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Everything posted by starky

  1. Limit sales to people over 20. Not limited sales to people over 20. However sales will be limited to those over 20 years of age. Capiche?
  2. Yes and what about the people like myself who already pay thousands of dollars a year for full international health care for myself and family? I also wnter and exit Thailand monthly so 1800 baht a year for me for a useless "insurance" i wouldnt use anyway. Im not dirty on the 300 baht but i am dirty on it tjos blanket approach where people who may already have insurance are getting rorted for zero reason. Absoulutely no reason why it should apply to every traveller. If the logistics of finding out if people are insured or not is too difficult there should be no levy at all
  3. Not necessarily in that order. Lol
  4. How is vaping more accessible to "the youth" than some rolling papers or a bamboo bong? Maybe an orchy bottle if you want to get fancy (orchy reference for the more mature Australian audience) ????????????????. Note this is not a traditional orchy but from the much later "gatorade" era of Hubbly bubbly smoke machine production.
  5. Don't think so https://bong-party.com/
  6. Nice statement . All they forgot was any semblence of detail. How they plan to achieve this. The when and the how. But these are unimportant as it was in the gazette so it's sure to happen. ????????????
  7. Another great thread Britman. I remember years ago when I was way more invested in my horticulture lol there used to be some excellent cloning gels around that for me at least had a very high success rate.
  8. With that sort of foresight you could get a job with TAT ????????????
  9. If you can't beat them earn off them. Or something like that.
  10. Kratom? Practically EVERYWHERE... kava a little bit harder
  11. If you are going to "play up" your much better off in Udon or Khon Kaen imo. Not much happening in Nong Khai mate.
  12. Face uncovered in public? Neck to ankle covering?
  13. Can we compare vaping deaths to say nicotine use? And whilst on this subject can we compare cannabis vaping to nicotine vaping. Could we also comment on cannabis vaping suddenly grown in "popularity" when vapes are still illegal and cannabis has only become "legal" in the past few weeks...and why does cannabis oil have a much higher level of thc than a cannabis joint whilst a contradictory "news thread" on this same forum says vaping cannabis is easier to moderate due to the different "burning " temperatures of different vapes? Yadda yadda yadda total bs boring reefer madness contradictory rubbish
  14. Yeah a million people every year for decades thats what I said glad you agree with me. Why aren't we talking about that? 40 million is that what you consider a "deflection" Boring me now, enjoy your life. Still don't agree with you. I could talk about especially in the US how covid was pretty much wiping out all the old, morbidly obese, multi co-morbidity people that were just a hair away from death anyway but what would be the point? Here's one for you I don't give a tinkers how many die from covid. How's that? I fear nothing especially death on a long enough time line we all going there and if covid is how I go, so be it. Millions dying every year mate accept it.
  15. Lol back to the US again. So stop quoting global covid deaths. You like global figures so I'm giving them to you. Or you want to change the debate now it doesn't suit your narrative? Actually once covid hits 40 odd million deaths get back to me and we can compare apples and apples.
  16. Cherry picking data? You want to use global figures for covid and US statistics for flu? Lol. More importantly I just don't agree with you. Get over it. As I said HIV killed over 40 million still killing a million a year for decades why aren't you talking about that every day?
  17. Yep agrees with what I said the post I quoted seemed to be alluding to millions still dying from covid. I think vaccines saved plenty and those who are vulnerable or at risk may need to keep jabbing. Me ? I'll let my bodies immune system have a crack. This is Thailand so up to me, right? I'm sick of people beating me over the head with what they perceive I should or should not do. Covid has truly magnified this. The animosity and venom directed towards people, particularly on this forum simply because they don't agree with a persons point of view is often nauseating. It could be many, many years before we have a definitive response as to how "deadly" this particular disease is. HIV killed 40 million still kills well over a million a year, every year for decades I ain't reading about that shizz in the news every day . Why?
  18. Horses for courses mate. Never had a flu vaccine that also kills millions did the right thing had my 2 then had to have my booster due to my profession. Im not a covid denier nor anti vaccine but I am pro choice in regards to what I put in my body and having a vaccine every 4 months seems ridiculous to me. I might be wrong you may think me an idiot but it should be my choice.
  19. Don't think anyone is sticking their heads in the sand if you want to continue getting a booster every few months go right ahead. I am of the opinion if I need one every few months it can't be to effective. I've had 3 that's where I draw the line.
  20. Since the vaccination roll out? Read, comprehend, reply
  21. Want to quote some evidence of the "millions" it's killing since the vaccination roll out? Quite happy to wait....... ..
  22. Turn it up mate. Many refusing to get vaccinated? In Australia? Your kidding one of the highest vaccination rates in the world . 95%of 16 and overs. https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/numbers-statistics 60% of Aussies in high risk groups have had 4 doses.
  23. Unlike the rest of the world who all plan for their retirement ????
  24. "Coming back to burn" "Under fire" what's with all the terrible pun headlines today? Lol. Personally I hope the genie is so far out of the bottle they never get it back in.
  25. Better off just smashing a couple bongs whilst the kettle is boiling I reckon ???? and if worried about getting too high just smoke the teeth and lips ..(leaf and tips) ????
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