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Posts posted by marshbags

  1. A 20' container is around 88K to Southamton at the moment.

    Many thanks for your much appreciated information Terdsak and Raro.

    May i ask for further information please.

    What is a model report, is this the book i got when i bought the car ?

    If it is, it,s in Thai and i will need to try and get an English version from Isuzu.

    Regarding the heaters should it be done by the dealers for the best results ?

    Regarding the container shipment, how does this compare to ro ro please.

    I hope other members find this topic useful also.

    Thanks again for your help and time. marshbags

  2. Can anyone provide info on exporting to the U.K. and costs ect. and import taxes on a pick up 18 month old and the best method please?

    Also would a Isuzu D max be o.k to safely put on the road legally from the Thai spec be acceptable.

    My pick up has 6,400 genuine used K.Ms on it and i fancy taking it back with me to avoid any hassle of selling out here and currency problems.

    I,ve had it from new and really like it.

    Thanks marshbags.

  3. Great. Exactly the info I wanted.

    Cheers Scouse.


    Just to add onto the useful info from Scouse,

    If you have a bank account they should have a service to provide a " bill of exchange " which you make payable to whoever the receipient is.

    The charge for this is only 20 baht for the first 20,000 then goes up in stages,obviously the more you are sending the more it is worth it.

    I also think this service is available for non accountees

    I am with the Kasikorn Bank ( was Thai Farmers before the name change. )

    I pay all my bils this way when a cheque is needed and it has always been secure as only the named receipient can put it into there account.

    If you are a Kasikorn account holder you want an "application for purchase of instruments " from the customer services desk.

    They should guide you on the proceedures and deduct the amount allocated direct from your account, or you can give them cash if not applicable.

    They also give you a copy to keep as it is duplicated and even an envelope if you ask for one, then EMS it to the receipient no problem.

    Good luck marshbags

  4. TO Marshbags:

    Your extremist views and Xenophobian reactions are making me and many other decent people on this forum feel SICK.

    Extremist? Xenophobian (sic)? Marshbags' view seems very similar to mine, that is genuine immigrants and visitors are welcome, but those who lie to obtain a visa, break the law when they are here and deliberately overstay are not wanted. If you think that is being extremist and xenophobic, then you obviously know the meaning of neither word.

    As you only joined today, I wonder how you know what other people on this forum think. Or are you a regular hiding behind a pseudonym? In which case, the views of a coward who hides their identity are, IMHO, irrelevant.

    You are right in one thing. This forum exists to give advice to people attempting to obtain visas to countries outside Thailand. Genuine people, with a genuine reason for wanting a visa. As Marshbags said

    Lets spend our valuable time and knowledge trying to assist these and not others that do not deserve it.

    Perhaps then also we will stand a better chance of bettering the system in the future.

    I know by reading the news on visas on a regular basis there are many who are also being given a rough deal on visa problems.

    I would hope that we are not alone in our views which are far from exteme and we really do care about deserving cases and are not being helped by the non deserving ones.

    You must feel a lot better now " dima " after off loading all the above in the last post. phewwwwwwwwww

    For the record dima :-

    I am very proud to be British by birth and everthing positive that goes with it.

    I am very proud of my British family/friends and what they/we have done and contributed to our society.

    Your post doesn,t warrant any further comment apart from the fact that you are undermining all the good that comes from THAI visa in the many different areas we all contribute towards.

    I will not go off this topic of trying to help deserving people and putting what i consider moderate, constructive opinion and healthy debate.

    Thanks again GU22 for showing that you care and being prepared to defend decent,deserving people and for jumping straight in to help me.

    Also for your non extremist opinions and what i consider are fair comments to the last post from dima.

    Maybe one day she may need help from a genuine human being and lighten up a little when it is freely offered.

    Lets all stay in the topic provided by the first post and add our personal imput for the big picture and help of everyone

    This does not mean we all have to agree or it is not a healthy debate and with one aim:- to assist genuine serving cases.

