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Everything posted by jaygino

  1. 10,703 units sold in the first 9 months of 2023, when compared to the amount of new condos built does not sound like very many at all :-) According to statista.com, there were 7,148 new condos built in Bangkok in Q1 alone, which would suggest 20,000+ for the 9 months to September. Add to that Pattaya/Phuket/Hua Hin and the rest of the hotspots where development continues unabated and it is clear that new supply is outstripping new demand by many fold. This is of course not taking into consideration that many condos 'exchanging hands' will also come from old stock. How the Real Estate Information Center can spin this into a positive article is laughable. Perhaps the writing is on the wall and we will see another late 90's style big property crash in Thailand.
  2. If new house, go directly to the Developer rather than an agent. This will save the Developer the Agents fees and you will be more likely to get a better discount.
  3. Hmm, so 250,000 tourists visited in December, high season, 31 day month, when the T&G only required quarantine and testing on the first day. Yet they are now expecting the same or more in 28 day Feb, high season over, an extra days quarantine on the 5th day with another expensive PCR test and an increased risk of incarceration if found positive !! Added to that increased uncertainty over the ever changing rules this government imposes, seemingly every week or so !!!! If I were a betting man, I'd wager more than a few baht that they are not going to see those predicted numbers ????
  4. Can see Thailand initiating a lot of manhunts for tourists that don't bother going back on the 5th day for another days quarantine ????
  5. I wonder what percentage of the drivers who have collisions with poles are holding mobile phones during the collision
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