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Everything posted by starky

  1. But if I was to go off the very strict rules you mentioned an annuity is not a pension either. If they are going to accept an annuity then I imagine they would accept any self funded or proof of monies over that 1500 USD a week going into a bank account. If it is as you say a "pension" only I can't see anyone qualifying for that. How could they? when by definition a pension is money paid by a state to people with insufficient funds to support themselves in retirement. I know Norway has all that all and gas money funnelled into pension but I doubt it would be 1500 USD a week. I also know in Australia the maximum pension is around a 1000 AUD a fortnight. What you saying makes no sense.
  2. Troll troll troll your boat gently down the stream.
  3. So if your 80k is coming from investments or wages your not eligible? Who gets an 80k US a year pension? Anybody? Is there any country that pays a US 1500 a week pension?
  4. Your replying to a post I wrote nearly 4 weeks ago mate lol. A lot has changed since then. T.I.T
  5. Yes except the people that got the 1 million free plants got industrial hemp whilst the people making all the filthy lucre are selling thc laden bud at ridiculous prices.
  6. I think wealthy pensioner is a little misleading tbh. I'm not far off 50 and I still earn way more than the 80k US a year to qualify. Having said that now the covid madness is over I will resume going to Savannakhet to get my yearly non- o multiple entry from there. Price 5k baht. So basically the same price as the ltr. And before anyone burrs up I actually enjoy going to Mukdahan once a year and the cost for me to do so is negligible. So I can get the same result for the same price still don't have to deal with Thai bureaucracy at all and it appears all I miss out on by doing that is a fast track at Suvarnabhumi. Wow!
  7. Part of the ltr visa was supposed to cover those with dependents but they never elaborated on what conditions those with dependents would need to adhere to.
  8. Inexplicable? The majority of them got sacked.
  9. Yeah but the aud is a junk currency ???????????? The higher US interest rates go, relative to Australian interest rates, the more demand there is for US dollars, and the less demand for Australian dollars and the value of our currency falls. The Aussie dollar is also negatively affected by poor market sentiment, or pessimism about the global economy. And this is being made worse by the prospect of rising global interest rates.
  10. Ain't no peoples prosperity in Thailand mate, where you been? It all flows directly into the pockets of a select few. Much the same the world over tbh...
  11. With all due respect back, I believe I said I don't see why not.
  12. Vietnam was a police action. Lol. Congress authorized troop deployment in Vietnam, but, because it did not issue a declaration of war on North Vietnam or the Viet Cong, the Vietnam War is, technically speaking, not considered a war in the United States.
  13. Thats what I said. And who said anything about the US?
  14. Well as a country that sucks up to China. And as a country that has never taken a side in any war as their only interest is their self interest I don't see why not. Money number 1 always seemed like a bit of a fancy but in this context it just shows Thailand for what it really is, a base nation in the truest sense of the word with no morals, no real values, ignoble and at times apathetic of and incredibly cruel to its own populace.
  15. He was "pimping" Thai girls in Pattaya? Now there is an oxymoron for the ages.
  16. Once he gets back to Patts and back on the juice he'll get the size back. Lol.
  17. Medical good! Recreational bad! Is this the definition of same same but different?
  18. I would also think that also these multi million baht hydro set ups that coincidentally had all thwir stock ready to sell the DAY it was made legal have the full support of somebody important and brown envelopes will cover the rest. I doubt any will be shutting up shop.
  19. However did they manage to grow, a previously illegal, whole new product that generally takes 8-10 weeks in only a few days? Amazing Thailand ????????????????
  20. Wasn't trying to have a crack either funster didn't take it anyway in particular hope you enjoy your weekend as well ????
  21. Which is why I said "flog" and Their version of Thailand Elite. You only have till Christmas next year to use your flight credits as well. It would defamation to say what I really think about this promotion. I didn't think I needed to draw a picture. I have been gold with Thai Airways for many years and the service used to be exemplary not so much now, and with the ever present covid rules flying business is like, well, your almost better off in economy. There are some things I still find quite useful in my ROP membership but it's certainly not for everyone. I've got the airline equivalent of battered wife syndrome I've been with them to long to leave. Lol
  22. Maybe they have managed to flog a few of Thai Airways version of the Thailand elite visa package "Time to Gold" https://milelion.com/2022/05/27/thai-airways-time-to-gold-would-you-spend-s14k-for-2-years-of-star-gold/
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