    :o:D:D Lets be careful out there Marshbags

  5. I ofcourse belong to the category of people that you think don't deserve help as my husband overstayed in the UK. So despite the fact that he has lived apart from me and his son for the last three years  we deserve no help/advice right?
    If your husband hadn't overstayed, that is deliberately broken the law, you, he and your child would not now be separated. You flouted the law, got caught and are now suffering the consequences. Of course I sympathise with any family that is separated, but like Assa64, the situation you are in is of your own making.

    When I married my wife we wanted to be together, anywhere. As long as we were together, Antarctica would have done!

    The prospects of her finding work in the UK were a lot better than me finding work in Thailand, so our first choice was to live in England. However, if she had been unable to get a UK visa, then I would have attempted to live in Thailand.

    I wonder if you have investigated the possibilities of you and your child moving to Thailand to be with your husband, and if not; why not?

    The problem of illegals coming to the UK is not confined to Thailand, it is a worldwide one. The present immigration rules, and the problems they cause for genuine cases, are a result of many years of abuse by people who have come to the UK for reasons other than those stated, and have overstayed. People like your husband and Assa64.

    Thanks for your imput GU22 i can only agree with your comments and re itterate that anyone, no matter who that is, once they deceive the authorities, cannot expect help to undo it.

    Thie point re illegals is one area i wanted to bring in but didn,t because many will mis understand the valid point you are making and it is much appreciated, let,s hope this point is not turned upside down to excuse it,s validity.

    Also a good point re possibilities of coming this way to Thailand as a solution for family separations.

    I was thinking of cases like yours when i reponded to the original post on the present topic.

    I was angry by her cheek and the many genuine unsolved problems for U.K.visas

    I hear about. Thanks again Marshbags

  6. Marshie,

    If you've got something to say, can you spit it out, please.


    Thanks, I,ve modified my post slightly to try and get my views across.

    As stated by caledonia we are here to help each other but i did not think we where here to assist people like assa 64 when they do things unlawful and ask for assistance when it goes wrong This of course is my personal opinion and does not reflect anyone elses, i cannot sympathise with people who undermine the efforts of everyone of us who have helped foreigners and friends in distressing times.

    Please substitute assa64 ( sorry S.a.l.n. )

    The last 2 posts confirm my thoughts on the many sad cases there are and i repeat that like Thai problems with visa,s in the U.K. and many of the problems here for foreigners, they are caused by people trying to be clever and bucking the system.

    You where not stupid enough to break the law like the 2 times admitted by assa64

    so do not fit into the minority i try to refer to.

    Perhaps you should re read my comments and think about the implications and i never catergorised one particular area, 90 days, overstayers ect. but tried to give an example of many actions, why Australia comes into it i don,t know.

    When one person upsets an official everyone following them usually suffers and is not given the benefit of the doubt or there sympathy you refer to, just a hard time.

    Some people just don,t get it, go sit in any Immigration office, anywhere and listen and observe the minority and there dress code and attitude.

    Truth is the no.1 priority when meeting these officials.

    This is probably why assa 64 has problems so how can anyone help her because of her dishonesty and i do not believe we are getting the true facts from her nor the full story.

    It,s because they broke the rules that they do not deserve any sympathy and are now trying to bluff there way out of it.

    Yes i am a British tax payer and i have the same feelings for U.K. citizens that work cash in hand while the rest of us contribute to all the benefits we take for granted and break the law.

    If i where in there shoes yes of course i would try again but look for sympathy for self inflicted problems, come on, let,s be reasonable here.

    I also included people like yourself who i stated as families who need our support and sympathies in my posts and did never say genuine people do not need help.

    I,d like to think that this web site is to help everybody but let,s have some sort of standards.

    Why do you think we get so many priviliges having a British passport, they,ve been earned over the years.

    I am basically referring to assa64 and i do believe that actions like these only help the bad officials to justify there actions in all countries.

    By the way we are discussing U.K. visa,s and not any other country, lets not forget that.

    Again what i put was a general referrence, nothing more, relating to other countries otherwise we could go on for ever trying to justify one countries laws against another.

    The basic rules are to abide by the laws of the country you are in or if you do not be prepared to suffer the consequences, nothing more and nothing less.

    Do you honestly believe that the actions of assa64 will enhance your particular case in the U.K.

