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Posts posted by lvr181

  1. 5 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    He was importing the foxes into Thailand,looks like they let him keep the rats,

    regards worgeordie

    I cannot understand why anyone would want to import rats into Thailand. There are enough here already and many are on two legs walking in an erect manner! :biggrin: It's possible some have delusions of grandeur and maybe want to control the country? :whistling:  Just wondering.............



  2. 23 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Just check the rate out and see how much you will lose with a Kasikorn transfer, or talk the bank and see if they'll match another bank's better rate  ??

    If it isn't a huge amount I would just do the TT bank transfer ....


    why go to all the bother of carrying cash ... ATM withdrawals... etc ....  if there's only a small difference ...

    plus ,  peace of mind not carrying $20k ...  just my opinion


    PS.  you'll need all of that one mill in Auss as a steak is around $30-35 and the beer will be $7

    good luck with the nanny state also.

    Give the guy a break. He wants to educate his children! Your "nanny state" is not all bad. Perhaps you enjoy your feudal and corrupt society, if your living in Thailand? Many people aspire to something better.

    And where is the beer for $7? I buy at a 'wholesale' for far less per bottle.

  3. "...that any personnel who fail to aid in the effort will be punished by being transferred."!!

    What a sick joke on the taxpayers of Thailand and a sad indictment of the Governments proclaimed meaningful reforms (and I use those words lightly). 


    Those who do not 'reform' should be dismissed from public service! If the Government has not got the balls to do that then at least demote the non-reformists to the lowest rank, then transfer them to another department. DO NOT transfer them to the department of transferees, where they probably sit on their collective backsides do very little and still drawing down their salaries!


    Draft them into the Army and send them to serve in southern Thailand for a period of at least five years! A pity Thailand does not have some salt mines :biggrin:

  4. 12 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    Sort of disgusting when you realize someone else got 15 years for being caught with 0.1gms of coke, which was doubtless cut so severely there was actually close to nothing there. Real justice where art thou ?

    What is "real justice":whistling: 

    I have a feeling that Thai 'authorities' do not understand that concept! :sad:


    Will the taxi driver (and others) learn from his mistake?

  5. On 9/7/2017 at 11:19 AM, mlmcleod said:

    Is it April 1st??  Paraplegic implies that the man has lost the use of all four limbs.  The real mystery here is how did he load and fire the the gun??

    Never let the truth get in the way of a good story  - basic underlying fact of life for most media :post-4641-1156693976:


    Actually it is quadriplegia that means the loss of use of all four limbs etc.

    555 - :sorry:



  6. 14 hours ago, JimGant said:

    Actually, today's turbojets and turboprop airplanes couldn't be any safer. The engines themselves, compared to piston engines, are a magnitude above in safety. Lose an engine (rare with a jet)? Design has it flying on the remaining engine(s) just fine. Automated preflight/walkaround in today's planes can (and do) show up maintenance imperfections -- in a substandard ICAO operation. Need to land in bad weather? Most [large] airports now support CAT III ILS landings.


    No, the real problem is not with aircraft maintenance (although, yes, 'cooking the books' can be a problem, but probably more so in the lavatory not flushing, not with engine operation)


    The problem is with pilot training and experience. And here is where there are shortfalls. Experience can never be shorted -- but training, especially with better simulators and hours required -- can be improved.


    And too much training on automated systems, vice having to take over manually, has recently come to the fore. Think Asiana in San Francisco, where the automated ILS landing sytem was down -- and the pilots (still with a large dose of automation, like auto throttle) blew it. No, you need some old 'stick and rudder' knowledge up front, as too many automated landings can warp ones skills.


    Certainly not worried about flights here in Thailand, at least on Thai Air, NOK, Bangkok Airways, or Air Asia. They have large enough fleets that they are not "shoestring" operations. Room for improvement? Sure. Chance you'll die in one of their airplanes -- nearly nonexistent.




    I think more people killed on the roads per km travelled. Just that if an aircraft crashes it can be a greater number, unfortunately.

  7. 5 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

    Well, it truly is funny that Thailand has huge overseas credits and a relatively high standard of living.

    If you see a poor person (unwashed, unclean, unemployed) it is because they have chosen to do so.

    (or disabled but that is mostly another scam)

    Most of Thailand gets along very well. They are not directly involved in politics, in turn no one in "authority" pesters them.

     They do not know of the accusations you make, or if they do they know better than make waves.

    They live a rich and fulfilling life. My wife and I see no police or army except by invitation.

    They work hard. They are proud. They have a rich culture. I am proud to be accepted into "my"

    small community. We work to make small things happen after much debate.

    Thai people have survived for a long time, longer than your civilization, and will continue to do so.

    Without your judgements. 

    "Thai people have survived for a long time, longer than your civilization,..." And Thai civilization is how long? And the other party ("lust") who you are addressing is of what civilization? :whistling:


    Curiouser and curiouser............that is me :thumbsup:

  8. 13 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Duh... stating the obvious, everybody in the country and beyond know

    by now that she's on the lam, can anyone stop others from doing the same?

    not really, will this be soon forgotten as many other burning issues in this 

    country? you bet ya... will anyone learn anything from this situation?

    not likely....

    "not likely" = NO!

  9. 13 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I thought the same, but I guess you can find out easy enough as they are the ones who wont be able to sell you a ticket right now. I have to say I find this amusing in that only a few short weeks ago, we were told Thailand was to become the hub in Asia for aircraft maintenance, yet now it seems their abilities on this front are as poor as most comments on the subject suggested.

    Along with the stuff ups at airport immigration. Seems the "authorities" are inept at planning for the future :post-4641-1156693976: Much loss of face world wide? :whistling: 

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