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Pla Simon

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  1. Walking sticks and stones. Could have been worse. The child should consider himself lucky that grandpa didn't have 3 of his drinking buddies with him...
  2. Some will, but mostly incinerated by those lower down the food chain.
  3. Maybe just seeking universal truths by having a Jodrell - the enlightenment of Harry Monk. Getting off on a 67 Year old ? Is this peculiar / particular sin to be known as a granny "bap" ?
  4. Really chaps ? Irony and apologue brought to you, courtesy of the boiling frog syndrome.
  5. Not really - this model was adopted from Singapore. I would imagine most of that figure is non payment levies - between 5-11 times the actual tariff. Probably to grow exponentially, thanks to the conceited, vindictive little <deleted> in office.
  6. Renewed recently - submitted / collected in person. 3 week turn around. All quite smooth, despite hiccup with payment using Thai bank card, and then toing and froing with passport office. Ended up transferring funds from UK bank. Use a UK debit card for remittance. All the best.
  7. Yeah - minus the everything.
  8. Ironic, considering he heads a multi billion dollar organisation that aided and granted safe passage to nazi war criminal "migrants". The Catholic church is in no position to cast any stones.
  9. Big monk's, instead of black man's ?
  10. Surin is renowned for hard core drinking - usually the old seezip is at fault. That and a bit of yaba for good measure. I live in Ta tum district - rife with it here. After being tw*tted with a concrete block, I'm sure he passed the slump test.
  11. Fear mongering and conspiracy done to death, not for me thanks. Oh, go on then. I find it strange that selective historic topics cannot be accessed anymore - from source. Flip flop back pedaling ? It's a shame all the uneducated / unsourced opinions and advice from those times can't be untaken. I'll leave you all to it.
  12. And proxy of the moment, Baloo, with his perfectly fashioned eyebrows feigning perpetual surprise. What's that you say ? Really ? Ever worsening seasonal air pollution ? Ever worsening seasonal flood mitigation ? Ever worsening seasonal water shortages, potable or otherwise ? Ever worsening environmental damage ? Ever worsening social divide / educational standards ? Nevermind, at least we're allocating 500 billion to deflective hush money handouts, whilst appropriating hundreds of billions more for hubs and the like - hang the cost that your children will bear - monetarily, health and otherwise. You know it makes sense.
  13. Yes, and a carwash, and a bar. Met "Khom" on a couple of hookup sites - she's on many. Phoned her a couple of times. I spoke Thai and Khmer with her, her English is ok. Presents herself as a successful entrepreneur, business degree, travelled etc, looking for a husband to have a baby with.. She looked hot, back in her Pattaya days. lost touch with her, as likes to engage in cheap psychology / falsehood. Tried the passport / retirement visa on me. Good chicken, apparently.
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