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Posts posted by lvr181

  1. "...has offered no legislation of his own and little guidance to the Senate, although he has berated them for their inaction."  Trump is like a petulant child! :post-4641-1156693976:  There was 'action'! He just disagreed with it.


    I can only hope that he does not lead his country down the path of war. He reminds me, somewhat, the same as the leader of the much vaunted Third Reich. Got the blinkers on and does not listen to advice. If there is any advice he will only listen to that which is agreeable to his point of view. :sad:


    (my italics)

  2. 1 hour ago, xylophone said:

    Have to agree with you and the Chinese tourists I have seen there in Phuket are anything but "quality tourists", but then I have seen another side to the Chinese and it is totally different to that which we are seeing here.


    I had a 10 year relationship with the Chinese girl in New Zealand and she was one of the nicest, well mannered, kindhearted and considerate people I've ever met, however the fact that her parents were university lecturers and she was brought up in a "wealthy" (well for China anyway) environment had much to do with this.


    Fast forward to those whom I see here and as I've already mentioned on another thread, they are absolutely dreadful, with terrible manners, absolutely no idea of social norms, idiotic understanding of how traffic works and why they shouldn't walk four abreast in a road and no consideration for others.


    The worst I have seen was the Chinese guy sitting in Starbucks with his bare feet on the table and using nail clippers to trim his toenails, and hard skin and this flying all over the place. I brought this to the attention of the manager and he had stern words with this guy, as did I, and as the staff were cleaning the mess up, the Chinese guy looked aghast that he was being told to stop this behaviour – – just amazing/disgusting. And as if to cap off the "Starbucks/Chinese experience", a few days later a mother let her child defecate within a few metres of the place, next to some seats where people usually sit to pass the time of day, this when there were toilets not 100 metres away.


    There is nothing, absolutely nothing I have seen about these tourists which would convince me that they are nothing short of the lowest of the low and surely Thailand can do better than this with its tourism promotion.

    Kobkarn is in the "numbers" game for the tourist industry. Needs to impress her superiors? :whistling:  All flashiness and no substance there!

  3. 4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    Why that ? we only use rain water for drinking and cooking, never boil the rain water for drinking, the wife's family has done this for 50 years and are still healthy, I've been doing the same for 12 years with no ill effects.

    If your 'catchment area' is clean of any bacteria good, but if not, boil it! And if it sits in a rainwater tank a build up of bacteria can be very quick.


    And it would seem that the locals have a more cast iron gut than farang. :thumbsup:

  4. 15 minutes ago, bearpolar said:

    No army can't come..  The little current is too strong..  Hotel has a lot of hungry people,  no kitchen in it. 


    The car is completely under now,  raining even more


    Guess gotta prepare for 3 days so I won't eat as only have 3 bottle of small water and a bit of food for it and 2 kids. 

    Oh...  :sad:


    Gotta a fishing line?  Hope you (and others) get some relief help soon.

  5. 51 minutes ago, David Walden said:

    First they need to tell the truth about how many people are killed, not just at the scene of the accident but those that die as result of an accident some time latter...like that afternoon or the next day in hospital?

    As always, the first casualty of any war (in this case the war on road deaths) is the truth!  History repeats itself :sad:

  6. "“If we can get a 50-per-cent reduction in fatalities, from 600 to 300, in the next two years, that would be tremendous progress,” Kelly Larson, Bloomberg Philanthropies director of road safety, said at a recent press conference."


    That would be a miracle!!

  7. 19 hours ago, sambum said:

    Not at all! Read me again:- 

    The only report that I could see where the victim was named was The Toronto News - I can see no report with his name published in the Phuket News, yet you say that they published a disclaimer, and then published his name in a later comment! Can you give me a link to that report?


    "* The Phuket News is withholding the man’s identity until it has been confirmed that his next of kin have been notified."


    This is not "sloppy reporting". I  think that this should be standard procedure in these cases - showing a bit of consideration for the next of kin. How would you feel if a close member of your family  was found dead, and the first you heard about it was in a newspaper?


    Or are you saying that the names of dead people should never be disclosed if their families have been notified? 


    If they knew the relative/s had been advised (and they must have, to allow the comment) then it would take 1 minute to remove the disclaimer!


    "Sloppy" or are they just big noting themselves? Rhetorical question - I don't want or need your answer. Have a nice day :thumbsup:



  8. 5 hours ago, meechai said:


    Sure they do, perhaps they think not, but any money spent there in legite

    businesses do in fact give a cut to the military dictatorship in the form of tax dollars

    Thus support


    If from the start outside governments refused to deal with them period

    as well as the Thai citizens themselves refusing to give taxes to a non-government

    then their time with their snouts in the trough would have been long over


    As it stands now they ramp up instead with all the weapon purchases etc.

    Which again questions the critical thinking of not just the Thai's but Non-Imm's that support them

    thru living there

    I was thinking a different meaning to "support" :thumbsup:

  9. 3 hours ago, sambum said:


    If I am reading your post correctly, surely they did the decent thing?They did not name the deceased person until the relatives had been informed. Once that had been done, then they published a comment in which the deceased person was named? Incidentally, I can not see the report that names him in the Phuket News, and the only paper that I can see that mentions his name is the Toronto News.

    Read me again

    "...BUT then publish a comment in which the deceased person was named! Go figure! "


    I have no problem with the person who commented on the deceased person (in fact it was very touching). 


    I think the Phuket News should have removed the disclaimer if they knew that the relatives had been advised. Sloppy journalism!

  10. 3 hours ago, meechai said:


    What could go wrong is a good question & I think those honest with themselves know the answers yet

    I wonder why so many still freely choose to live in Thailand & support such a regime?


    I know many actually have no other choice as they left their homelands in a bad way & cannot return or are stuck

    due to lack of choices/$$$. Still many others could easily sell up & return to a more modern/fair country yet they stay.


    At times when I see expats who still live in Thailand call the country out (rightfully I agree) for lack of critical thinking

    I do wonder if they note the irony

    "I wonder why so many still freely choose to live in Thailand & support such a regime?"  But, do they really support the regime? :whistling:

  11. 4 hours ago, Basil B said:

    Cockney rhyming slang...


    Brown Bread rhymes with Dead.


    and to answer your next question...


    a Cockney is a native of East London, traditionally one born within hearing of Bow Bells



    I met this pommie bloke many years ago and could not understand what he was talking about - guess he must have been a Cockney. I initially thought he was an English person :whistling:

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