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Posts posted by Greydog

  1. Both Andrew Drummond and Nick Nostitz, who is also beens subject to threats, talk about their decision to leave in this article... http://asiancorrespondent.com/129937/veteran-foreign-journalists-forced-to-leave-thailand-following-threats/

    Little difference there. Drummond is known for exposing the criminals, Nostitz is known for supporting them.

    That's ugly, stupid and incorrect.

    Can you support your comments ?

    How I knew that may comment would be disputed by a hardcore red supporter?

    So you don't have any arguments... only hot air.

    • Like 1
  2. @rumpole.

    And to all those who say that the IDC is not as bad as a regular Thai jail, I suggest you read what Amnesty International has to say about conditions there.

    I don't have to read the Amnesty International report on IDC.

    I have been there and it is nowhere as bad as it is described on this thread.

    I think it maybe called "poetic licence" which is the kindest way to put it.

    Didn't you leave already? You promised!

  3. I think you have clearly crossed a line here. You are making personal insults to the OP, where all he has done is write down his experiences for us to read and comment on. When is it right that you then insult him calling him "drama queen".

    I know your not going to, but be a man and apologise and move on.

    Thanks for the offer an apology, but it really isn't necessary.

    I, unlike others, do not wish to air my dirty laundry on a public forum. It's called choice. I will tell you I was in cell #5.

    Please explain how two other posters who have actually been in IDC back me up and say that it isn't that bad, yet, there is not a single poster other than the OP that says it's Hell?

    I stand by every word I've posted.

    I'll now leave this thread and leave it to the drama queens and their acolytes.

    Good-bye and good riddance to you, KarenBravo!

  4. Meanwhile, children in the west learn and know nothing of Pol Pot.

    Ask a Thai about Pol Pot and you will get a blank look 9 out of 10 times.

    Thai history in Thailand is literally Thai history: it's all about Thailand. :-)

    • Like 1
  5. That if you post anything negative about Thailand or Thais on this forum you will be asked to "go home to your own country" by one or more other posters. So by their logic you have to agree with & love everything about this country and it's native population - or at least never talk about anything negative about it & them or "go home and don't let the door hit you one the ass" or whatever.

    I still don't understand how these posters think, even after 12 years in Thailand and 10 years on this forum. Could they feel threatened somehow? I don't know.

    12 years in LOS & 10 years on this forum & your handle is Newbie with 9 posts..... Now that surprises me.

    Greydog is not my first handle on ThaiVisa.

  6. Thanks for the replies. My wife informed me that her mother told him to modify his behaviour and that he has a sharp tongue.

    I asked my wife to pick up the phone and assertively tell him not to repeat his behaviour. Thus far she has been reluctant to do so as he is the older brother. I am disappointed that she will not do this and show support.

    I have been married to a Thai woman for 11 years and lived in Thailand for 12 years, but I do not consider myself an expert on Thai culture. If I were in your situation however, I would tell my wife that her brother is not welcome in the house. Make sure she understands that you REALLY mean what you say. In effect, make your wife choose between you and her brother. If she chooses her brother or tries to stay "neutral" then you walk out of her life, baby or no baby. But this is what I would do - it might not be right for you.

    • Like 1
  7. My wife and I sleep in separate bedrooms - and we each have our own wardrobes, one in each bedroom. We have been married for 10 years. The reason we do this is because I snore a lot - and loudly. So I guess that I could be deported from Thailand for violating the immigration/visa-laws of Thailand at the the next visa extension... unless I am willing to move some clothes from my wife's wardrobe to mine and take a photo which would be a lie. Hmm.

  8. Independent investigation absolutely necessary to confirm DNA results. Thai police simply cannot be trusted with something as imortant as this. Catching people not wearing motorbike helmets is one thing, condemning 3 people to a life behind bars or worse is another. Also what of the victims families if they are fobbed off with some convenient scapegoats ? The British goverment must demand an independent investigation to corroborate the RTP results.

    What do you think is more important to the British government, the lives of two of it's own citizens or a continued good relationship with Thailand? To me the answer to this is obvious. Britain will never put any serious pressure on Thailand over this. IMO, of course.

  9. That if you post anything negative about Thailand or Thais on this forum you will be asked to "go home to your own country" by one or more other posters. So by their logic you have to agree with & love everything about this country and it's native population - or at least never talk about anything negative about it & them or "go home and don't let the door hit you one the ass" or whatever.

    I still don't understand how these posters think, even after 12 years in Thailand and 10 years on this forum. Could they feel threatened somehow? I don't know.

    The rules are:

    11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture,

    If you don't like it find another forum. Simple really.