    Nor do the stupid actions of a minority of foreigners here help us in Thailand.

    My sympathy lies with people like you caledonia and i would do my utmost to support you and any other genuine case as i have done many times in my life.

    I am a working class hero and proud of it with no bias to class, colour or creed.

    Stay cool ya all I rest my case thanks again for the debate taking place.

  7. It's all fine and well slating people who over stay or break immigration laws but lets not forget one thing here - for those of us that are British (Marshbags I am assuming you are!), we have the luxuary of having a British passport that needs a visa to enter very few places and the places that it does we often get on arrival - USA Waiver scheme, electronic visas for Australia etc!!

    The last 2 posts confirm my thoughts and i repeat that like Thai problems with visa,s in the U.K. and many of the problems here for foreigners, they are caused by people trying to be clever and bucking the system.

    You where not stupid enough to break the law like the 2 times admitted by s.a.l .n.

    so do not fit into that catergory.

    Perhaps you should re read my comments and think about the implications and i never catergorised one particular area, 90 days, overstayers ect. but tried to give an example of many actions.

    Some people just don,t get it, go sit in any Immigration office, anywhere and listen and observe, then come back to me.

    It,s because they broke the rules that they do not deserve any sympathy and are now trying to bluff there way out of it.

    Yes i am a British tax payer and i have the same feelings for U.K. citizens that work cash in hand while the rest of us contribute to all the benefits we take for granted and break the law.

    If i where in there shoes yes of course i would try again but look for sympathy for self inflicted problems, come on, let,s be reasonable here.

    I also included people like yourself who i stated as families who need our support and sympathies in my posts and did never say genuine people do not need help.

    I,d like to think that this web site is to help everybody but let,s have some sort of standards.

    Why do you think we get so many priviliges having a British passport, they,ve been earned over the years.

    I am basically referring to S a l n and i do believe that actions like these only help the bad officials to justify there actions in all countries.

    By the way we are discussing U.K. visa,s and not any other country, lets not forget that.

    Again what i put was a general referrence, nothing more, relating to other countries otherwise we could go on for ever trying to justify one countries laws against another.

    The basic rules are to abide by the laws of the country you are in or if you do not be prepared to suffer the consequences, nothing more and nothing less.

    Do you honestly believe that the actions of S a l n will enhance your particular case

    in the U.K.

    Nor do the stupid actions of a minority of foreigners here help us in Thailand.

    My sympathy lies with people like you and i would do my utmost to support you and any other genuine case as i have done many times in my life.

    I am a working class hero and proud of it with no bias to class, colour or creed.

    Stay cool ya all.   

    The system is slanted in our favour, I was given a 90 day visa for Thailand cos I asked for it - didn't have to give them any proof of income then I got to leave and re-enter several times. Can a Thai do the same to the UK? No -Is that because so many Thais have flouted the system - No - certainly they have not flouted the system any more then Brits in Thailand. This is all about Economies and money.

    Do you have any idea how many backpackers overstay in Australia - screeds - what happens when they leave, they get a stamp saying they can't come back for X amount of years - does it affect every other Brit trying to go there - ofcourse it doesn't because we are economic equals! Thaialnd is not at the moment!!

    I ofcourse belong to the category of people that you think don't deserve help as my husband overstayed in the UK. So despite the fact that he has lived apart from me and his son for the last three years  we deserve no help/advice right?

    Well i would like to say if I had been born into a country with not as welcomed a passport as the British one that I would never have flouted immigration laws but well i haven't walked in those shoes have I.

    As for blaiming Thai overstayers as the reason everyone else faces problems - ok so it has notihing to do with the high numbers of older men hooking up with former bar girls who speak very little english and have very little education.

    Yes they may be the minority and most are genuine cases that don't meet that stereotype. But having spent long enough in Thailand to know what I have seen with my own eyes, maybe you should place some blame on the British 70 year old fools trying to get their 25 year old wife to join them rather than just pointing the finger at people like Assa64.

  8. 3-I left UK on my own after the solicitors confirmed I must go back and apply back home.
    Did they confirm this before or after the Home Office told you?

