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Everything posted by starky

  1. After decarb boil it in milk or cream for 40 minutes ish. Strain add to drinks as required gonna taste a <deleted> load better than butter
  2. Spot on as usual. Also the most important step if ya gonna consume it at full potency.
  3. Hopefully the horse has bolted to far for them to pull it back in again.
  4. Can you not boil milk and cream? Lol seriously though I'm not into all the science of it. If I wanna get ripped there's easier ways. Just offering suggestions.
  5. I might be reading it wrong but it appears she wanted a bowl so she wouldn't be eating out of the take away container. I don't think the delivery container was used JT.
  6. Thats for the full whack for people who like cooking with it. I'm guessing that full cream milk or even cream would be fatty enough to hold some thc which would be more palatable for the tea drinkers.
  7. I know about the bud and oil thing but my Mrs has been drinking mull tea for as long as I have known her. I don't partake as I would rather just punch a bong if I'm having one. She however swears by it basically just a big old handful of leaves and some bud in a teapot and let it sit. It works for her but may just be the placebo effect. She enjoys it so I'm not going to poo poo her vibe. Also being fully aware that THC is fat soluble I'm assuming if you just ate a big handful of buds you wouldn't need any fats for them them to get you high so maybe for the non heavy pothead there is some residual effect maybe?
  8. Is full cream milk not fatty enough? And if it's not tea many people use coconut oil in coffee now. Or keto coffee is full of butter.
  9. Let's get this real clear. A bar serves you on the premises. You sitting on your arris at home should be eating your take away meal in the container provided. Not trying to score free crockery of a <deleted>n business. Who you kidding?
  10. What she hasn't got her own bowl at home....poor thing
  11. Why? It's legal. In that context makes it no different to coriander. People should of course be made aware by the proprietor that the food may or does contain ganga. Outside of that no additional permissions should be required.
  12. So skint that 1900 would break your holiday? Tbh sounds more like most of the posters on here.
  13. I would say for most it's more about the perception.
  14. Be better if we could get a committee on the bong.
  15. Sounds bout right. Making things easier by making them impossible lol.
  16. Hows that second video? ????????????????????????????
  17. 3 or 4 days in Angeles used to pull me up couldn't stay any longer than that.
  18. Nice beaches? Olangapo? Average at best I had a house there for a couple years it's certainly better than Angeles but not by much.
  19. Legend has it that the famous "Mullumbimby madness" was from a strain of Thai buddha that was grown in Australia. It's also the reason Aussies call their pot mull, and love to mull up lol. https://friendlyaussiebuds.com/australian-cannabis-education/mullumbimby-madness/#:~:text=call Mullum Madness.-,Down by Main Arm,Arm%2C just outside of Mullumbimby.
  20. Ok so first off fantastic awesome you are doing well. I doubt many if any would also be receiving such funds Now to play devils advocate...lol. it seems some people are saying it must be a pension. Which to me would indicate solely funds paid by a government paid as a pension. I dont know nor care if your "defined benefit" is that. Secondly and if I was to nit pick that letter is 4 years old lol your principle could have reduced substantially in that time your monthly gross benefit could be one or even two zeros less than that now. It would be unlikely I imagine anyone would accept a 4 year old letter as proof of income for something that has not yet even open for applications yet ????. Seriously though this is Thailand I think anyone over 50 earning an amount at least equal to the qualifying amount such as yourself should have no issue at all. Personally I see almost zero benefit outside possibly fast track privileges at Suvarnabhumi and as such will continue my yearly pilgrimage to Savannakhet. Something to ponder in the few years till I hit 50.
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