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Everything posted by starky

  1. Tell me again how normal "tourists" go on 90 day holidays in the same country?
  2. Haven't that just already agreed to do this?
  3. Yes very much highlights the fact that "wars" on drugs are futile. Most if not all drugs should be at the very least decriminalised if not legalised. Take the criminality away and its no different and potentially less harmful than the worst drugs on yhe planet nicotine and alcohol.
  4. Cmon mate. You gotta play to your audience. Thai man no good, I only love man (insert country here), you so hansum. I like fat man no like skinny too much. Young man no good for me old better same you. Oh you so big tilac. Etc etc etc.
  5. Don't know where old mate got his figures but top shelf are making a stack more than 30k a month. That's peanuts. Heaps of girls out there making that just in ladies drinks and that's before the barfining an everything else that comes with it. Not to mention the muppets will be back soon all the major sponsors and minor sponsors sending hookers money from foreign lands so they can book a spot on their return. Then you got your 2 week millionaires paying weeelllll over the odds I could go on and on but I think I've made my point.
  6. Who knew? This is ground breaking research. ????????????
  7. Just say your growing it commercially and you can grow as much as you want.
  8. Doesn't matter how good you are on the land pretty hard to compete with lab grown hydro.
  9. Maybe if you can't verify the accuracy of a story, don't print it. Or at least say those story is total bs but we gonna publish it anyway. Cos there is just not enough threads about ganga on asean now atm.
  10. Who exactly is we? The people at asean now? ????????????
  11. Clearly still not getting it. Anonymous forum mate. Like everyone else. Don't know you, never will, not interested, don't care.
  12. Jeans when I'm cruising the mall or going out for dinner. Chinos? Don't think so, that's a bit too much lol.
  13. No different to any other store. Fill your boots. Zero permits required.
  14. Not to mention the headstart "some" companies got. Was watching a video the other day from a company in Bangkok now selling bud they gave a tour of their "factory" which was of course a massive commercial hydro set up . Now not exactly sure when all was made legal but it's, as you know 8-10 weeks lead time to produce anything of quality yet these people had buds in volume ready to go on the first day of opening. Curious methinks.
  15. Not to mention the headstart "some" companies got. Was watching a video the other day from a company in Bangkok now selling bud they gave a tour of their "factory" which was of course a massive commercial hydro set up . Now not exactly sure when all was made legal but it's, as you know 8-10 weeks lead time to produce anything of quality yet these people had buds in volume ready to go on the first day of opening. Curious methinks.
  16. Ah hot knifing such sweet memories...
  17. Also grew up in housos mate my mum and dad both bailed left me with my grandparents at quite a young age. 4 of us living in a 1 bedroom council flat..also quite successful in my own right also live in Thailand so fxxxn what? We all have our trials and tribulations and successes in life It's not that you were a big deal or not. It's the fact you feel the need to state it. It's low key bragging. Just be happy mate. Your going on about how simple and humble you are then follow it up with the laundry list of how great you are. Anyone who was truly humble would have read my comment and had a giggle as was intended. Like realistically do you not see the irony? Who actually says "yeah well I used to be a big deal" ???????????????????????? does your apartment smell of rich mahogany by any chance?
  18. All sounded fantastic until you went all...."I used to be a big deal" ???????????????????? jesus wept.
  19. Well we don't know if either of these things are true and it's most likely neither so let's not put the cart before the horse eh? Never heard or seen reported any mass poisonings due to cannabis in my lifetime. This... "dizziness and nausea after consuming food or drinks thought to contain cannabis." Is a pretty baseless statement lacking any real proof. Food or drinks? Thought? Don't believe a word of it.
  20. Who wants to live to be 100? Well the guy that just turned 99 for one.
  21. You can't do it, you can do it. You can't do it, you can do it with a permit. Why the f would you sell cannabis to minors and I don't know enough about it but potentially women who are breastfeeding? Pregnant is a separate issue as if she is only a few weeks or not showing how would you know. I always say it's the hub of flip flops but after so many years the comedic value is starting to wear thin. Now it's just pathetic.
  22. And the scaremongering begins.... Hopefully there are no "announcements" over this terrifying incident in regards to the new laws.????????
  23. Do you think teens were not using it before it became legal? And do you believe it will increase the chronic use amongst teens now it is legal? I think recreational use may increase due to the novelty of legalisation but I doubt it will turn people on to drugs that weren't interested in them in the first place.
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