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Everything posted by starky

  1. I always liked that theory. We have gone from being too smart for our own good to too dumb for out own good imho. See very little worth saving in a population hypnotised by smart phones taking endless photos of themselves whilst watching people eat food on tik tok.
  2. That has got to be one of the ugliest products I've ever seen.
  3. If you have travelled to Thailand frequently you will now your chances of getting stopped and your bag xrayed as virtually zero. I often you used to bring a few bottles with me and have never had a drama. In fact there were times i have sat the clear duty free bag in the top tray of the baggage trolley with multiple bottles in it and never had a drama. If it's only a one off for you I would take the chance you will most likely get them through. If by some rare chance you get xrayed and its an issue be like a Thai and play dumb.
  4. Smuggling or trafficking? Well that would be considered a heinous crime so obviously they should not be considered. Also any position of trust or power certainly not any sort of government office. ????
  5. How is a privately owned business a public area? The public are allowed but management has the right to refuse service to anyone they see fit.
  6. Starting to think she bought nothing. They can't sell tickets to their ridiculously overpriced kick around and in their desperation have employed this tart to flog a few tickets. As I stated before I hope no one goes to this football non- match. Rort!
  7. Legalising means making it legal. So there should be very few boundaries except for those that would be applied to similar products ie. Nicotine and Alcohol.
  8. Should boycott the match so she loses 400 Million. Who believes she gonna sell them for cheaper than she bought them? Karnt.
  9. Reminds me of my friend with no arms or legs who loved to swim. We called him Bob.
  10. Yep and I am not limiting your right to your opinion, for someone who was raised so well and is so intelligent maybe you could extend me the same courtesy.
  11. Yeah right. Never been a huge somtam fan but maybe a couple grams of bud would help the pla ra go down.
  12. Who are you the asean sheriff? I can post however I see fit within forum rules. Further to that I have made zero negative statements beyond that in my opinion I find their product to be expensive. Not negative a statement of fact. Prikpot has no monopoly on this product and if the choose to post in an open thread it is there to be commented on. If they don't want that they could just pay for advertising space. And of course if someone was selling a car on this forum and I knew someone was selling it cheaper I would let the forum know I would expect the same. That's the point to share information that makes things better, easier, cheaper for other forum members.
  13. Many line, Facebook, and other companies also offer home delivery.
  14. Soon you will get the will if you can't afford it don't buy it....go buy cheap bricks, if you don't like this store go elsewhere etc etc. Apparently not allowed to comment on price without being accused of being a cheap Charlie.
  15. Fill ya boots. I can happily vouch for their product.....great name too and they deliver obviously https://bong-party.com/product/m-clear-color-medium-bowl-bong-18-8/ Gotta love a bong party
  16. Uhm cos there are already multiple companies that do this and for cheaper that aren't sponsors of this forum. Get it? If you want to buy the most expensive product because it's pushed on you by the forum instead if doing 5 minutes research go right ahead. But you are right there are a lot of people who may not be "internet savvy" .
  17. Im allowed to comment and when a company that sponsors this forum is telling me I'm in a buyers market im allowed to retort has nothing to do with me being able to afford it. Get off your high horse mate. Im not moaning im pointing out a fact in response to something that was told to me by someone trying to flog something. You want to buy it go right ahead but please refrain from presuming about someone you know nothing about in your self righteous monotone. Maybe you should read the whole thread instead of cherry picking a single comment so you can understand the context in which it was written. But thank you for agreeing with me in the fact that it's definitely not a buyers market which is what I stated and not prikpot. Hoo roo
  18. So you don't know what a buyers market is? That's alright I'll help you.... an economic situation in which goods or shares are plentiful and buyers can keep prices down.
  19. Um not at your ridiculous prices it is definitely not a buyers market. How the hell are you in sales?
  20. Maybe in crappy beer bars out soi bukhao. I been around a while mate and your talking about gogo girls. The ones I know are earners they sure af wouldn't be doing it for 20k a month lol. But then again I crave and chase the grouse not some lazy, 2 bob hooker that can't even be bothered grafting. There's girls who have been making 3000 baht a short time for years now off mug punters don't tell me they making 20k a month when they pull that down in a few days lol. The girls you knock around may be bit different though.
  21. So a decrepit retiree dodging the winter would be considered the "average" tourist to you? ????????????????
  22. Your not far off the mark. How many regular tourists would have a "holiday" that lasts 45 days? Even 30 would be sufficient it would only mostly people trying to game the system who would need a 45 day visa.
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