    A post does not have to be "overly negative" in order to be replied to with the "go home to your own country"-comment on ThaiVisa. Anything negative posted gets this treatment no matter how mild. It's not simple, like you say, it's bizarre.

    • Like 1
  10. That if you post anything negative about Thailand or Thais on this forum you will be asked to "go home to your own country" by one or more other posters. So by their logic you have to agree with & love everything about this country and it's native population - or at least never talk about anything negative about it & them or "go home and don't let the door hit you one the ass" or whatever.

    I still don't understand how these posters think, even after 12 years in Thailand and 10 years on this forum. Could they feel threatened somehow? I don't know.

  11. The images are outstanding but they have been destroyed by your water mark copy right across the photo. Need to do something about this.

    Yes! To the OP: Please remove the watermarks - or at least make them smaller and not in the middle of the photo. I LOVED the photos, great work!

  12. If you want to take a stab at argument, use the words in front of you, and not your racist anti-racist creative writing.

    I said, Mexicans working in restaurants, not expensive Mexican restaurants.

    those prollobly have Thais working in the kitchen.

    Many of the Thais are sending money to Thailand, as they are first generation immigrants

    and they are not out in clubs, although 10% of them, prollobly are

    Thai's cannot even say the word probably,

    not that they would have to

    So now you post an English word that you thinks all Thais cannot say after staying with a prostitute in Thailand for six months. Correct?

    Thais can say any English word in the dictionary given the proper education. All Mexicans are not loud and there are Thai people who can say probably.

    Why do you feel the need to stereotype people? I believe you have informed us that the fattest women in America are from Wisconsin, Mexicans are loud, Thai massage prostitutes are at the top of the prostitution ladder in Thailand and on and on. Why do you generalize/stereotype such outrageous things?

    People are all different all the time. Try travel or education to learn some of the background and history of the places you so callously stereotype.

    You must be exhausted, thailiketoo, surrounded as you are by racists and bigots and stereotypers everywhere you go - mostly because you continually feel the need to insult all those who don't share your opinions. Jesus! :-( You are not a good person.

    • Like 1
  13. What seems illogical to us is often an attempt to not stray from the path, in the case of employees. They have been taught one thing and that is the way to do it, you cannot veer from the script.

    Example: I was looking to buy a special edition truck. It came in 4 wheel drive and pearl white only. I had the special edition flyer in my hand so the girl knew exactly what I wanted. She first asked me if I wanted 2 or 4 wheel drive. I explained that it only came in 4 wheel drive showing the flyer. She told me,"No, have 2 wheel". So I said, "Ok 2 wheel then". We then got to the colour. I explained it had one colour only again pointing to the brochure. She insisted it came in 5 colours. So I thought, why not? So I asked for black. She went away and came back to tell me that 2 wheel drive was finished and black was sold out. I could only have white 4 wheel drive.

    Example 2: My ex had joined the bank and was being pressured to get new accounts. I said I would open an account and so would 3 of my friends. I asked her to get me the details of exactly what was required. She told me and I turned up at the bank with the necessary documentation and 50K in cash. Her colleague dealt with the form while she stood behind watching. I gave her all the documents. She then asked for a work permit. We went back and forth that I didn't need a work permit according to the manager sitting 5 feet away in her office. She would not back down and my gf said nothing. I took my money and left. Afterwards my gf explained that the girl had never dealt with a foreigner before and so made up something to get out of a situation that could cause her to lose face. I asked why she said nothing and she told me the girl was one month older than her and had worked at the bank for 6 months. I asked why the manager wasn't called. She said that she would lose face. Better to lose 4 new customers.

    Example 3: A member of my staff was sent to pick up a client. I showed him where to pick up the client on a map (stupid me) and asked several times if he was absolutely sure he knew where to go. He said he did. 45 minutes later the client is on the phone wondering why he had not been picked up. 90 minutes later my employee came back to tell me that the client was not there. After several questions I explained that I was sacking him if he told me one more lie. He then admitted he didn't know where to go so drove around for a while hoping that I would forget about it.

    Not slamming all Thai's. That is three examples of cultural differences in thought process/priorities/logic/ stupidity (please pick your own word). These all happened to me. And I have loads more but I am tired of typing.

    Great post, IMO! But according to "Beetlejuice logic" you are a thai bashing racist.

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  14. "If you picture yourself as a rich African-American 100 years ago in Mississippi you're pretty close to understanding how most Thai people view you."

    This was posted on ThaiVisa a couple of years ago. I copied & pasted it into my Great Quotes About Thailand-textfile. This quote still makes me both laugh and think.

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