably every other "-stan"). I always think that much of the national mindset in these countries has not developed much more since the time of the Crusades. After all Saddam thought he was the reincarnation of Saladin. That seemed to give him legitimacy to his brutality.

    When I was younger "looking for the truth", I had developed a respect for Islam, but how can one continue to do this in the first decade of the 21st century, when so much of the brutality is said to be sanctioned by their holy books ? Who do you believe ?

  11. He does not look like 36 to me. But then again, ice does that to a person. coffee1.gif

    Exactly, he looks like going on 50. That's what ya ice is, plus many others, a poison that destroys both mind and body (and morality). A time bomb. I grew up in the Age of Aquarius, ganja and LSD, thank God there was no Ice around then. The temptations of youth ! Although I'm not so happy about the LSD now. No damage, just guilt that there could have been.

  12. The dogs should go through a inspected licensed abortare.[sic]

    I was with you up until this. Why should any dog, cat, pig cow or any other sentient creature be forced to endure the panic and distress of being forcibly shepherded into a warehouse reeking of fear, sh1t, p1ss and blood to be slaughtered for what? Because you are too lazy/incompetent/unimaginative to be able to make a meal for yourself from anything other than that you and your family brought you up on?

    I totally agree with you. In forum's such as this you can't write a book and express your entire feelings that are constantly in flight. No animal should be tortured prior to killing it. What I was saying was that if an animal "has" to be killed whether for food or not should be done without suffering. I was putting forward that if a licensed slaughter-house is used, the poor animal may be killed humanly. In Thailand, probably not. And I have never heard of a slaughter-house specifically used for dogs anywhere.

    As far as your attempt to insult me goes, I was brought up in the West but have lived in the Buriram panhandle for 34 years. I eat very little meat of any animal because of my principles and those of my family. I am not anti-meat nor am I a vegetarian. And I can say I can do a good job cooking Thai food, and acceptable aharn Issan.

    I am very passionate about the subject of inhuman transportation of dogs across SEA. I lost a 10 year old Thai Ridgeback only about 6 weeks ago, that could only have been thru these bastards. Plus as I live in the boondocks of the Buriram province, I see the trucks, generally getting about late at night. I have confronted them (foolishly) and had a handgun pointed at me. My wife could have killed me.

    To some extent I am glad to see the content of this forum move back to its original intent. The transportation of the dogs. And why unimaginative correspondents have to express themselves my critisising how I spell my username bewilds me. My wife translates her name into English 3 different ways. And the argument whether its falang or farang, well we wont go there. Cheers.

  13. I spoke recently to a young man who is a sailor in the US Navy. He had been located for some reason to Dutch Harbor, Alaska. The area has a problem with feral dogs. Every few years there, such as when a child was mauled to death, a "cull" is announced. All pets are to be held inside and the locals set loose with their firearms to clean up the area. Bounty set at five dollars a tail. 50 baht would be good for Thailand.

    It would be a good days work to rid the world of American Pit Bull dogs.

    Again and again, this forumm is filling up with comments from people who know sweet f-all about Thailand.

    Arusakda, if you live in Thailand or believe you know Thais, you would know that a huge majority of Thais would find the idea of personally killing off street strays as repugnant, due to their Buddhist beliefs. Thailand is a land of contrasts, they may seem unconcerned about huge road death tolls, rampant corruption etc. but their beliefs on the sanctity of life is steadfast. My wife is hesitant even about stomping on a cockroach. You should know that before making this suggestion. Why do you think the principles of the Ma Wat are in every town across Thailand.

  14. Strange responses by foreigners that think they kniw what Thai people want.

    Corruption is not taking perks of the job or paying off a cop to save you picking up your license at the station.

    That is corrupion that benefits all. Corruption he refers to is that which harms the country as a whole.

    Thai people WANT corruption no 1.

    As for getting off with a crime - if your child did something wrong that could ruin his/her life, would you act legally or do sonething to save their life. No point criticising if you would adhere to corrupt activities.

    Are you for real my Thai friend?

    There is nothing strange, as you succinctly put it, about foreigners thinking they know what Thai people want (or deserve). You forget that our countries are usually way ahead of Thailand when it comes to things like democracy, the rule of law and how laws should be enforced etc etc.

    There is NO CORRUPTION "...that benefits all" or any individual. If, for example, a RTP officer accepts a free burger in McDonalds, that IS CORRUPTION, plain and simple. Thailand has to get it's head around the fact that CORRUPTION is CORRUPTION no matter how big or how small.

    I strongly suggest you change your way of thinking or you and this wonderful country will forever remain in the dark ages.

    Johnniey, are you for real ? Corruption is corruption whatever scale it may be being carried out on. Taking unsanctioned job perks IS corruption. Paying off a cop IS corruption. One act of corruption leads to a further act of corruption. Corruption acts like a snow-ball rolling down a hill, it gets bigger as it goes.

