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Everything posted by starky

  1. As I have stated previously either everything stated here https://www.iata.org/en/youandiata/travelers/health/low-risk-transmission/ Is true or it isn't. If it is wearing a mask on a plane seems superfluous. Cabin air fully replenished every few minutes and hepa filters capable of removing 99.993% of all bacteria/ virus.
  2. Your close but have your airflow backwards. In any case as I stated in another thread either everything iata is saying true or its not. If it is wearing masks is ridiculous
  3. As is your prerogative as a rational thinking human being. And now, at least IMO it seems the worst has passed, should not the same courtesy be extended to people who do not wish to wear one? Believe me if I caught covid I would still isolate, still take all necessary precautions and wear a mask until I put up a negative RAT. I just don't believe at this stage I need to be wearing a mask all the time. Like on a plane for example they have been telling us for a long time that facing forward lessens the risk, that the hepa filters are the best and fresh air is recycled through the cabin every 6 minutes or so and that your chances of getting covid on a plane are actually very slim. Now, and playing devils advocate here if all that is entirely true why do we need to wear masks on planes. Either the above statements are true or they are not. Since the get go there has been a lot of conflicting theories and this continues to be so. https://www.iata.org/en/youandiata/travelers/health/low-risk-transmission/
  4. Agree but no need for a mandate. I also question your need to "correct" me. Yes some have been wearing masks for some years, but certainly not all and certainly not mandated. Mate been living here 20 years and I'm sorry it's just a fallacy to say mask wearing is normal for most people. My belief is people should be able to do as they see fit. Early on things were different we have all been good little girls and boys and worn our masks and got our multiple vaccinations. If you wish to keep wearing a mask forever that is your prerogative I will neither commend nor condemn.
  5. Well obviously cases will increase as you lift restrictions thats the point. Time to move on. We have all had the chance to be triple or quadruple dosed in some cases, so time to move on. Also time to remove ALL mandates everyone has been given the opportunity to do as they see fit. If you want to keep wearing a mask and having a vaccination every 6 or 12 months good luck to you. However the rest of us would like to return to a sense of normality. Wearing a mask isn't normal.
  6. And trumped the Youse with a yeah, nah.....brilliant ???????????? although I prefer the yeah, yeah, nah.
  7. Thats nothing Western Australia alone is 4 times bigger than the lone star state.
  8. To paraphrase the wizard of Oz...fxxk you Mimi and your little dog too.
  9. Did you read the OP? Besides the fact it's vague as,it says "that the little girl ate part of a cookie, believed to contain cannabis, which a relative had bought and kept in the house" no one said the child was given it deliberately or even implied that furthermore the cookie was only "believed" to have cannabis in it. So whoever owned the cookie was too much of a soft cock to own it which is probably what happened or the story is rubbish which is also possible.
  10. Firstly I would ask how is the malaria transmitted by monkey. I would have thought it would be monkey malaria but transmitted through the normal vectors I.e mosquitoes. If from "monkey interactions" question 2 would be how close are people getting to these monkeys? And what is the nature of these interactions? Too much monkey business perhaps? Cant trust the karnts first it was the Pox now they bringing the malaria.
  11. He became confused and his mood changed after smoking cannabis? Who knew? Here we go again how many of these reefer madness stories are we gonna cop on aseannow? And yes, yes for the wowsers it's not great that a 14 year old was 'avin a puff but I can guarantee you many teenagers here were smoking pot long before a couple months ago. As for the baby cookie story that's far more about parental neglect if anything. Here's a tip don't leave any drugs (illicit, prescription or otherwise), chemicals, small toys, anything poisonous or not easily digestible anywhere an infant can reach it.
  12. Make your <deleted>'in minds up is it legal or decriminalised?....couldn't organise a <deleted> up in a brewery these clowns.
  13. What that same decade ago when Australia was in the midst of the largest resources boom its ever seen and had parity, and better, with the US dollar? That decade ago? Do you understand how forex works? Especially when dealing with a currwncy tied to the USD. What do you think fair value is for the AUD vs the baht? Ill give you a hint its waaaay below 30.
  14. Point being you can enter Thailand unvaccinated which was what i was explaining to old mate who cant read. As quoted it could be a PCR test right? And it also says a "professional" ATK test which im assuming means from some sort of medical facility perhaps? Or supervised and witnessed as legit. Not a 5 buck bodgy rat test from your local pharmacy that youve done yourself, and then you rock up and go yeah im sweet, lol. And as this is Thailand who knows what "professional" means.
  15. Maybe read the OP again Properly this time. If unvaccinated you need a proper PCR test prior to travel. Unvaccinated/not fully vaccinated travelers who are randomly checked and who are unable to show proof of a pre-arrival negative test will be required to undergo a professional ATK test at the point of entry.
  16. Yep and it's was such an accurate documentary ???? years before it's time. I was gonna post a clip as well but it can be a bit of an obscure reference. "....but it's got electrolytes"
  17. Well you believe everything she says in relation to bar girls. So much so you started a thread about it. So why not everything else? In a country that has so many temples and a rabid belief in spirits/buddhism/animism and even though at times they can be quite hypocritical about that they are definitely a very religious country, why do you think they stay at temple? The answer isn't that difficult. And may or may not involve getting lottery numbers. It's definitely NOT so their husbands can play away they can do that anyway. So in a country where on most places they still give alms to the monks every morning, where on major holidays and festivals the women will go to the temple and cook where in most parts still the wat is the most important, integral part of any village do you not think, and get ready for this there may be some religious connotations to why some ladies may stay there? Ya think?
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