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  • Birthday 07/06/1958

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  1. He was clearly a sweetheart of a guy in many respects. I didn’t know about the particulars of his treatment of Muslims. But if he were to look at global standards for their treatment, especially in China, he might have been convinced it was all in good fun.
  2. Why don’t you ask him? I’d certainly like to see how he’d answer. Conversely, you could ask how many he supposedly saved? Either way, I would expect a convoluted answer.
  3. In the most archaic, draconian, and unnecessary manner possible, he took the idiocy of the Americans’ so-called war on drugs and pumped it full of steroids - before turning it against his own brethren. Countless individuals suffered, and families went decades without mercy or any hope for their loved ones ever coming home - over marijuana no less, more often than amphetamines. They didn’t randomly P-test for yaba before extracting every last baht from tourists/foreigners either. A bit of suffering would seem fitting for a remorseless individual who, given the opportunity, would probably reinstate the same measures immediately. Small-minded vindictiveness and extreme cruelty are the only aspects of his reign that actually move the needle for me. Totally overshadowing what were, for the time, some seemingly progressive and societally beneficial measures undertaken by his administration, in my not-so-humble opinion.
  4. The prolific use of these iron plates on Bangkok construction sites causes no end of needless disruption and potential catastrophic damage to vehicles and injury to persons. Seems they are routinely spuriously placed in roadways causing all sorts of havoc ranging from extreme amounts of impossible-to-mitigate noise (as they are always warped, for some reason) to the pummeling of vehicle undercarriages and tires - for no justifiable reason whatsoever. When people complain to city officials, they are often removed with absolutely zero impact to the goings-on of the construction site. They simply move them “around the corner” for others to enjoy and continue on with whatever tasks are scheduled for that day. Maddening, really.
  5. Finally, someone willing to put their character flaws AND ignorance of educational mores on full display without regard for either dignity or consequences. Well played, “teacher.” I’ve no doubt my teachers dreamed of scenarios like this almost daily. But they were too invested in the educational process to even think of acting on the impulse. So much for agreeing to disagree, l guess. Besides, do teachers really need students to justify their existences? In some cases, attempts to justify their titles and salariy (such as it is) constitute the quintessential fool’s errand. As written, I couldn’t sack this f*kkstick quickly enough.
  6. If Thailand is willing to suffer you “Hunter Biden” types - which some of us traveled to the literal ends of the earth to escape - I doubt that general Halfwit has much to worry about. Neither has boded particularly well for the Kingdom, in any event. Thanks for the memories.
  7. So, you claim to know of a 24-hour Villa that makes alcohol available both day and night? Let’s just say l’m skeptical concerning every aspect of your claim. It’s right up there with the dude claiming he’s not been refused a liquor sale in twelve years - though if all he drinks is Leo at the local pad krapao shop, that would at least be plausible.????
  8. I expected the hand-wringers, but for this site, that was fast. You may have even set a new record. Fifteen years and three separate banking apps later, l think l will stand by what I have personally observed. All banks attempt to save the stupid from themselves. As usual, this site often demonstrates the futility of that endeavor. Best of luck to you.
  9. There’s no doubt that Thailand has one of the more convenient and secure banking-app systems in the world. There is no way l would exchange it for any other. Glitches, commonly referenced as Murphy’s Law, are universal and always in full effect, lest we forget. I trust that Bangkok Bank will eventually find the 1000 baht l transferred to my son on Saturday. So much so, that I haven’t even contacted them about it yet. FYI, initial reports attributed the snafu to a KBank switching system, which as a component in a larger network, affected many of the major banks. Cheers.
  10. I agree, if your hope is for a better existence for the Thai. They are continuing to suffer in ways that are immeasurable and would be intolerable for most foreigners. When their lot has been improved, perhaps then our hemming and hawing will not seem quite so absurd. We had a choice as to our whereabouts; it’s quite another matter for those who have had none.
  11. The Language, you say? Which one might that be? Better examples of the often insurmountable challenges that most non-western women face here would be: Lazy, obtuse, unimaginative, uninteresting, apathetic and sickeningly entitled western males (and females), with (to be generous) often less than optimal approaches to both matters of hygiene and basic civility - admittedly, l could probably do better with the latter. But, by all means, let’s focus on “The Language.” Rotsa ruck, Thai ladies. I am certain there are grudgingly attached western women and countless children elsewhere whom could be persuaded to pay living wages just to keep your potential catches here in Thailand. Your good self exempted, of course, OP, as l am sure yours have mastered “the language,” among countless other things in your absence and are hoping against hope for your magnanimous return one day. (Sarcasm alert)
  12. Funny, I don’t recall “the Thai People” being assaulted alongside her receiving mention in her report. The whack-a-mole apparently had his hands full. Luckily, the all-encompassing bow is universally recognized as providing bulletproof evidence of sincere contrition. All’s well that ends well, l guess.
  13. Like the USA, and the rest of the world for that matter, doesn’t already have enough on its plate. I suspect that the true protesters would welcome most legitimate support cum intervention, especially any proffered by the West, as it tends to be backed by something tangible and with teeth. This was one of the more misleading headlines of late. In this day and age a handful of “inconvenienced” royalists doth not a protest make.

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