    What I'm trying to learn is;

    Did you, knowing that you were in the UK illegally and working illegally and having met and fallen in love with your now husband, have a change of heart and seek to remedy the situation?


    Having been found out by the Home Office and knowing you risked removal, possibly deportation, persuade an acquaintance to marry you in an attempt to remain in the UK?

    It seems that the ECOs suspect that it is the latter. I have no idea if their suspicions are justified, which is why I asked the question you haven't answered; Did you marry your husband before or after your overstay was discovered?

    Never ever crossed my mind that matters will take such a nasty turn.
    What did you expect? You admit that you knowingly broke the law by remaining in the UK and working illegally. Did you expect that when caught the Home Office would simply say "Never mind, have a visa anyway!"

    Thanks for the last paragraph GU22

    Seen all,learnt nothing, any Non-Thais living or working in Thailand illegally deserve the same fate as this lady if/when caught.

    Surely Seen all learnt nothing when someone, be it in Thailand, U.K or anywhere deliberately breaks the law they deserve to suffer the consequences and are not entitled to sympathy unless there are exceptional circumstances.

    Both this lady and her husband flouted the law knowingly trying to buck the system and i might add not in Thailand but the host country U.K.

    There are far to many genuine people affected by these actions.

    A lot of farang cause us many problems at Thai immigration by doing the same sort of things when the law is the law, full stop.

    How many times do we hear clever foreigners who think they can get out of following the rules when in their own countries they know that they wouldn,t even think of trying it on.

    The same old argument/point " we all try to get away with something " is not true.

    Most of us here and abroad do follow the rules of that country and abide by them in spite of the minority who think different.

    If you want to show sympathy Seen all learnt nothing save it for the genuine people who suffer because of actions like these especially the families who are separated.

    Lets spend our valuable time and knowledge trying to assist these and not others that do not deserve it.

    Perhaps then also we will stand a better chance of bettering the system in the future.

    By the way Seen all learnt nothing, no offence but your pen name suggest you may be linked to the minority, no animosity intended.

  9. Please read:- submitted answers to questions 1) and 2) in reply (21) sorry.

    No disrespect but questions 1) and 2) indicate that you and your hubby are not entirely above board.

    By your own admission you intended to overstay and even though you are on a temp.visa you choose to ignore it.

    You and your partner knowingly flouted the law by you working cash in hand,

    Why did you not get a legal job to enhance your chances instead of cheating the tax paying U.K. residents who do work legally and pay there due,s.

    Even if you where not allowed to work you still broke U.K. laws playing Jack the lad

    It,s people like you that have helped make it difficult for genuine couples to get visa,s

    You and your husband have a cheek and i hope you never get back in.

    You have demonstrated that you do not deserve to live there and we can do without you.

    The price you are paying is self inflicted. I have no sympathy for you.

    If it was known you where working cash in hand you could have been deported, deservedly as well.

    Assa64, you haven't answered my question, but I'll ask a few more,

    Did you enter the UK intending to overstay, or having got here did you chose to overstay, or did you just forget?

    How did you support yourself? Any legal employment would have required a NI number, and to get that you would have needed a valid visa.

    Were you subject to removal, deported or did you decide to leave on your own before being discovered?

    If removed or deported, did you marry your husband before or after your overstay was discovered?

    The only sympathy I have for you is because of the poor advice you were given by your solicitors in 2002; the rest is a mess of your own making.

    If it were not for people like you, genuine applicants would have a far easier time.

    Sincerely I have regretted deeply having overstayed.I have paid,and still paying a high price.Never ever crossed my mind that matters will take such a nasty turn.

    Answers to your questions:

    1-I chose to overstay when I got in UK

    2-I worked in local restaurants,shops for cash in hand.

    3-I left UK on my own after the solicitors confirmed I must go back and apply back home.

  10. No disrespect but questions 1) and 2) indicate that you and your hubby are not entirely above board.

    By your own admission you intended to overstay and even though you are on a temp.visa you choose to ignore it.

    You and your partner knowingly flouted the law by you working cash in hand,

    Why did you not get a legal job to enhance your chances instead of cheating the tax paying U.K. residents who do work legally and pay there due,s.

