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Everything posted by starky

  1. Looks like the lounge which has been dying a slow agonising death they are trying to breathe some life into. I never even knew it existed till I read this thread and this thread wouldn't have been read if I hadn't been looking for the pub.
  2. Actually by saying "if you want to go down that road" I'm saying the complete opposite. What's your point. There's chemicals in everything including but not limited to all the food we eat and all the drinks we consume but nowhere near as many as tobacco. What is it you are trying to say?
  3. Cool if you want to go down that road let's look into all your "farm fresh" vegetables, you know like Mosanto and all your GMO gear. Your arguments are getting more and more pathetic. Or I could just run with There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, cigarettes create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are toxic.
  4. How do you know it was spare? How do you know the phone was bought by her? Do you know the price of a basic phone in Thailand? Do you think poor people shouldn't have access to them. Thanks for further proving my point. Zero clue. The <deleted> I did as a kid was outrageous should have got me killed many times over lost a few friends along the way. What were you born 60?
  5. Thank you for your response. And for taking it in the context in which it was presented. If most exchanges on this forum were in this format it would be a nicer place to be. Ironically you were the only person who quoted me that had anything reasonable to say most when straight on the attack. I appreciate your points and agree.
  6. Yeah? Well when I were a lad we rode pushies and trail bikes with zero protective gear we ran in the streets played with bb guns and fireworks played tackle footy on concrete blah blah fixing blah. So what? ????????????????????
  7. No that is of course true but then again you don't have to smoke marijuana do you? Also you might want to look into the harmful chemicals put into tobacco products during their construction compared to smoking a dried plant found exactly as it is in nature. Irony? Perhaps.
  8. My comment would be suggesting why are they not taking a stance against the family run monopolies that deal in the products alcohol/tobacco that are known to kill people in scores and costs billions in healthcare. If you want to compare let's compare apples with apples. The faux outrage does nothing for me and they wouldn't dare speak out against traditional institutions.
  9. No I'm saying where is all the moral outrage over monopoly run family companies that cost society countless deaths and billions in medical care. They wouldn't dare. So it's a weak move on an easy target by some spinless lemmings
  10. Without sounding harsh. We arent speaking of monied people from well educated families that can afford driving lessons and cars for their offspring For the most part we are talking about dirt poor people with a less than rudimentary education that wouldnt get anywhere without the scooter they ride. And truth be told who have very little to live for anyway. Dont project your life onto someone elses its one of the most unpalatable things about these threads. Its a tragedy and could have been avoided by 99% of the posters have zero frame of reference.
  11. Thanks "Doc" now is that a threat to public health or a threat to the individual? Cos as a doc you would be all over what a public health issue is and not just show me one study that says smoking is bad for your health. I could also toss up plenty of studies showing the benefits of cbd, thc terpenoids and other cannanaboids but that isnt a public health issue either.
  12. Label them any way you want like the gender debate it won't change the truth of what they really were biologically .
  13. No that's correct their risk level isn't zero. Your risk level of most things in life isn't zero. However if they are not part of the homosexual community thier current risk level is @ 2%. Covid and the media sure has changed the way people consider whether the sky is falling or not.
  14. Yep and the latest outbreak is clearly what we are talking about. Not saying it's the fault of gay people or that it's some sort of STD but that in THIS outbreak it has been transmitted mostly through the homosexual community AT THIS STAGE. There is that better?
  15. Fun fact over 95% of the people who have caught monkey Pox got it sleeping with other men. https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-health-and-wellness/monkeypox-driven-overwhelmingly-sex-men-major-study-finds-rcna39564
  16. Are they equally concerned of the such ready availability of yaba and ice? Which are simple to get despite their illegality. Are they concerned about the use of alcohol and tobacco products available literally every 5-10 metres nationwide? Can we see the studies relating to recreational use of marijuana as a danger to public health?.
  17. Moka pot on the stove. French press is terrible certainly wouldn't waste hand ground beans on one. Or if you really want to go on with the delonghi machines are a great investment and work beautifully.
  18. It was in all the major papers. Tony Bagnato. He was already in bwang kang, on death row for the torture and murder for a HA in Pattaya and potentially involved in a major ice bust a few years back with a couple of other Aussies he's got plenty of form. https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/sydney-kickboxer-extradited-from-thailand-charged-with-alleged-leichardt-murder-20220723-p5b3yi.html https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2018/12/07/australian-pattaya-criminal-drugs-antonio-bagnato-death-sentence-rearrested-bangkwang-prison/
  19. I just brought a boundless v3 in with me. Apparantely the dry herb only type vapes are not illegal. Regardless never had my bag checked in Thailand EVER so i thought it was probably worth the risk lol...
  20. I remember buying a dry table top vape in the early 90s not exactly new technology. Tbh i didnt find it very satisfying as i love a bong but to say they are really new imo is not true.
  21. Boring but true. Sell some knock off handbags immediate red notice. Brutally kill a policeman whilst on drugs, attempt to conceal the crime do a runner no red notice.
  22. Well the sales will benefit some Thai people. Or would have. ????????????
  23. Someone should tell the forum sponsor Prikpot to take note. 3-5000k baht a kilo not 800 baht a gram ????????????????????
  24. Hi GG how ya doin? So when your nom de plume gets boring do you use this account? Unfortunately you have fallen into the routine with overly long stories, replying to yourself multiple times and rubbish stories.
  25. What theres no airport chaos in Australia? Please. https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/captains-call-airlines-say-they-can-t-get-enough-pilots-20180525-p4zhdz.html https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-advice/flights/australian-airports-brace-for-chaos-as-winter-school-holidays-come-to-an-end/news-story/e18e6d61275eeef3c107216918f48521
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