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Everything posted by starky

  1. Whoa whoa whoa. Hold on there. So are you saying that bored panda and reddit may not be reliable news sources and thier is a chance this whole story is a load of old cobblers?
  2. Damn they have removed the laugh emoji. So here ????????????????????
  3. Just under the collar of course. Don't worry they will find their way home. Good dog.
  4. 1 dog to cover all the illegal sex trade and human trafficking and child sexual abuse? Whos a busy boy then? Deadset who makes up this nonsense?
  5. Fermi paradox, or The Rare Earth Hypothesis are probably closer to the real truth that is allegedly "out there". The allowance for anything to possible in an infinite universe is of course natural but that evolution may have been millions of years ago, millions of years from now, present but too far away or not at all.
  6. Im with you even vaporising is totally unsatisfactory.
  7. You only posted 9 days ago lol. So your opinion of not available in the near term must be terminally short. Actually your whole rebuttal is contradictory its legal/ illegal but your not a lawyer. Bwahahah. Anyhow. Click on the link it will tell you all about the processing and contents in fact it couldn't be more concise. The are not just snus they can be eaten or drunk. The OP discussed a thc product that can be drunk these can be made into a tea. So I wouldn't say not at all,at all lol. It’s snus meets cannabis tea. Your weed comes in pouches, and you have the option of putting a pouch under your lip or using it to make tea. The 0.42 grams of high quality, 16-20% THC-strength cannabis in each pouch has been decarboxylated, which is the ideal prep method to bring out a cannabis’ maximum effectiveness if you are not smoking it. There are no oils or extracts, just pure weed, and thus we recommend activating the THC by adding some virgin coconut oil before consumption.
  8. It's already here https://prikpot.com/product/dip-trip-cannabis-pouches/
  9. Wanna bet? https://prikpot.com/product/dip-trip-cannabis-pouches/
  10. Very very well said.
  11. In my experience very few people "dress" for business class. I'm an offshore ozi too sometimes a couple people bung it on but generally why wouldn't you dress for comfort? I used to love Qantas dressing like a bum and throwing the free pyjamas on as soon as I boarded wearing those the whole trip. Glorious.
  12. We recognise Thailand's generations long ability to play both sides against the middle thus making them able to simultaneously profit from both sides whilst having zero accountability nor indeed any reason to commit to anything. Whats that expression? Weak as <deleted>.
  13. Yes and I am sure it was the souls of Elizabeth and Philip that made them appear. With help from the magic man in the sky.
  14. Like literally a couple weeks ago. They fairly common. Let's not over egg the pudding.
  15. Well some would say you need a rubbish much maligned monarch after a much revered one as when they are removed the new generation will renew its love for the crown. Yet others may say that comparison could be drawn with another country.
  16. The Queen is dead Long live the King.
  17. This could be start of a new trend. Although we have many similar threads on here. Maybe someone could start a What is the absolute minimum I could live to eke out an existence as a destitute expat trying to survive in Thailand.
  18. Totally agree. Who is volunteeeing for a quick dose of the pox to test the effiacy of a vaccine they had 40 years ago. Youd wanna be paid well. Like a couple of Prawits watches at least.
  19. Dammit! Your right. Thank you for reminding me.
  20. They have always been real. Doesnt mean that they are extra terrestrial or piloted by aliens.
  21. Piffle I will continue as the great leader has instructed with my tiffy paracetamol, my fai talah Jone and a poy sian permanently inserted in my left nostril under my face mask and I shall fear no illness.
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