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Everything posted by starky

  1. Well no not at all. You seem quite upset. If you couldnt care less you wouldnt have commented in the first place. And then to get snarly at me as well. Perhaps you need a bex amd a good lie down. You really shouldnt judge or make assumptions about people of whom you know nothing.
  2. Yeah so what? Its illegal to smoke in public in many places ganga or otherwise. Whats your point? 100000 baht or jail for smoking on the beach for example.
  3. For them it may be. Why does it bother you?
  4. Are you not getting enough attention in your rubbish threads?
  5. Yeah 20000 people in the world and the WHO is declaring it an emergency.
  6. They knew where it was going to end. You think these massive operations like the Dispensary, Prikpot, Bloom et al dont have the support of the government. As i stated before if you dig a little bit you wont be at all surprised how many of these companies have someone with the name na ayuthaya involved. The anti pot brigade on here are tripping if they think this was all done as some mistake which will be wound back. Theres billions involved here. If there is to be any regualtion it will only to be make sure that all the money to be made on the "recreational side" will flow into the pockets of the usual suspects that run everything else.
  7. Mate there like 3 companies sponsoring this thread and this forum you don't have to look far just scroll up. Strainz, Prikpot, Bloom. Need I go on?
  8. Well the majority of the Thai people (including the Thaier than Thai) may be REALLY surprised to know how many of the recreational cannabis commpanies have people named Na Ayuthaya on the books. Not surprisingly if you really stop to think about it.
  9. Plenty to do in Udon despite what the haters my say. KK is bigger but Udon has some curly places that are a little out of the way that are great fun. Won't be posting them here as I would prefer to keep them that way ????
  10. Which is why the OP is pointless never recommend bars. Go out and find what suits you. That's the way it should be done.
  11. Only Udon? Lol
  12. Generally the closest to home ????
  13. You only missed about 4000 ???????????????? but yeah righto .
  14. Eggs zachary. Like coincidentally there was 1000s of pounds of hydro just miraculously waiting to be sold the DAY it became legal. And people lining up around the block to buy it. Strange.
  15. Wow a poll of 2000 people. Like the polls they constantly say what an incredible job the junta and co are doing? Mate your entitled to your opinion but surely not even you put any faith in one poll from the Nation. Its a country of near 80 million i would go so far to say as you have zero knowledge of what "most" of the population would be interested in. Stop extracting the urine.
  16. Yes totally unlike when it was illegal ????????????????????
  17. The anti pot brigade have no interest in discussing the effects of alcohol or tobacco (mostly because that's their drug of choice) anyone with any sense already knows the toll. The anti pot brigade just want to drum up reefer madness tales and discuss things of which they have very little experience.
  18. Hope not. ???????????????????????????? Truth be told but this has nothing to do with any concern for the community or health issues as much as the rabid anti pot mob on here would like to pretend. This is all about, like everything else in Thailand, reigning it in long enough so a monopoly can be constructed to put all the wealth and power in the hands of one or 2 Thai families. They don't like everyone earning. Maybe a couple baht but certainly not the lions share.
  19. To quote some random 80's teenager "well, derrrr!"
  20. Offshore. With zero qualifications and a bit of fitness you could be a roustabout tomorrow. Youll need a few grand in tickets which can all be done in laem chambang or Falck Bangkok but not much else.
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