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Everything posted by starky

  1. Yes it would be all about the cannabis and zero to do with.... The drop in the Yaba price from traditional highs started 3 or 4 years ago as meth started flooding out of Shan State and the Golden Triangle, were the cannabis restrictions lifted 3 or 4 years ago? Deadset people talk some rubbish
  2. Exactly except the anti pot brigade in their ignorance believes you get stoned by absorption and that if you sprinkle pot on anything you get smashed not realising that is completely untrue. For it to have any real potency really should be decarboxylated then infused in something oil based for a number of hours or even days. Then added to whatever you will cook with. It's a process and hardly something you just "sneak" into a dish. Throwing a handful of leaves in a soup or a drink or even a cookie will do sweet <deleted> all.
  3. Any proof of people "secretly" putting pot in anything? Or do you think a deflection to avoid responsibility cos some stupid muppet in their family put ganja in a brownie then left it where a child could get to it? Ill go with the latter.
  4. Ganja isn't the glaringly obvious problem in this story. "The parent was told by a relative of her husband that the child had ate the ganja brownie." So family then. Lol. The mother also warned others to take care of their kids. ???????????????? couldn't make this <deleted> up. How about you take CARE of your own child in the first instance pillock?
  5. Happens quite frequently in Thailand like alcohol and tobacco and certain other products starts with M rhymes with panopoly
  6. Everyone also knows doesn't matter which side you pick. Unless you actually get to vote here and then your candidate wins a vote in a free and fair election then at least it's been voted for much like the good ol US of A.
  7. Sure we should teach about everything no history of anyone should be denied and preferably a true and accurate history. I however would argue for simplicity. Regardless of how you identify you either sleep with people of the same sex, the opposite sex or everybody and more power to you whatever you choose to be or identify.
  8. Im hearing ya. My parents divorced a year after i was born '75. Both went their seperate ways. No judgement call here but my old man who i met later in life never gave 1 zak to my mother nor the people that raised me. In Australia that was pretty common back then. So the pendulum has swung way too far the other way but i truly believe both parents should be held responsible for the care and upkeep of children they produce. Some people take bettwr care of their pets than their children.
  9. Wow 2 years your knowledge of hydroponics seems far more advanced than someone only been in the game 2 years. Muat be that big brain.
  10. IQ 140+ britman ? Shhhhh. Dont tell the anti pot brigade as all stoners are brain damaged imbeciles who cant function in life or society. ????
  11. Never intended to get married nor have children. Funnily like most things life got in the way. I dont regret anything marriage is good children are amazing. However i will only marry once. I can see zero point in doing it again. Personally i am amazed by people who marry multiple times. Who clearly do not understand the common denominator in their failed marriages is themselves. I mean i can see both sides of the equation and though its not for me maybe get married twice.
  12. Poetic license not in your repetoire? So alcohol and yaba are not a problem in Thailand. ???????????????? https://www.journal.nu.ac.th/NUJST/article/view/Vol-30-No-3-2022-1-10/1993 Alcohol abuse and dependence are an increasing problem in Thailand and worldwide. In Thailand in 1985, 26% of the adult population drank alcohol and 60% of households had at least one member who drank (Institute of Population and Social Research, 1985). In 1991, 12.4 million people or 31.4% of the population aged over 14 years drank alcohol (Office of National Statistics, 1992). The majority started drinking between the ages of 15 and 19 years. Among emergency room patients of three regional hospitals in Thailand, the overall prevalence rate of alcohol problems, detected by the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), adjusted for age and diagnostic classification, was 39% for males and 8% for females (Lapham et al., 1998).
  13. Buddhist clergy? Meanwhile most of the country knocking back 50 baht bottles of lao khao and 30 baht yaba tablets whilst your precious buddhist clergy buy iphones and rip off the locals ...who the hell are you trying to kid mate?
  14. Aint that the truth? Gamma will be filthy whilst continuing to reply to himself ad nauseum in his own threads.
  15. Yep only white, half chinese, rich supermodels for many on this forum. Everyone else is either ugly/ ladyboy/ not as pretty as the girls i see everyday shopping.
  16. You including gammas posts in that appraisal?
  17. Next! Just pay her ya tight arris . Question is why would you refuse to pay? Your either trolling or clueless.
  18. Not sure who is the bigger wing nut in this story Better yet mate go buy a wing nut then go and buy the box to put it in then ship it overseas for us and let us know how much that all cost you. ????
  19. See thats how you respond in a forum. Simple. Or in your case once ya hit 150 words think ive probably written enough ????
  20. A lot of thai massage is about manipulation. It shouldnt actually hurt but if done correctly isnt always comfortable or pleasant.
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