    Even if you where not allowed to work you still broke U.K. laws playing Jack the lad

    It,s people like you that have helped make it difficult for genuine couples to get visa,s

    You and your husband have a cheek and i hope you never get back in.

    You have demonstrated that you do not deserve to live there and we can do without you.

    The price you are paying is self inflicted. I have no sympathy for you.

    If it was known you where working cash in hand you could have been deported, deservedly as well.

    Assa64, you haven't answered my question, but I'll ask a few more,

    Did you enter the UK intending to overstay, or having got here did you chose to overstay, or did you just forget?

    How did you support yourself? Any legal employment would have required a NI number, and to get that you would have needed a valid visa.

    Were you subject to removal, deported or did you decide to leave on your own before being discovered?

    If removed or deported, did you marry your husband before or after your overstay was discovered?

    The only sympathy I have for you is because of the poor advice you were given by your solicitors in 2002; the rest is a mess of your own making.

    If it were not for people like you, genuine applicants would have a far easier time.

    Sincerely I have regretted deeply having overstayed.I have paid,and still paying a high price.Never ever crossed my mind that matters will take such a nasty turn.

    Answers to your questions:

    1-I chose to overstay when I got in UK

    2-I worked in local restaurants,shops for cash in hand.

    3-I left UK on my own after the solicitors confirmed I must go back and apply back home.

  11. I am told by various Thai,s that the girl of about 19 was attacked by a burglar who got into the property via a window and discovered her in a toilet while ransaking the house.

    Her parents had gone to work earlier as they do everyday, leaving her to go to school later.

    Maybe the scum that did this was local and knew of there routine, and was recognised by the poor girl.

    He killed her ( without going into the graphics which are not good. ) in a horrible way, probably to silence her.

    My daughter also came home from St. Mary,s and said everyone was talking about it after being told by by a sister, ( she was an old pupil before leaving to go to M.1 ) the next day.

    I really feel this and find it very disturbing ( even after being here for years )

    I am happy here and most locals i know are good people, but................

    How very sad this place is sometimes.

    Lets be extra careful out there, please.

    Could anyone local provide further details of this crime which i was told occurred Monday.

    It was a an appalling act and i am concerned of the whereabouts and any further confirmation of what basically happened  ( not to much graphic detail please out of respect for the young girls family. )

    I am now concerned about my family and would recommend we all take extra care with security after this and leaving family unattended, or making it easy to access property that is insecure even when occupied.

    thank you  marshbags

    I live in Udon and hadn't heard anyhting about this, do you have anymore detail?

  12. As many of you know I belong to a bike group in Udon Fun group of people, working Thias so the rides are normally on a Sunday. The good riding weather is right around the corner and I'll being riding more then that for sure.

    Groups seem to add a lot more of a social aspect to the experience, is there anyone out there who might want to hook up with this little group, let me know. The cost is free and no monthly dues, just enjoy good company.

    The rides usually start in other places but many time we met with people elsewhere.

    A lot of the guys take thier girlfriends and wives on the rides, some don't. So there is a social apect for the signficant others well.

    Let me know and I can give you the info. I will try to keep everyone aware of upcoming rides.

    At the moment it looks like we are going to the bike week in Sisaket around the 1st off October. From what I hear that is fun and inexpensive.

    Good Question, Motorcycle The milages very depending on the rides. Last weekend was a tough one about 550 KMS a bit more then my back will handle as a norm around half of that.

    Thanks for the clarification Ray.

    It,s probably confusing due to the English post you,ve sent and the different local dialects rather than anything else. cheers marshbags

  13. Not being sarcastic but is is motor bike or cycle Ray and if cycle what sort of mileages do you do on average please.???? thanks

    As many of you know I belong to a bike group in Udon Fun group of people, working Thias so the rides are normally on a Sunday. The good riding weather is right around the corner and I'll being riding more then that for sure.

    Groups seem to add a lot more of a social aspect to the experience, is there anyone out there who might want to hook up with this little group, let me know. The cost is free and no monthly dues, just enjoy good company.

    The rides usually start in other places but many time we met with people elsewhere.

    A lot of the guys take thier girlfriends and wives on the rides, some don't. So there is a social apect for the signficant others well.