    I am afraid your morality barometer is reading a bit low today.

  15. You have to be joking, no way will a Thai risk being fingered for squealing on some hi-so (or low-so for that matter), the payback could very well be very nasty. Sometimes the consequences are beyond the control of the police or government. We see there consequences being played out everyday on the front pages of the rags and broadsheets.

    Additionally, and I've quoted this before : The Bangkok Post carried out a poll a couple of years back (involving several thousand people), asking the question on whether they believe corruption is acceptable ? 70% of participants came back and said that they accepted corruption as long as they as an individual received a benefit. How can you beat a national mindset like that ? I don't think this opinion would have changed much just because we have a usurping military government holding the reins.

  16. My wife keeps warning me about this sort of thing.

    She, a Thai, describes it as:

    "The Bantam Rooster Syndrome" in Thailand, where lots of "LITTLE MEN" carry Big Guns in a forlorn attempt, to compensate for.....

    certain other, short-comings.

    My wife keeps telling me the same. A recent incident in Pattaya that could have easily escalated was when a watch seller dug me in the ribs with the corner of his wooden box of watches, to get my attention because I had my back to him and was deep in thought talking to a mate of mine. I'm sure it was deliberate, it just wasn't a touch. I stood up and confronted him and he started screaming something about "Thailand was still his country". I think that I am pretty street smart after 34 years in the Kingdom, but I was just about to go ballistic when my wife stepped between us and spoke something quietly in Thai to which he walked off grumbling. I told my wife not to do that again but quite rightly she pointed out that he almost certainly would have been carrying a knife.

    Funny the mamas-an of this bar on Soi 13/1 was sitting almost next to us, she saw and heard everything and did not say a word. The watch seller had no concern, no fear, that she was sitting there. Get yourself in trouble and you could be all alone. No one gives a shit.

    • Like 1
  17. How does one put a focus on quality tourists ? Quality is in the eye of the beholder. Quality is value for money ..... a millionaire may think his hi-so (eg RR) car is value for the money he spent on it, It serves his purposes. Whereas our man in the street may think his not so-low car (eg Honda Civic) is value for money because it services his purpose for the money he spent on it.

    To my mind TATs view of a quality tourist is one that on their Arrivals card checks the box for Yearly Income as being "$80,001 or above", (if not they can come in as a massive group tour), can be parted with the contents of his wallet, dresses respectfully, maintains a hygenic and healthy aspect, knows and respects the culture and sensitives of Thais. They also should hold no internal political allegiances, not fall ill during their stay, not frequent with Thai pooying, have a sober attitude. Additionally they should not decide to stay longer or buy property, and go home once their money is depleted. If they are from Mainland China, India, Pakistan, or the Middle East none of this applies.

    How is TAT going to "profile" tourists to ensure they are of the required quality standard ? Give Embassy's and Consulates guidelines on what specifications the quality tourist must pass to be allowed to enter the Kingdom. Similar guidelines are given to travel agents. OR, are tourists lined up and inspected at the airport. Answering a questionnaire of course.

    If you are wearing a tank top singlet and shorts, stubble on your face, wearing flip-flops, little baggage, less than 100,000 baht in your pocket, and answer with a "yes but only socially", for the do you drink question ? ... your will be immediately rejected.

    I'm depressed. I'm going down to Soi 6, get drunk and bury my face somewhere.

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  18. Also:

    kaeng cheut or any of the clear, bland soups

    nam phrik served with a selection of raw and semiraw vegetables

    kaeng som, kaeng leuang, kaeng paa and other clear curries - the ones with prawns and fish will be lower calorie than ones with meat.

    Your right on target there.

    In central Thailand there are some nam phriks that are almost like a salsa. You can make them to you own taste. The Issan nam phriks my wife makes would kill a junk yard dog, but a great if you can handle them. A yum nua is ok if very lean beef is used sparingly. Instead of rice or egg noodles in soup use bean curd noodles. Like in kaeng cheut (my mainstay breakfast).

    Eat plenty of Thai vegetables. Morning glory steamed of stir fried is full of antioxidants and vitamins. Keeps your immune system in shape.

    One Thai ingredient that should be avoided or limited is coconut milk, it contains the fats you don't want Go easy.

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  19. If they lived in a soi with 30+ soi dogs they'd be singing a different tune.

    It's one of the worst parts of living here! I like to walk and ride a bike. You do that at your own peril!

    I think it is one of the main reasons why Thai people never walk or do any exercise

    The govt needs to cull lots of these mangy dogs and give the streets back to the people.

    As I sit here now I can hear 2/3 barking and snarling outside!

    It's one thing to condone the legal culling of stray soi dogs (to which I wholeheartedly agree because they annoy the crap out of me as well), its another to condone the barbarous torture of caged dogs. As pointed out in the video, of which some were once probably loved pets. Can you imagine the suffering these animals go through ? Or is that speaking to unsympathetic commentators of little empathy.

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