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Posts posted by Coppernicussing

  1. " she studies at thammasat, she and her parents know my parents and so do i."
    ​That's good. Definitely good. Knowing your own parents is always a good thing.

    BTW, if you Japanese is as bad as your English, don't bother going there for work. They already speak Japanese, and don't need to learn "she's best1." kind of children's texting English.

  2. I see that same glaze-in-the-eye here in Japan, and it only bothers me when the one snubbing me is tall, good looking and built well! That hurts!
    But I have another theory to offer you; maybe these people are wrapped up in their own personal mental at the time? I know plenty of people who completely lack social skills and the thought of an impromptu conversation with a stranger is too much. Or they may think, "Oh, friendly person! Probably wants something from me!"

    I never say hello to strangers unless I want something. I may only want a greeting in return. But sometimes I want them to get naked and rub all over me! They will never know, unless they return my greeting!

  3. Are you serious? First, stop BS-ing yourself.

    "I don't consider myself fat or overweight. I'm 73kg (5 ft 8 tall, 45 years old). But I am out of shape and I have a beer gut / pot belly which I've had for over 10 years now."

    You are weak, short and weigh 73kg. Not only that, you are getting middle-aged, where changes now can stay for the rest of your life.
    Including mental changes. So make those changes! Grab your one precious life and become what you dream to be.

    First, you have to cultivate a strong metal attitude! You are not going to win a war against your body by letting IT make the rules. You tell your short, limp fat body, "Body, it' gonna be YOU or ME! And I don't intend it to be ME!"
    And I do mean war. You won't win in a battle, or a campaign; it requires WAR!
    It will probably be a war for your entire life.
    Get used to it. Learn to love the fight! Never say, "yesterday's victory was enough."

    The good part is anyone can win the war.
    Sad fact is, few do.

    But don't start by BS-ing yourself.
    Lots of advice here about the physical part. But get your mind straight or none of it will work.
    Your welcome.

  4. I think most Thai women want to marry someone with whom they can be happy... I don't know if money has so much to do with it as money will never make you happy long term.

    But it is a well-established code of liberalism that the only reason there are any unhappy people is because the don't have money.Money they didn't earn is the best at bringing satisfaction to the poor, according to liberals.

    I mean, what is welfare, socialism and The Occupier Movement all about?

    Based on that, I'd say most girls (rich or poor) marry for money. Especially poor girls, because they don't have to marry for poor; they already got that.

    Modern culture screams to them how happy money will make them.

  5. I think most Thai women want to marry someone with whom they can be happy... I don't know if money has so much to do with it as money will never make you happy long term.

    But it is a well-established code of liberalism that the only reason there are any unhappy people is because the don't have money.Money they didn't earn is the best at bringing satisfaction to the poor, according to liberals.

    I mean, what is welfare, socialism and The Occupier Movement all about?

    Based on that, I'd say most girls (rich or poor) marry for money. Especially poor girls, because they don't have to marry for poor; they already got that.

    Modern culture screams to them how happy money will make them.

  6. Some interesting points, but sadly you only scratch the surface and are blinkered into a single issue response. There are some points there that could be developed - like why are Thai roads which are WIDER so much more dangerous - this is actually not a problem only in Thailand - all wide straight roads whatever the country are more dangerous - in most countries various "traffic calming" measures are used and the contraction nd design of the road is aimed at restricting the possibility of collisions.

    As for bikes - I believe that "monster bikes" are in fact illegal in Japan and can only be acquired as IMPORTS.

    ..and despite all that "discipline" Japan never rates in the top ten (eve top twenty) safest countries no matter how you look at their stats or which stats you choose to use or interpret.

    there is a lot of other stuff too.

    if you read up on the 5"Es" of road safety, you'll find that regardless of any kind of "national character" the road safety figures are "better" - idiot drivers exist in similar quantities all over the world (just read some of the "safety tips" by TV posters) - the key is to stop them getting on with it so freely.


    Super bikes are available in Japan. In addition, bikes you don't ever see outside Japan. The 1100 cc version of the Zepher, the 1500 cc Kawasaki Vulcan. The 800W version of the Kawasaki classic 650W, Every Ninja, Katna, and classic 900 Z1 Kawasaki. All the explosiveness and reliability of a hand grenade.

    Plus HD choppers, hopper, and cop-stoppers, BMW pron stars, Ducati Monsters and Victory Judge is here, looking well-hung! I EVEN SAW A Guzzi V7 the other day, 2013 modle and riding next to him was a classic 1960 RS 1000 BMW.

    No, it isn't the bikes.

    It is the difficulty getting a big bike license, in Japan! Anyone, and I mean anyone, who can navigate the Japanese motorcycle license mine-field and get the damn thing is, by virtue of that ALONE, much better trained than any other bike rider you will see.

    And THAT, my friends, is why you see so few bike accidents involving Japanese. They are trained better.

  7. It is up to you; do you trust her? If so, get a nanny and get back to work. She needs the money.
    If not, get a nanny and get back to work. Your lawyer will need the money.

    What her kids GF did or didn't for you has nothing to do with how you feel about her, so don't let that influence you.
    That it influences her goes back to time long before you were making kids with her. It's her dad, nothing you have or can ever do will change that.
    Her nature we don't know, but if she is a quality human, one of the qualities you probably admired was her sense of responsibility. That's probably what you are seeing; she is counting on you.
    If she isn't a quality person, and you married her because...well...you will get her true nature eventually.

    Just as she gets yours.
    Either way, you have to stop looking here and do the right thing. Only you know what that is. Do it.

  8. :"There is an inherent selfishness in the concept that wealth should be kept within families, passed on from one generation to another. Greed is bound to be amplified when people feel they need to amass wealth not just for themselves but also for their children and grandchildren."

    Excuse me but what gives non-family any more "rights to my money than my family has?

    What are talking about is the the most horrible form of robbery and chicanery I have ever heard! You should be massively and implicitly ashamed of yourself for even suggesting you have a right to steal from a dead man's kids.

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