    Let me know and I can give you the info. I will try to keep everyone aware of upcoming rides.

    At the moment it looks like we are going to the bike week in Sisaket around the 1st off October. From what I hear that is fun and inexpensive.

  14. Could anyone local provide further details of this crime which i was told occurred Monday.

    It was a an appalling act and i am concerned of the whereabouts and any further confirmation of what basically happened ( not to much graphic detail please out of respect for the young girls family. )

    I am now concerned about my family and would recommend we all take extra care with security after this and leaving family unattended, or making it easy to access property that is insecure even when occupied.

    thank you marshbags

  15. Hello George

    On yesterdays daytime news it was reported that the youngest son has once again been in afracas in a karioke/disco along with yet another of his police friends threatening someone with a gun.

    A Thai accidently dropped a lighter on the floor in the area below them apologised, went to pick it up and was then manhandled and threatened by the party.

    Has the 2 year ban expired then just as a starter.

    Also i note there is no report in the English language newspapers.

    Is it possible this story is one of the many being censored by certain parties.

    Perhaps you have heard further reports on the situation.

    My wife is visibly distressed by the report and she is Thai, says she cannot understand what,s happening with the double standards when the leader is preaching transparencyand poor thai,s being locked up for minor offences.

    I.E. the nun getting locked up 2 days ago for land grabbing.

  16. Thanks for the info.
    As a further observation the ins. co. where not supposed to take any future insurance from April until they made good and there required obligations where met.
    As of last month, Commercial Insurance had been sued by 3,900 policyholders, who accused it of not paying Bt184.72 million in claims.
    Shiite! I get the idea I have been driving around this country without any effective insurance since April :o

    Trying to contact my broker now without success. :D

    Any recomendations for a good insurance company? We have an AIA agent up the road are they any good?


    Hello bdenner,

    Sorry for the delay in replying, it,s taken me this long to find a good insurer who are named THE VIRIYAH INSURANCE CO. LTD. They come highly recommended and pay up straight away on any legitimate claims.

    They are a bit more expensive but there cover is better and they are good by all reports.

    Unfortunately it is going to cost me plenty, i have to pay 14,255 baht and this takes into account any allowed government deductions from my now non legititmite policy. Apparently you should go to your local government offices related to transport and they supply you with a list of the chosen ins. brokers.

    They all have the same charge related costs on each particular policy so there should not be any difference on this in theory, however you may get some but make sure this time the co. are financially o.k.

    The local broker said that C.Ins. Ltd. should not have issued any new policies starting 7 months ago under restrictions laid down by the commerce ministry until they met new finacial targets. ( which they never did of course. )

    In my case i only renewed 39 days from the winding up order and withdrawal of the licence as per N.wide comment last week.

    He also said that ALL the insurance brokers knew of the order 7 months ago and should not have issued new policies after then for this company until a further announcement from the minister of commerce. ????????????

    Again if you want to complain you have to put a claim in with C.In..Ltd personally in Bangkok but the chances of getting redress are very small, if at all possible.

    In my case it,s cost me 18,275 lost plus the 14,225 baht.

    Also any time i went for a drive i was not insured and it would have cost me big time had i had any accidents which really p***** me off.

    good luck then with your future policies and if i can offer any further information please email.

    cheers marshbags

  17. As a folow up to the comment in the Nation i tried all day to contact my insurance broker but they wouldn,t answer the phone.

    Normally they answer immediately !!!!!

    I also tried to contact the dealers who i bought my pick up from and again got no joy. When i purchased the truck they recommended Commercial insurance.

    As a further observation the ins. co. where not supposed to take any future insurance from April until they made good and there required obligations where met.

    I renewed my insurance on May 26th 2005

    There was also a longer article on the same subject in the Bankok Post

    Today i hope to get a substitute cover but will not drive until i have another valid insurance,hopefully with a reliable co.

    Please do not think you are covered by C.I.Ltd. because if you have an accident you will not have a leg to stand on.

    Ignorance is no excuse as we all know especially in Thailand and the consequences enormous if you drive. Thank you for allowing me to offer my observations and good luck to everyone affected.

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